Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband

Chapter 558 Jealous Heart

Chapter 558 Jealous Heart

After hearing what Beitang Xiu said, Jing Shu is stunned.

Beitang Xiu takes a glance at her, lowers his head, and continues to brew coffee, “If you are reluctant...”

“No.” Jing Shu immediately interrupts, “Not at all. I’m worried about troubling you, Mr. Beitang.”

Beitang Xiu has a laugh and says nothing.

“Mr. Beitang, I’m stupid but diligent. I appreciate your kindness and I will do my best to be patient to learn.”

Jesus, this is the olive branch thrown by G.o.d!

She is worried that she has the intention but doesn’t have the time to study. At five o’clock in the morning, she just gets up two hours earlier than usual. This is not a problem at all for her who is young and vibrant.

If Beitang Xiu can teach her, let alone get up early for two hours, she is willing to get up early for another two hours!

Moreover, her ident.i.ty can’t be compared with that of Beitang Xiu. He is a young master but she is just an ordinary person, so she should cherish this opportunity, not abandon it.

However, if people think about it on the other hand...

“Mr. Beitang, you got up at five in the morning?”

“We have to get everything ready two hours before the coffee shop opens. We should be responsible for ourselves and the guests.”

What Beitang Xiu said makes Jing Shu admire him a little more.

Beitang Xiu is really a special young master of a wealthy family.

It is four o’clock when Xia Ning comes out of the hospital. She wants to go home and cook a meal for her husband. But when she steps into the house, she smells the fragrance.

It is the fragrance of soup.

Is Yi Yunrui at home?

Xia Ning puts down her handbag and goes straight into the kitchen. Looking at her husband’s tall and strong body with an ap.r.o.n and two soup pots steaming in front of him, she is moved and happy.

But at the next second, she suddenly remembers what Lei Buyang said and feels sad.

If what Lei Buyang said is true, Yi Yunrui has another loved woman in his heart, and she really doesn’t know how to accept this reality.

She can’t accept it at all.

“Come back so early today?” Yi Yunrui puts down the spoon, turns down the fire, takes off his ap.r.o.n, and goes forward to hold his wife in his arms.

His arms are always so warm and safe, making her so fascinated.

Xia Ning lies on her husband’s chest, listening to his powerful heartbeat. She involuntarily reaches out her hands to hug her husband tightly.

She left him once a few years ago. He tried his best to find her and was caught in the rain in front of her house all night. A few years later, she has not had the courage and determination to leave him. She can’t live without him.

His wife hugs him tightly, without saying anything. He realizes that something is wrong, asking softly, “What’s the matter? Are you uncomfortable?”

Xia Ning shakes her head.

“Are you feeling sad?”

Xia Ning purses her lips and doesn’t speak.

She doesn’t say anything, which means that she admits that.

Yi Yunrui pats his wife on the back with his big hand and speaks like a child, “Have you been wronged? Tell it to me, and I will help you get justice.”

With Yi Yunrui, she won’t be wronged.

Xia Ning has a sigh gently and looks up at her husband’s handsome face, “Deputy Editor An and her a.s.sistant had an accident just now. They are in the hospital. Therefore, there are a lot of things to be handled.”

“Really?” Yi Yunrui frowns, “What do you mean that there are a lot of things?”

“There are many people standing at the door of the ward. It seems that things are quite serious. An Lingxi said that the car owner she hit was a powerful person, and it may take some time to solve things.”

Yi Yunrui has a smile, “Did the car owner hold her accountable for it?”

“Nope, Deputy Editor An said that the car owner was a good man. But no one is sure that this kind of thing is true. So, we should have mental preparation first.”

“Dear.” Yi Yunrui stretches out his long fingers and holds his wife’s chin, “Do you think I’m a good man?”

Xia Ning is stunned and thinks that Yi Yunrui is playing a joke with her, so she doesn’t think it too much, “Um... You are a good man in front of me, but I don’t know when you are outside.”

“Ha-ha!” Yi Yunrui laughs heartily and sc.r.a.pes her nose with his fingers, “It is my duty to be good to my wife. Are you tired? Go to take a bath first, and the soup has to take half an hour.”

When it comes to the soup, Xia Ning is enlightened, “Dear, what kind of soup are you cooking this time? It doesn’t smell like beef.”

“It’s some soup that strengthens your spirit and cultivates your body. In addition to soup, the other pot is meat porridge.”

“Why did you do that?” Xia Ning is confused, “Do you have to cook at night?”

“In the evening, I may need to borrow your car.”

“My car? Where is your car?”

Yi Yunrui wants to say something but he stops, “There is a small problem with my car, and I can drive it back in two days.”

Hit by Ferrari from behind, his car was slightly broken. In order to cooperate with the investigation of the police, he put the car in the police station.

“...” Xia Ning feels that there are some embarra.s.sments in many aspects, and her suspicion is even heavier, “Do you want to go out by borrowing my car tonight?”

