Heroes Prison

Chapter 10

T/L Notes: It’s Friday night now and I want to surprise my readers with this chapter! No more cliffs!


At this moment, in Second World, over 200 ma.s.ses of land, there was an alarm that sounded out in every corner, and few billions on people heard the announcement!

It didn"t matter if the players were farming the mobs for levelling up, travelling players for the sceneries, or players who were waiting to revive in the darkness. It didn"t matter if they were in China, USA or places there were billions of miles away, everyone heard the announcement!

Before this world record, the highest level of monster that a player killed was Level 157, but now, a level 250 was taken down and this broke the world record!

The whole world was shaken!

Very quickly, this news was spread from Second World to the real world!

The media from each country used their fastest speed to come up with news to be spread across the internet, newspaper, television, radio stations or other channels. "Miao Sha" name was like a tornado that tore through the world!

At this moment, at a certain corner of the sea regions, there was a small boat floating with 2 people in it.

"7th brother, what can we do later? We are not sure if the bird has accomplished its mission. We have waited for 3 days, and we did not see the bird again," the person who spoke was a teenager about 15 or 16 years old. His face was quite young and innocent, but his tanned skin and long hands could indicate that this youngster was an experienced sailor.

The person that was called "7th brother", was a 20 years old man. He was tall and lean, wearing a black sweater and he had sharp features with pure white skin. His current expression was gentle like a rich man"s son. He was currently slowly adjusting an antique radio in his hand, and a "zizizi" electric current sound could be heard.

Suddenly, the radio emitted an announcement," Dear listeners, we are now interrupting to give you a news from Second World. Just now, a China Player "Miao Sha" has successfully killed a Level 250 monster, Nine Headed Snake, Shi Lei. This had broken the world record held by a j.a.panese players "Tiao Dao" (also means the Way of Heaven in Chinese) who had killed a Level 157 monster…"

After listening to this, the man smiled, and relaxingly spoke," Let"s go home!"

With regards to the outside world, Huang Yi was not aware of what had happened. In his ears, he heard three announcements:

(System Announcement): Congratulations of killing the Nine Headed Snake, Shi Lin, and completed the rare quest to get the rare cla.s.s and rare race! The quest completion is at 100%, and after you had logged in again, you will have a random chance to choose your race and cla.s.s.

(System Announcement): Congratulations! You have obtained the ONLY achievement - "Beyond 200". ONLY achievement +1, the rate of gaining experience +5%. "Beyond 200": Kill a monster that is 200 levels about your current level.

(System Announcement): Congratulations! You have obtained a SPECIAL achievement - "Shaking the World", SPECIAL achievement +1, the rate of gaining reputation +5%. "Shaking the World": When your name appears in the system, it will be announced to the world.

One ONLY achievement and one SPECIAL achievement! These 2 rewards were too rewarding!

Achievement could be cla.s.sified into 3 levels:

Normal did not have much difficulty and everyone could achieve it.

SPECIAL required one to fulfil a certain challenging condition then you could achieve it. A lot of players could never even accomplish a single SPECIAL achievement in their lifetime. For example, "Shaking the World" achievement required the player to be on the world announcement. There were at least 1 billion players in Second World, but those who could be on world announcement were too little to count.

ONLY achievement was even harder to attain. It required the first player to have completed a certain objective to obtain it! And it was the only one, after a player got it, there would not be any players who would get it again. It also meant that any players who tried to kill another monster who was 200 Levels about himself, they could also never get the ONLY achievement "Beyond 200".

Therefore, the rewards for SPECIAL and ONLY achievement were extremely attractive as they could increase your stats based on the difficulty. Currently Huang Yi had both achievement, which could increase his experience and reputation +5%. This was a permanent increase, and this was beneficial.

Huang Yi had completed the rare quest! And he had killed a Level 250 super boss. This was based on the ability if one could find the key to the quest. If you missed it, the chances of a player killing a monster about your level would be impossible since the gap in stats was too wide.

To Huang Yi, the most important point was that he could meet the legendary CEO of ERA Company, Mr Huang Sa! If he was willing to speak to the Federation, even if it was a sentence, he would obtain freedom!

And then that time, he would break another world record, the only convict to be released from Rose Prison!

