Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband

Chapter 372 Could You Do Me A Favor?

Chapter 372 Could You Do Me A Favor?

Xia Ning comfortably rolls over and naturally puts her hands forwards. Then, she finds the other part of the bed empty.


Xia Ning feels shocked. She opens her eyes at once. She doesn’t see Yi Yunrui sleeping there!

The sky is getting bright outside the window. Xia Ning glances at the clock. It is half-past six.

Where is her husband?

She wants to call him when she hears some weak sounds from the kitchen. She feels sweet. Seemingly, her lovely husband is making breakfast.

Xia Ning gets off the bed and walks to the kitchen.

“Make careful plans. Get ready to collect the net anytime. None of them are supposed to get away…”

Vaguely, she hears Yi Yunrui’s voice. When she gets to the kitchen, she sees Yi Yunrui putting his phone aside.

Something is boiling on the stove. It smells good and attracts her appet.i.te. Her tall husband is standing with his back to her. He is cooking delicious food. Xia Ning feels her heart filled with happiness. Her lovely husband is cooking something she likes for breakfast.

She smells the flavor.

“Darling, morning.”

Xia Ning gently greets. Yi Yunrui turns to look at her in surprise, “It is still early. Why don’t you sleep for another while?”

“No. I have been on holiday for over two weeks and have had enough sleep. I will turn to be a pig if I go on sleeping.” Xia Ning rubs her eyes and goes to the running water. She wants to get some water to wash her face.

“Wait,” Yi Yunrui says. He turns to take a basin in which there are warm water and a facecloth. He wrings the facecloth and draws Xia Ning to him. He carefully wipes her face, “You are going to work after eight. There are still two hours to go. You seriously don’t take more sleep?”

“Yes. There are still two hours to go. Why don’t you have more sleep?” Xia Ning naughtily takes over the facecloth. She wipes Yi Yunrui’s face, “Look, you get yourself covered with the odor of cooking oil. Kitchens are the battlefields of women. But, seemingly, Commander Yi wants to have a long-term battle here.”

Yi Yunrui gently smiles, “Now, your husband is a jobless man. My wife becomes the bread earner. If I am not diligent, I am afraid that I may be kicked out of my home.”

“Ha. Darling, you are only on holiday. How can you become a jobless man? In addition, which wife doesn’t want her husband to accompany her every day. It can be a good thing that you don’t go to work.”

“At that time, you will feel bored with me.” Yi Yunrui touches her nose. He turns around to open the lid of the pot, “porridge with three parts of a pig and preserved egg, your most favorite style of porridge with four ingredients. Taste it and tell me whether it is done perfectly.”

Xia Ning goes closer to smell it, “I don’t need to taste it to tell that it is very delicious. I haven’t brushed my teeth. I will eat later.”

“OK. I went to buy some Chencun rice noodles just now. I am going to fry it with beef. What do you like to have for lunch? I will send it to your company after I get it ready.”

Xia Ning blinks her eyes, “You are going to send the lunch to me in person? That’s a waste of your great talent! I may come home for lunch. Anyway, I have got a two-hour break.”

“It is quite distant from your company to our home. It will take you half an hour on the way. I send it to you. You can have a nap after lunch. I will go to pick you up after work. Do you like to go to the market with me to buy the food for dinner?”

“Yes. That’s a good idea!” The husband gives suggestions, and the wife agrees with him. They are leading a harmonious life. The most normal life usually turns out to be the happiest one.

Four years ago, she didn’t dare to imagine something like this. At that time, what she thought was how to serve that man. She had never imagined that she could be spoiled by the man she loved so sincerely.

To get married to Yi Yunrui is really a great blessing for her. She must have done good in the last three, no, ten lives to earn this happiness.

Xia Ning is was.h.i.+ng up in the bathroom while Yi Yunrui is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. The wife and the husband are sweet and tender to each other. Soon, more than an hour has pa.s.sed. Xia Ning notices that it is past eight already. She takes a mouthful of rice noodles and says when she chews, “It is time to work. I need to get to my office earlier today.”

Yi Yunrui takes a piece of tissue to wipe her mouth for her. “There is still half an hour to go. Don’t worry. Be careful that you may get choked. Come on. Drink some water.”

Five minutes later, Yi Yunrui drives in person to send Xia Ning to her company. When she arrives, it is right at half-past eight.

“Sister Xia, I am really happy to meet you again!”

She has just entered the office when Gu Ruoruo comes to give her a bearhug. It seems that she even wants to kiss Xia Ning.

“You are so happy! I was not seriously injured. It is enough for me to have a two-week holiday.” Xia Ning smiles to pinch Gu Ruoruo’s cheek.

Gu Ruoruo sticks her tongue out. “I wanted to go to see you. But Yunyi stopped me. He said that Commander Yi would take good care of you, and I didn’t need to worry about you. Or, I would disturb the sweet life of Commander Yi and you.” Gu Ruoruo smiles meaningfully.

Xia Ning remembers Yi Yunrui’s considerate care in the past two weeks. She feels sweet. “You are really kind. Thank you. I was absent for two weeks. You must be very busy.”

“Chief Editor Leng helped me. And my brother also dealt with some things. Generally speaking, I was not very busy.”

Is Gu Luan well enough to work? Xia Ning asks, “How is Director Gu? He can work now?”

