Hero of Darkness

Chapter 743 The Hunting Dogs

Chapter 743 The Hunting Dogs

As more weeks pa.s.sed and the Misthios guild was becoming a publicly recognized powerhouse in Alfheim, Kahn"s plans to quickly establish themselves and make a good standing in the Zivot Empire were finally realized.

With Sedaris and Ran.o.bes dead… LNP guild was now an empty husk. With internal infighting within the guild for the leader"s position… many people tried to annex the guild and even forcefully took over their territories and clientele.

All because their leaders created trouble for the guild led by the Ironborn Elf, the establishment that existed for 3 decades was now destroyed completely.

Now, even the 12 Valkyries had no choice but to adapt to the situation and hand over their t.i.tle as the number one mercenary guild to Misthios. What they achieved in 5 years was accomplished by Legolas Ragnarsson aka Kahn Salvatore in just 6 months with his cunning planning, experience as a businessman and exploiting the weaknesses of his compet.i.tors.

However, this was his limit. Because monopolizing the trade and taking away the food from other people"s plates furthermore would create unnecessary threats and enemies. Who knew if suddenly, another force came from outside of Alfheim or from the capital Eletnall and started targeting them because he p.i.s.sed off the wrong people?

One should always leave a leeway for the opponent. Otherwise, even an injured dog wouldn"t hesitate to fight against a tiger when pushed to the edge.


The next day, thousands of kilometers away…




One after another, 12 cloaked figures varying in sizes and species suddenly appeared in a desolate mountain range filled with dilapidated constructs and ruins of an ancient civilization.

Every single one of them was a Saint of different cla.s.ses and even the weakest among them was a 6th stage saint. And the place all these powerful individuals appeared at was…

No Man"s Land.

One of the saints who was 4 meters tall and had two brown horns coming out of his hood while having his entire body covered in a gray cloak, slowly descended towards a dark cave entrance.

This cave was the very spot Kahn had stayed in for over 10 days after running away from the Vulcan empire.

He stretched out his gray-skinned hand with long black nails and soon, a ripple of blue pulsating magic formation spread across the cave.

He opened his eyes which had yellow iris in them and flew back towards his allies in the sky.

"No wonder we didn"t find him in those empires till now. The Hero of Darkness was hiding here quite some time ago." spoke this tall being who seemed to be a 7th stage saint based on his aura.

"So he used those two 7 stage saints to create a decoy, so we"d follow them and meanwhile, he came back here. If we had known it before… we would"ve found him long ago.

This new Hero is indeed crafty." said a female in a blue cloak who had gills on her neck and l.u.s.trous skin with fish scales on her arms.

"Yes. But there is no more trail left.

Just as I suspected… he has unlocked the Dimensional Law and even received enlightenment in it.

Given the way he chose to travel using True Dimension… I"m confident that he has received at least 2 enlightenments in s.p.a.ce Law." spoke this figure who investigated the cave.

This 7th stage saint was a being from the Erdve empire… the one which served the G.o.d of s.p.a.ce.

"Then it leaves us with only two possibilities.

He is either hiding in Rakos Empire or the Zivot Empire." said a being under a yellow cloak who was very thin in stature and had a voice that of an old aged man.

"Can"t you track back time and see where he went from here?" asked the female from the Tenger empire which served the G.o.d of Sea.

"Not possible. My time tracking skills can"t track someone if they left that place more than 2 months ago.

If we had come here sooner, he would already be in our custody." replied this individual who had wrinkled skin and the aura of a 6th stage saint.

"Then where should we go?

Rakos Empire… they"re very hostile to us.

Even though they don"t have an 8th stage emperor now… the empire still has many arrangements made by the previous imperial family as well as magic formations to detect and kill us.

Not only that… If we go there, it will be a declaration of war.

No diplomatic approach would solve the misunderstanding and both Vulcan and Zivot empire would be the ones to bear the brunt of an open war.

If we are the root cause of this incident… none of us will be able to bear the consequences despite our previous agreements.

There"s a limit on what we can do." spoke a being in a dark red cloak whose body was constantly emitting small waves of fire.

This individual was none other than the Fireborne prince who faked his death to avenge the 7th Heroine of Fire after the 8th Hero of Darkness killed her 300 years ago.

"Yes, our authority does not reach there and we will be attacked. Even staying in No Man"s Land for too long is risky enough to cause an international dispute.

Our time is limited here." spoke the 4 meter tall saint from the empire of s.p.a.ce.

"So I guess it leaves only one choice.

We must leave for the Elven Empire." another 3 meter tall saint who was also a 7th stage saint, cloaked in brown clothes spoke with a grim voice.

Just then, one of the saints donning a green cloak decided to speak up as he took off his hood.

Long ears, golden hair and bright white skin.

This individual revealed himself to be a High Elf.

n.o.body here knew his origin other than the fact that he belonged to the Elven Emperor cla.s.s from the imperial clan of the Zivot Empire.

"I will relay the message to his majesty.

That we will conduct our search in my home empire first. If we do not find him there within a year, then we will have no choice but to infiltrate the Rakos Empire despite the risks." he spoke with a rea.s.suring voice.

"You"re right. Entering the Rakos Empire should be our last choice." spoke the saint who had perfectly hidden his appearance in a brown cloak.

Just then, the fireborne prince spoke again.

"The new Hero of Darkness… we have to find him at any cost. Otherwise, he will create a great imbalance with his 2 Divine Keys when the time comes."

In truth, all of these people had a secret mission other than capturing Kahn.

To find and get his core for themselves and their respective empire.

This whole Revenge team setup had hidden intentions as well. In truth, everyone was as divided as they could be while maintaining the facade of unity under a common cause of hunting the new Hero of Darkness.

But little did they know… that their next destination was exactly the place where their prey was hiding.

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