Huang Yi picked up the 2 green pearls on the ground and then retrieved the remaining 8 pearls that were outside the door, and he currently had 18 eyeb.a.l.l.s!

(System Announcement): Congratulations! You have obtained "Nine Headed Snake, Shi Lei Eyes"

"Nine Head Snake, Shi Lei Eyes" (S Level, Functional Treasure)

Required Level: 10

It contained the powers of Tears of Time. If one consumes it, the player will obtain the abilities of "Tears of Time", and at certain conditions, he or she could look at the past or present. However, this ability could not be used to predict the player"s action.

This ability was weird as looking into the past or present seemed like a "broken" skill (T/L: meaning imbalance ability), and it seemed too sci-fi.

But Huang Yi gave a deeper thought and understood why. This was a virtual reality and a lot of matters were decided by the system. Most players could not see the results by the game system but the Tears of Time could see it. For example, if an NPC attempted to attack him 5 seconds later, since this was a command by the game system, the Tears of Time could predict it. Similarly, if a player died, since the game system decided if the player could reincarnate or resurrect, the Tears of Time could predict that too. (T/L: Reincarnate means to start the game in a random new place and your level starts at Level 1. Resurrect means you lose a level and you get to start at a certain fixed location)

Tears of Time was not able to predict a player"s action. That was why Shi Lin was not able to foresee that Huang Yi wanted to kill himself.

"Miao Sha!" At this moment, Huang Yi was woke by an elderly voice which seemed like centuries old.

Huang Yi looked in that direction.

He saw that there was a round circle appearing in the air, and then a white hair and white bearded elderly man appeared in his white robe came into view. With his white eyes, he used his white staff and slowly one step at a time walked to Huang Yi.

"Who are you?" Huang Yi vigilantly stared at him, and immediately kept the 18 pearls in his storage ring.

"I am the chief warden of Heroes Prison," the elderly man replied and smiled at him. His old wrinkled face looked like the bark of an ancient tree," I have watched your performance these few days. It was not too bad."

"Is it? Thank you for the compliment," Huang Yi spoke confidently, with alertness in his heart. He was unable to believe anyone now, as Lao Si also claimed he was the chief warden, and this strange old man also said the same words. He could not but feel suspicious.

The elderly man looked at the surroundings of Heroes Prison, and started to recall," That year, the Death G.o.d invited me to take charge of this prison. After so many years, I was unable to locate the whereabouts of the Death G.o.d, and I have aged. I have no time to manage this prison, and even allow Shi Lin to escape. Since you can kill it, it means you have some capabilities. Therefore, I will hand over the Heroes Prison to you! In times of need, you can utilize it in front of the humans, and let the world know that the Death G.o.d Shrine still exist!"

After saying that, the elderly man waved his hand, and a frayed edged dusty book suddenly flew out and landed in front of Huang Yi"s legs.

"The Death G.o.d Shrine had been forgotten and such a well-known Heroes Prison had to land up in some unknown human"s hands! So saddening! So pathetic!" the elderly man shook his head and smiled. He turned his body and walked towards where he came from and he slowly faded away as though he never existed before.

Upon seeing that the elderly man had disappeared into thin air, and from his tone, it was not hard to guess that he was the chief warden now.

He lowered his head and glanced at the book.

This was a thick book and the book cover seemed worn off, and even looked tattered and shabby.

Huang Yi picked up the book.

(System Announcement): Congratulations! You have obtained the "Book of Heroes"

"Book of Heroes" (Special Item)

It recorded the current situation of the Heroes Prison, and using this book, he could summon the entrance of Heroes Prison, and enter from there.

Huang Yi weighed the book in his hands, this book was not too heavy, but his heart did. Because behind the background of this book, this was a prison that even the G.o.ds fear. This was definitely one of the strongest area in Second World, even the Arch Mage was locked up here and he was No. 11.

How about those in the top 10 convicts? Who were they?

Then how about the No. 1 convict? Who was he?

Now, this amazing prison was under his management!

He was currently in charge of the countless heroes, demon beasts, and even the greatest G.o.d!

T/L Note: I hope you all will support my translations and support me with your donations! Thank you!

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