Gu Ruoruo purses her lips, saying, “I surely didn’t want him to worry. But he simply couldn’t be unworried. He was crazy about working. Anyway, let him go. After all, the doctor said that it was OK as far as he took some rest.

Xia Ning nods and goes back to her office.

Her office is clean and tidy. Seemingly, Gu Ruoruo carefully took care of it.

After Xia Ning sits down, Gu Ruoruo sends her the coffee at once. Xia Ning drinks the tasty coffee. She finds that Gu Ruoruo is smiling as brightly as the peach flowers. Seemingly, Gu Ruoruo is very happy in the relations.h.i.+p recently.

“When are you going to marry my elder brother?” Xia Ning asks directly.

Gu Ruoruo blushes. She responds shyly, “He said it would be at next month. But I am afraid that it will be too soon since we haven’t made any preparation.”

Next month? Well. Her elder brother seems to be tired of waiting.

“I got married to Rui when I had only known him for three days at that time. You have got along with my elder brother for quite some time. It is not very soon. Ruoruo, I am not partial to my family. Seriously, my elder brother is a good man. You should take the chance.”

Gu Ruoruo strokes her hair. She smiles shyly. “Hum. I know that Uncle Yunyi is a good man. However, when talking about marriage, I am not ready yet. I am afraid that I may not do it well…”

“That’s silly,” Xia Ning teases, “My elder brother loves you so much. He won’t mind about anything. To be honest, I am bad at cooking. It is always Yunrui cooking. Men from Yi Villa are all kind to their wives. Ruoruo, don’t worry.”

Gu Ruoruo’s eyes brighten. She feels surprised. “It is Commander Yi cooking? Aren’t you kidding? I thought that people were talking nonsense.”

“Ahem. Well…Ha. Ha. It is OK for you to know it. I normally don’t tell other people.” Though Yi Yunrui doesn’t care about that people call him a househusband, Xia Ning does. He is such a good man. He deserves to be cherished by his wife as a precious. She needs to improve herself in this aspect.

At the time, Xia Ning’s office phone rings. It is Leng Weiwei.

“Ning, come to my office later.”

It is in the Waiting for You coffee shop.

Zhou Mengyao takes a sip of the latte. She tastes it for quite a while, and then puts down the cup and looks at the man sitting in front of her.

“How time flies. It seems that I just knew your father yesterday, while now his son has grown up like this,” Zhou Mengyao says meaningfully.

Time pushes people to get old.

“Aunt Zhou doesn’t look old. Time doesn’t leave any traces on your face,” Yi Yunrui says indifferently.

It is the first time for him to come here. The coffee here is delicious. No wonder Ning highly admires it.

Zhou Mengyao smiles, “The world is fair to everyone. When it opens one door for you, it must close another one for you at the same time. The biggest regret of my life is that I couldn’t marry your father. But the happiest thing is that I met Junhao. Though he couldn’t stay with me all my life, the sweet memories with him are enough for me to spend the rest of my life.

Yi Yunrui hesitates. Aunt Zhou’s words sound … a little strange.

“Rui, this time, I accept your father’s invitation to come back. I may bring some influences to Yi Villa. I hope you can understand.”

“Aunt Zhou, have you met my two elder brothers?”

Zhou Mengyao nods. “Yes. This case doesn’t seem honorable. I need to talk with you three first. However, don’t worry. I got along well with your father. But we both have our families. We will keep the relation properly.”

Yi Yunrui nods. “I trust my father. So, I trust Aunt Zhou.”

Zhou Mengyao’s eyes gleam with admiration. “Men from Yi Villa are all talents out of talents. To be honest, sometimes, I really envy Zheng Yao. She raises such excellent sons and has such a happy family.” While she is alone with her own.

Yi Yunrui looks at Zhou Mengyao quietly and doesn’t respond.

Zhou Mengyao gives a sigh and sips the coffee. Then, as if she has made up her mind, she seriously says to Yi Yunrui, “Rui, I asked you to come out because I have another thing to ask you. It is about Ning.”

Hearing the word Ning, Yi Yunrui freezes his face. “Aunt Zhou, you may speak.”

“I like Ning since I met her. I have met her several times. I felt as if I saw myself at a young age. I feel that she is like my family. So… I want her to be my nominal daughter.”

Yi Yunrui thinks for a while and asks, “That is all?”

Zhou Mengyao admires Yi Yunrui’s being alert, “Of course not. To be honest, if Ning agrees, it will become a burden to her. Ha. Ha. I thought very carefully for a long time. All over the world, only Ning can be the one.”

Then, Zhou Mengyao takes out a file and pa.s.ses it to Yi Yunrui. “Rui, this is my current condition.”

Yi Yunrui takes it over. He opens it. Then, his calm face looks a little shocked and surprised. After a while, he closes the file and says in pity, “Aunt, I am sorry. I didn’t know…”

“That’s OK.” Zhou Mengyao waves her hand to interrupt. She takes a deep breath and smiles, “Actually, it is not so bad for me. Every human being needs to face it sooner or later. However, Junhao Group is Junhao’s work of success. I can’t leave it to be destroyed. Rui, please don’t regard me as a selfish woman. This issue, I hope you can understand and help me. I am begging for your favor.”

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