“Yes.” Yi Yunrui nods, “I will trouble you to take me to a place later.”

“To where?”

Yi Yunrui thinks it for a while, His little wife is pregnant now, and if he tells her the car accident this afternoon, it may scare her. He is thinking of telling her about the car accident in another way, in order to reduce her worries.

Yi Yunrui’s concerns have become “unspeakable things” in Xia Ning’s eyes. Lei Buyang’s words come to her mind again.

Does Yi Yunrui have another loved woman?

Xia Ning grits her teeth and turns around, “If you have something to do at night, you can use my car. You should go home immediately after finis.h.i.+ng things, and don’t be too late.”

“It won’t be too late.” Realizing that his wife is deliberately avoiding his sight, Yi Yunrui reaches out and pulls back his wife’s face, “You have something on your mind. Tell me what you are thinking.”

“No, I have nothing on my mind.” After saying that, Xia Ning loosens her arms around Yi Yunrui and turns around.

If it is true and she can’t accept it, she chooses to deceive herself.

She chooses to never know that.

At the moment when his little wife turns around, Yi Yunrui is in a hurry and pulls her back to his side with his big hand, “Tell me, what happened?”

“I’m just tired... And I want to have a rest.”

Tired? Her face shows that she really has something on her mind.

His little wife is not a woman who knows how to lie.

“Tired? And then I will not go out later. I will accompany you at home.”

“To handle your things, and I just need a rest. I’m okay.” At this moment, Xia Ning is frustrated listlessly.

Yi Yunrui used to work during the day, but now he also does things at night, which really makes people doubt.

But she can’t do anything but doubt.

Seeing his wife’s helpless expression, Yi Yunrui knows what his wife misunderstands.

If he doesn’t make things clear, she may misunderstand him even more.

“I’ll take you to your room and rest.” Yi Yunrui says and picks up his wife horizontally. They go to the bedroom and he carefully puts her on the bed.

“I haven’t changed my clothes yet, and I will get the bed dirty...”

“Shh.” Yi Yunrui touches his wife’s lips and sits down next to her, “Dear, listen to me. After I say that, you should promise you will not get excited and not worry. Because I’m always with you.”

Do not worry, not get excited... Yi Yunrui’s words make Xia Ning worry.

Does her husband have to confess his affair with another woman?

G.o.d, she doesn’t want to hear it. She isn’t ready to accept something like that, “Don’t tell me...”

“The car that Deputy Editor An hit is my car.”

“Eh?” Xia Ning is stunned and doesn’t come to her senses.

“I was going to the city government for a meeting this afternoon. When the car arrived at the intersection, Deputy Editor An’scar crashed from behind, and after her car hit me, it was. .h.i.t by another car. I’m fine and my car is the same, but she is not so lucky. You should have gone to the hospital to see them, right?”

Xia Ning blinks and nods, ” Deputy Editor An’s head was broken. Christine is unconscious after the operation...”

Wait, is the good car owner mentioned by Deputy Editor An, her husband?

“By the way, I have cooked soup and porridge, which will be sent later.” Yi Yunrui says, holding his wife’s hand, “I originally planned to go to the hospital with you later. But if you are tired now, then I will ask Zhang Hai to send these.”

That explains a lot.

Xia Ning feels relieved and immediately comes to the spirit, “No, I don’t feel so tired now. An Lingxi and Christine have few friends here. I am planning to go to the hospital again later. Let’s go together!”

Yi Yunrui smiles slightly. He knows his wife’s intention. Women are always stingy with the people they love.

Instead, he prefers his wife to be stingy with him.

As they will go to the hospital this evening, Yi Yunrui and Xia Ning finish dinner earlier. Yi Yunrui cooked soup and porridge, which were prepared for An Lingxi and Christine. Besides soup and porridge, he also cooked several light side dishes

It was An Lingxi’s car that crashed into Yi Yunrui’s car. It is reasonable to say that Yi Yunrui is the real victim. Looking at the food cooked by Yi Yunrui, Xia Ning is confused.

Supposedly, Yi Yunrui and An Lingxi should not know each other...

Yi Yunrui didn’t call Zhang Hai, but when she walks into the ward, Xia Ning finds Zhang Hai is already inside!

Zhang Hai sits next to Christine, who has been awake by this time. Although the two don’t talk too much, from Zhang Hai’s eyes on Christine, Xia Ning finds some other things.

In addition to Zhang Hai, there is an extra bed in the ward, which is prepared for An Lingxi. When she sees Xia Ning and Yi Yunrui both walking into the ward, An Lingxi is surprised and stunned on the spot!

“h.e.l.lo, Commander, h.e.l.lo, madame.” Zhang Hai suddenly stands up and respectfully calls them.

Xia Ning nods. She takes a glance at Christine’s expression that is as surprised as that of An Lingxi.

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