Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband

Chapter 382 Marry Him?

Chapter 382 Marry Him?

Leng Weiwei loosens her tension, “How?”

Yi Yuntian purses his lips and looks jealous, “At least you won’t kick Feng Le away. It is unfair.”

“Do you want to tell me or not? If not, you may leave now!” She wonders why the man is so vacillating.

Yi Yuntian thinks for a while and then laughs. “Ha. It seems it is same about him. OK. I find back my psychological balance now.”

Then, Yi Yuntian pa.s.ses a piece of note to Leng Weiwei, “This is Feng Le’s phone number. If you call him now, you may be able to get through. But I am not sure if you can later. The Red Eagle special forces is mysterious in their whereabouts. It took me a lot of efforts to get his number. You have a few minutes to think about what you can say to him later.”

Leng Weiwei takes over the number. It is right that she misses Feng Le. But she is clear about her feelings to him. It is only about being sorry and guilty and a little worried between friends. In an instant, she really doesn’t know what she is going to say to him.

Yi Yuntian is aware of Leng Weiwei’s confusion. He goes closer to her and whispers, “I may give you some advice. You can tell him that you agree with his request. Or, you may directly tell him that you want to marry him. I think he will come back at once.”


Leng Weiwei feels her heart tremble all of a sudden!

“It is because of you that he joined in the special forces. It is also because of you that he agreed to support in the Middle East. You can tell him that you have been missing him very much after he left, and that you hope he can come back. If it is possible, you may be able to meet him tomorrow and he doesn’t need to go a long way to the Middle East, where he may lose his life.”

Leng Weiwei thinks for a while. “I can’t lie to him. Marriage is a serious issue. To get married unwillingly is irresponsible to him.”

Hearing this, Yi Yuntian’s eyes gleam meaningfully. But he returns back to normal at once. “What if that boy dies? Won’t you feel sad for him?”

Leng Weiwei grits her teeth. She takes out her phone and dials the number Yi Yuntian gives her. It gets through soon.


It gets through but the speaker at the other end says a series of figures.

Leng Weiwei knows that it is a secret number. It is truly Feng Le’s voice.

“Feng Le, this is Leng Weiwei.” She doesn’t know what the secret number is, but she really admires Yi Yuntian’s capability.

The speaker at the other end hesitates for quite a while. Feng Le asks in surprise, “Weiwei? How…how do you know this phone number?”

“Since you can’t hold the call for long, I may make it short.” Leng Weiwei bites her lower lip and takes a deep breath. “Feng Le, listen carefully. No matter what you do, I am not going to be with you. So, don’t take the trouble in vain. Come back.”

Hearing this, Yi Yuntian lifts his eyebrows.

Then, Feng Le is silent for a while.

“I see.”

He says in a very low voice. Leng Weiwei feels her heart tightened. “You see. Then, why don’t you come back? You don’t need to risk your life!”

“Weiwei, thank you for calling tonight.” It sounds that Feng Le is a little upset, “I know what I am doing. I am glad … to know your opinion. To protect their home and their nation is the bounden duty of army men. Now, I have nothing to worry about. Weiwei, please promise me. If anything happens to me, send me a bunch of your favorite flowers to my tomb on Qingming Festival every year, so that I will know that you are safe.”

Not expecting that Feng Le will say something like this, Leng Weiwei feels very surprised. She suddenly turns very angry. “Feng Le, what’s wrong with you? Why do you joke about your life? Can you be rational? Listen to me. If you die, I will never send you any flower. I will be mad at you all my life!”

Feng Le gently laughs. “It will be good if you are mad at me. At least, you will remember me this way. Weiwei, I should hang up. I hope you happy every day.”

Not waiting for Leng Weiwei to respond, Feng Le has hung up the phone.

Leng Weiwei feels shocked. She dials again at once, but only to hear the reminder “The number you dialed does not exist”.

A disposable number…

“Fool!” Leng Weiwei angrily throws her phone onto the sofa. She feels very helpless in her heart.

Yi Yuntian puts on a bigger smile, “Feng Le is able to drive you crazy. He has got some talents.”

“Yi Yuntian, don’t be mean. If you are really capable, go and bring Feng Le back for me!”

Yi Yuntian c.o.c.ks his head confusedly, “What do you want him to be here for?”

“…” What for?

“Every man has his own paths to take. Now that Feng has chosen his, we should just wish him good luck. Weiwei, don’t give too much burden to yourself. Maybe Feng will be lucky enough to survive.”

Leng Weiwei strokes her forehead. She thinks for a while and asks, “Yi Yuntian, can you look after him?”

“It is a little difficult.” Yi Yuntian says while shaking his head, “I can’t make that promise casually. I am afraid that I may be accused of being a military spy and be killed. I am a man of hedonism. I don’t want to die so soon.”

