Higawari Teni Chapter 22. Professional in Demon King Extermination

Though there is some know-how in subjugation of Demon King, there is a thing more important than that.
Rule confirmation.
There are several pattern to the existence called Demon King, it would take a lot of time if I failed to make sure of it.

The most simple and easy to understand pattern is the King of Monsters.
It is included the case when an intellectual demon commands the Demon Race.
With such thing as simple power and commanding by charisma, it is usual self-proclaimed, but since it lives near the humans, it is feared.
This is the easiest for me. Search and Destroy. I take him down and end it.
It is wonder that there is only one even how powerful it is.

Next is a little trouble some is several pattern of the existence called Demon Kings.
This is the derivation type from the top, that is a conflict between every regionally powerful guys that are called demon kings.
If the summoner’s wish is just the vague, 「Defeat the Demon King」, I would not be able to finish it until I bury all that is qualified as Demon King.
In fact, there is a case when the Demon King’s son or daughter succeeds it.
Because it only said to kill all the demon kings, it does not increase the difficulty level. It is just troublesome.

The last is the immortal Demon King pattern.
It need several procedures to kill, such thing as not dying unless its the specific weapon or the heart is stored in another dimension, anyhow, its a hard to die Demon King pattern.
In most severe cases, there is a Demon King that sleeps until the next revival in the underworld for 100 years.
I spent 100 years in the another world after defeating the Demon King carelessly without understanding the reason.
I enjoyed the slow life thanks to the cheat, I had a marriage and made kids.
A, by the way, I don’t grow old. I mean, I don’t even if I want to…… to die before the wife let alone the children is really hard………Ah it got derailed.

By the way, even though there is a Demon King that don’t die no matter what, About the case when there is really no other way than to destroy the Another World with the Demon King, that s.h.i.+tty G.o.d will make a smart move and send me to other world…………Tsk!
Because I have Immortal Killing Cheat now, there is no need to worry that much about the 3rd pattern.

Though I feel like there is still others, that’s how it is usually.
Since the so called Demon King template is mostly in certain arrangement, I think it does not need to be finely cla.s.sified it.

「Now then, This time feels like pattern 1」

Demon King Acuda is the type of Demon King that is alone, I’ve never heard the story about him being immortal so far.
Even if Acuda is actually a true Demon King or being just a mere puppet, it only increase a Demon king to kill.
Its within the range of miscalculation.

「However, it seems that you must capture the barrier of the tower that is scattered throughout the world to enter the castle of the Demon King Acuda」

Such rumor was heard in the bar.
Apparently, though it is an information that would take a detour, I was not disappointed at all .

「Well, the thing called Barrier, At the end, its just to imprison an enemy or not be invaded by outsiders」

I, who gathers majority of necessary information, go towards to the Demon King Castle.

And so I arrived at the barrier because of that.
Ignoring all the monster that appears along the way.
Though there is such thing as mountain and sea, I also ignore it and directly go across it.
travelling is so convenient with Shukuchi cheat.

(TLN: Shukuchi means Rapid movement and a.s.sociated with teleport, its the same as 2nd skill of weaver in dota)

「Well then, What kind of barrier is it」

I activate Appraisal Eyes immediately.

「Its a standard Force Field Formation type. As expected, only the monsters and Demon King’s comrades can pa.s.s by」

Moreover, I understand from the result of the close examination of appraisal eyes, it differentiate the magic wave of human and monsters.
If I understand it up to this point, just the same as having no barrier.
Perhaps in this world, they thought that magic wave is by birth and can’t be changed, though its not necessary to really worry about that.

「It isn’t unusual in another world to manipulate magic waves」

On the contrary, there is even an another world that use magic by manipulating magic waves.
As long as you have opportunity to study it, there is a chance that even I can learn it.

The level of magic is also has infinite variety, its seems that this world simply have not been discovered it yet.
Common sense is different in every another worlds.
And thanks to the difference between the common senses, I can change my magic wave to the set value of the monsters, it means that I can break through the barrier without difficulty.

「Well. then. Its finally capturing the Demon King Castle」

Its been 4 hours and 33 minutes after being summoned to this another world.
I smashed down the gate of Demon King Castle.

「I-impossible! Was the barrier been broken!」
「The reaction of the tower didn’t disappear, just how the heck! 」
「Don’t worry about that, stop that guy!」

Disregarding the confused monsters, I advance steadily.
There is no point for such thing as maze structure. I’ll just smashed the necessary wall.
Occasionally in a game imitation type another world, though there is a case that the wall are set as indestructible objects, in that case, the wall itself would disappear by inputting in the console command 《Vanish》, the done thing does not change.

「Oneself is the first fatekeeper, Gramps. To pa.s.s here yー〈pegii〉!?」
「One of the four leaders of Demon King, Discolapse of the Dark Lands. With this deteriorate smash axe, you willー 〈pugyaa〉ー!」
「I’m the Demon King’s Daugther, s.h.i.+anu! To kill my father ……… kyaaー! What did you do!?」

I’m capturing it in such way.
Basically, without hearing the complaints of the enemies, gaining total control without discussion is my policy.
By the way, since I’ve taken a liking to the Demon King’s Daughter, after teasing for a while, I put her to sleep and throw the sealing ball and get her! (TLN: Pokeball)

Ah, I did not particularly abduct her for erotic proposes.
Since she might success as Demon King if she’s the true daughter, I’ll release her in different another world.
If I feel like it, she might become one of my wives.

