Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband

Chapter 439 Make the Confession!

Chapter 439 Make the Confession!

Xia Ning is “invited” into a dark and locked small room. She sits on a cold chair while Team Leader Li and other policemen sit in front of her. There is only a small light here. Xia Ning realizes that she becomes a suspect now.

Team Leader Li arranges the inquiry like this as if he is inquiring a criminal.

“Xia Ning, please describe how did the case happen on that day.”

Xia Ning feels very confused, “What case? I don’t understand what you mean!”

Team Leader Li glances at her dismissively. He says in a serious voice, “Xia Ning, I have met a lot of criminals here. In the beginning, they all spoke in the same tone as you. But in the end, they all made honest confessions, before which they suffered some pain. Xia Ning, I suggest you not to struggle. Save some strength and confess. As it is said, confession will be forgiven, while resisting will be punished. You should cooperate with the police and we will try our best to apply the most merciful punishment for you.”

“I didn’t do that at all. Why do you tell me to confess?” Xia Ning feels very angry. Gu Luan is still struggling on the edge of death. As to Aunt Zhou’s case, she is more concerned than anyone about the truth!

Team Leader Li hesitates for a little while. He takes out a photo and pushes it to Xia Ning, “This is the photo taken on the site of Zhou Mengyao’s death. We have got a lot of time. Xia Ning, you may think carefully over it.”

On the photo, Zhou Mengyao lies beside the tea table. There are broken pieces around. Zhou Mengyao widens her eyes and her face is pale. It is imaginable that she fiercely fought with someone and struggled before she died.

Seeing the heart-broken scene, Xia Ning remembers that Zhou Mengyao took care of and protected her every day. She bursts into sadness and tears roll out from her eyes.

“Aunt Zhou…” Xia Ning sobs. She can hardly speak, “It is my fault. I should not have left impulsively. Aunt Zhou, I am sorry…” She cries.

Team Leader Li finds Xia Ning cry so sadly. He feels a little confused. But soon, he is convinced that the criminal is repenting. His face looks greyer. He says, “Xia Ning! This is what you have done! You may ask yourself. Don’t you feel sorry for the victim?”

Yes. She feels sorry for the victim. But she has never done that!

Thinking about this, Xia Ning takes a deep breath, “Team Leader Li, I have never done that!”

Xia Ning says with certainty. Team Leader Li feels displeased, “Well. You say you have never done that. You may look at the evidence!”

Then, Team Leader Li pushes the computer to Xia Ning, on the screen of which a video is on.

“This is the internal monitoring video from Junhao Group on that day. You may watch it carefully!”

In the video, Xia Ning is found walk into the President Office and comes out after a while. Xia Ning patiently watches it. After a while, she says, “It is right, I did go to Junhao Group last night. I needed to leave a letter to Aunt Zhou before I left. However, I left very soon.”

“Left very soon?” Team Leader Li points at the time shown on the bottom of the screen, “You look at the time. It was four when you went in while it was five when you came out! You stayed there for a complete hour! Do you call it soon? One hour is enough for you to do anything!”

It was four in the early morning? She stayed for an hour?

Xia Ning feels greatly confused. She finally notices the problem of the video. It lies on the time at the right bottom of the screen!

“No. It is impossible! I did go to Junhao Group last night. But I got there around two in the morning. I stayed there for ten minutes at most. How could it be five when I came out? Well, you can ask the guard. He knows the time when I went to Junhao Group. I mean the guard who was on duty at that time. I even talked with him for a while…

“We have inquired the guards. What they said was exactly the same as what is shown in the video. They said that you went into the company at about four and came out at about five.”

Xia Ning feels confused, wondering why the guard said so.

Instinctively, Xia Ning feels something really wrong. She recalls everything rapidly in her brain. She remembers something and says, “I went to send a letter to Aunt Zhou. You might have found that letter. I put it down and left at once.”

“Letter?” Team Leader Li thinks for a while, “We have investigated the site. But we didn’t find anything you called letter or things alike.”

No letter?

In an instant, Xia Ning feels shocked.

The time shown on the video is wrong while what the guard said is the same as that, but the letter is missing… Seemingly, everything was set up in advance. How could there be such a coincidence?

Xia Ning loses her color. Team Leader is aware of the changes on Xia Ning’s face. He misunderstands that the case is revealed and Xia Ning feels scared. So, he says in a serious voice, “Xia Ning, now, what do you want to argue again? Confess now. We will consider reducing the punishment. This is your last chance.”

The last “Chance”?

Xia Ning grits her teeth. She shakes her head, “I have never done that! No matter what you do and what you say, I can’t admit the guilt! Aunt Zhou is dead while the murder gets away. Why do you inquire me instead? Don’t you feel sorry for the victim? Don’t you feel ashamed of the police uniform and the badge you are wearing? And, there was a car accident on the road today. Gu Luan is still struggling on the edge of death. Why don’t you go to investigate it? Do you think the car accident was also planned by me to kill myself? Because I felt guilty and wanted to pay for it with my life?”