Leng Weiwei gives a sigh. She is clear about Yi Yuntian’s capability. However, it makes sense no matter Yi Yuntian agrees or not. What he says sounds right. She has nothing to do with him. It is unnecessary for him to take the risk for her.

“Thank you for giving me Feng Le’s number.” She knows that Yi Yuntian must do so with some purpose. However, since she did talk with Feng Le, she can neglect the hidden schemes behind that.

“For what you say, everything is worth.” Yi Yuntian says. He fixes his hair and clothes. “I have another appointment in half an hour. Weiwei, stay at home and wait for me. Bye.”

He flirts a wink at Leng Weiwei. Then, he turns around to leave.

When Yi Yuntian closes the door, he hears Leng Weiwei say behind. “Yi Yuntian, you are not young. Don’t arrange too many dates. It is OK if it only hurts your waist. But be careful that you may die from them.”

It is sunny on the road.

“Yes, I am careless. But you can’t slander me!”

Jing Shu rolls up her trousers and sees the scratches there. It is bleeding and it causes great pain.

The wound needs to be treated immediately, or it may be infected.

But she is more worried about her files which are scattered around. They are urgent files. If she goes to the hospital now, she will be late.

“You saw the red light on, why did you still rush out? Miss, it is not the right way of extortion!” A man about forty years old gets off the car. He scolds Jing Shu angrily.

At the time, there are more and more people gathering around them. When they hear the man’s words, they all look at Jing Shu and whisper.

“Who is playing the game of extortion?” Jing Shu doesn’t want to argue with the man. She is picking up her files, but she is surprised to find him so rude. She bursts into a fury. “Do you think you were justified to hit me? I was in a hurry!”

“In a hurry? You are lying. I saw you rush out…Hey, what are you doing?” The man finds that Jing Shu kicks his car. He feels worried as if she is kicking his heart. He holds out his hand and wants to push Jing Shu away.

Jing Shu is aware that the man is coming to her. She freezes her eyes and gets ready to fight back. At the time, someone suddenly shows up in front of her.

The man’s hand is stopped at the comer standing still in front of him, who is as strong as a small mountain.

“You attack a girl! Shame on you!” Zhang Hai says in a cold voice.

The man hesitates. He notices that Zhang Hai is wearing an army uniform. He feels a little nervous. “Soldier…Mr. Soldier, you don’t know. The girl is playing the extortion game. She also kicked my car. Look.”

Saying this, the man points at his car, on the front of which shows a shoe mark.

“Extortion?” Zhang Hai smiles coldly. “Uncle, are you out of your mind? Don’t you notice which company’s uniform she is wearing?”

Reminded by Zhang Hai, the pa.s.sers-by all turn to look at Jing Shu and they stop discussing.

“I don’t know which company’s uniform she is wearing. And uniform may be fake. Mr. Soldier, you don’t know. There are girls like her who often play the extortion game now. They try to get sympathy from other people in this way. Now, you are s.h.i.+elding her!”

Hearing the man’s words, the crowd starts discussing again.

“Nonsense. I didn’t. You hit me and you slandered me. You…” Jing Shu is so angry that she can hardly finish her words. She hasn’t finished collecting the files scattered around. She stamps her feet. “I am too busy to argue with you. I need to deliver the files.”

Then, neglecting the bleeding wound on her feet, Jing Shu crouches on the ground and continues to pick up her files.

The man was a little guilty just now. But hearing Jing Shu’s words, he thinks that she wants to escape. He suddenly finds back his confidence. “Ha. Your trick is discovered and you want to escape now? Listen to me. No way! Look. Here comes the police. Sir, you are here. I want to accuse the girl of extortion!”

Hearing his words, two policemen get off the car and come to them.

“What’s wrong here?” One of them asks.

“She wanted to extort by faking an accident! She kicked my car, too. I have discovered her trick and now she wants to escape.” Jing Shu hasn’t spoken anything while the man responds at once.

“No. I didn’t! I only ran at a red light!” Jing Shu feels furious. “I did not fake an accident for extortion.”

They both have their reasons and the policemen can’t make the decision at once. They say, “You two, please go to the police office with us.”

“No. I am busy. I have to deliver the files.” Jing Shu is worried. Xia Ning told her that the files must arrive by two o’clock. The time…

“Sir, she wants to escape. Don’t give her the chance. Girls like her are all tricky.” The man notices Jing Shu’s anxiety. He feels more confident that she wants to escape.

“Miss, please come with us. We will prove you innocent in the police office.”

Hearing this, Jing Shu feels so anxious that she stamps her feet, “It is OK for me to go with you. But what about my files. G.o.d. I am running out of time.”

“Files?” One of the policemen holds out his hand. “Can you let me have a look at your files?”

“No. This is commercially confidential!” Jing Shu says and takes a step back.

“Ha. As I have said, the little girl is tricky. Sir, now you see that.” The man is simply adding fuel to the fire.

The policeman darkens his face. He waves his hand and says, “No more arguments. Go to the police office now.”

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