「Oh, an ominous gate that looks meaningful is discovered 」

That place is probably the Demon King s.p.a.ce.
Strike and Open it.
Then, after that is darkness and countless number of candles with a eerie skull candlestick is lit.

「Well done coming here Hero. I’ll praise you for breaking through a lot of my subordinates」

And then the throne in the innermost place.

「I’m Demon King Acuda. The person who will cover this world in darkness」

I step up slowly.

「Art thou the Hero?」
「That’s right. I was summoned to this world to kill you」

I declared without stopping my steps.
Fully clad in murderous intent while immersed in joy,

「I’ve seen it……The darkness in your heart. You are not the Hero」
「Hee, you properly understand it」

That’s right, I’m absolutely not a hero and the likes.

「If its case that you are similar to a slaughterer, it would be better to to be with us. Why are you supporting the foolish inferior creatures?」

The Demon King says.
The Demon King a.s.sumes.
Shaking the mind, deceiving the Hero and began to break its prop.

「I see, you’re a cla.s.sic type.」

I selfishly called such type of Demon King a Great Demon King type.
This guy brings out aura incomparable to the worthless Demon King somewhere.
Not just simply strong, well, its overwhelmingly strong of course…… but above that is a calm composure.
Strength in the background, playing with words and enjoying the entertainment.
Be accompanied by other by bringing out bottomless charisma.

Actually, I don’t dislike this kind of type.
Magnanimous man means that person who often thinks splendid things, this one has a satisfying talkative capability and I can enjoy a conversation with him.
The reason why I didn’t immediately crush the head of the demon king is to occasionally enjoy this kind of Demon King.

「I don’t know what will happen to the residence of this world. Only because I feel like I’ll return quickly if I killed you. That is the only reason」
「For returning one’s home. I see, Its true in a sense」

Demon King Acuda narrows his eyes and smiled.

「However, that wish won’t come true. I’ll revive as long as there’s darkness in this world. No matter how many times.」

Ah, he’s also a pattern 3.
This guy is really a big shot.

「Revives when there is darkness. I see, you’re close to an evil G.o.d rather than a Demon King」
「Exactly. Though I didn’t think that an Inferior creatures with fixed life can understand it」

I understand it.
The Divine Spirit concept that is anywhere and be revive is already the same as G.o.d.
He might possible can’t be killed with Immortal killing.

Well, there is a way for the G.o.ds if its a G.o.d.

「You will be killed before that」
「You spout things. Try it if it can be done」

In this way, we both laugh and violently come to each other.

The match immediately come to conclusion.

「Ka, ha……What……?」

Demon King Acuda stares at his own chest looking at unbelievable thing while vomiting blood.
A sword handle sprout from there. The blade is not seen by the Demon King, and the body of Demon King is sew on the throne through his back.

「Its the end.」

I said so as I shrugged my shoulders.

「Even if you’re in a level of Evil G.o.d, that sword will surely kill you. That is because I killed the concept reason itself as you the so called the existence who ruled the darkness. You will revive as long as there is darkness? You know, such thing is impossible.」

He probably realized that the blade that went himself was fatal than me.
All the composures had vanished from the expression of the Demon King Acuda.

「G.o.d, killing the concept! Who the heck are you!?」
「Nothing much? Mostly, a G.o.dslayer in the world where I came is quite a cheap theme. Rather than a boom, it reach the domain of being a template, ” Ah, I also scattered a G.o.d todayー” , is what around female high school student said」

〈kerakera〉,  Demon King Acuda stares at me with every bits of hatred who is laughing to that joke.

(TLN: Kerakera means Giggle giggle. or just laugh)

「This should have not happen, I, to end in such shape」
「……End comes to any person. I don’t care it either when it suddenly comes without preparedness.」
「Why. Why do you have a weapon that can kill a G.o.d」

Ah, This guy……he properly noticed it.
G.o.d slaying is not something you can done without reason.
There is always a story behind it.

We might be able to talk more if he’s not in such shape.
Well its okay, I’ll tell it as a farewell gift.

「This is called the 【G.o.d Destroying Sword (s.h.i.+nmetsutou)】 . For the guy who I would like to kill by all means, my prided item that I personally forge」

The one which is my biggest motivation and also which keeps me traveling another world without admitting defeat.
It goes without saying who’s I’m going to kill.

…… Well, I make it in a game imitation type world that surpa.s.sed blacksmith cla.s.s, although I accidentally made it.

Demon King didn’t responds.
Did he already lose the strength to speak?
He’s will probably disappear soon without trace.

That was my carelessness.

「My daughter, p……」
「Please……Take care of my daughter」

At the very end, the Demon King leave such words.
Before I completely decline it, he completely disappears.


Since that Demon King particularly did not summon me, that is not an oath.
However, Such last request is unfair.
I’m not accustomed to it even it happened many times.

Only a few minutes later.
A magic formation appeared in my footing.

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