Being questioned by Xia Ning, Team Leader Li stares at her coldly. They look at each other. It is tense as if the air can go to explode at any time.

After quite a while, Team Leader Li slightly screws his eyes, “As to the car accident happened this morning, we will have someone there to investigate it. The truth will be found sooner or later. If it is found that you did it, you will be given combined punishments. At that time, you won’t have any chance to spare your life at all! Xia Ning, you are given forty-eight hours to make the confession. Within this period, you may think carefully about that!”

After he finishes his words, Team Leader Li winks at the other people. They all stand up and get ready to leave.

“Wait!” Xia Ning cries, “Where is Director Tong? I want to meet Director Tong.”

Forty-eight hours mean two days. If in normal days, it will be fine for her not to eat or drink for two days and nights. But she is pregnant now. She won’t make it if she doesn’t eat or drink for four hours, not to mention forty-eight hours.

“Director Tong is away. If you want to say anything to him, I may help you to tell him.” Team Leader Li responds in a cold voice.

Xia Ning feels helpless in her heart. Director Tong is not in the police station now!

subconsciously, Xia Ning feels a large net spread widely, which covers the ground and cuts out the sky and the sun.

“Team Leader Li, I am pregnant. I can’t stay here for forty-eight hours. What if anything happens to me? Who can take the responsibility for that?”

Team Leader Li hesitates for a while. He slightly frowns and glances at Xia Ning.


He looks at Xia Ning’s belly, which is flat.

He snorts coldly in his heart, thinking that the woman is really tricky!

“Xia Ning, you know you are pregnant! Then, you may cooperate with us honestly. Or, you may get your baby implicated.”

Then, he snorts and leads the other policemen to leave the inquiry room.

It bangs and the steel door is closed.

Then, the only small lamp in the room is turned off, too.

In an instant, the inquiry room is left in darkness. Xia Ning sits in the center with her hands cuffed. It is silent around her. Suddenly, a sense of horror rises in her heart.

This is the so-called claustrophobia? Does Team Leader Li want to break her mentally and make her confess?

Xia Ning feels scared, but she trembles her hand to stroke her belly and murmurs, “Don’t be afraid. I am not afraid. I have got my baby with me. Baby, I am sorry. Mommy is useless. But I won’t give in. I will never give in!”

Zhou Mengyao, Gu Luan, Tang Qieying… Xia Ning recalls all the cases. At this moment, she is very clear that someone wants to kick her to death!

Wants her to die? How can it be so easy?

She has got mentally prepared. In the following days, the condition may be worse and beyond her imagination…but she will survive! She will figure out the truth!

For the truth, she will spend all her effort and do anything she can!

Xia Ning thought that Team Leader Li will lock her there for forty-eight hours. She thought that she could spend the forty-eight hours sleeping. Anyway, it is a dark and sealed room. However, she has just closed her eyes while Team Leader Li comes in with some policemen. They inquire her one by one with all kinds of reasons and threats, inducing her to confess. Xia Ning calmly responds to them. No matter what they ask and what they do, Xia Ning responds with the same words, “I didn’t do it. I don’t know!”

The group of policemen fail. Team Leader Li replaces them with another group and they go on with the inquiry in rounds. Ten hours pa.s.s. The inquirers are tired. Xia Ning is more tired. She feels very hungry and even more thirsty.

“Can I… have some water? I am thirsty…” After some rounds of inquiries, Xia Ning, as a pregnant woman, has almost got to the bottom of her tolerance. Her voice sounds seriously hoa.r.s.e. She clenches her fists.

“Do you want to drink water?” Team Leader Li puts a cup of water in front of Xia Ning, but in a distance too far for her to reach, “Tell us some useful information. Then, you will have water to drink and food to eat.”

Hearing this, Xia Ning closes her eyes. She slightly straightens her back and murmurs, “I didn’t do that…”

“Bang!” A hand slaps heavily on the desk. Team Leader Li has lost his patience. He stands up and says in a cold voice, “Xia Ning, you are stubborn and doesn’t tell? You may go on!”

Team Leader Li leaves angrily. The other policemen glance at each other. One of them winks at the other. Seemingly, those who can get the “truth” from Xia Ning first will make a great achievement!

They think for a while and suddenly make up their minds. One of them takes up the cup and pours the water directly on Xia Ning’s face!

Attacked by the cool water, Xia Ning feels shocked. She opens her eyes and looks at them in surprise.

“Women, if you still don’t confess, we may use some force.”


Xia Ning feels scared. She doesn’t know what they mean by Force.

“What do you want to do?”

They glance at each other. One of them stands up and presses his hands to give out some cracking sounds, “Team Leader Li is too gentle. He can’t get any information by his inquiry method. So, we may change to another way.”

Xia Ning stares at the behaviors of the man. She takes a cold breath and turns pale in scare!

Is he going to… hit her?

subconsciously, she strokes her belly. She is scared. She says in a trembling voice, “I am pregnant, you can’t do that to me…”

“Yes. You know you are pregnant. Why don’t you just cooperate with us? We don’t have other choices. In order to give justice to the victim as soon as possible, we can’t but choose some special ways.”

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