Higawari Teni Chapter 44. Another World Destroyer, Sakahagi.

In the end, It was decided that I will be the leader of the Slave Liberation movement.
Thanks to that, I can relax for a moment while watching as a mere spectator.

The security of the facility has been completely taken over.
Since most of the people that are summoned in another world are originally strong, they would never lose unless they’re outnumbered.

Though I don’t understand the circ.u.mstances of another world army at first, summoned slaves played a big role in the army.
Crew cut had a plan to have a few of them pretend to die in battle, and then later have them join his group, but Ikemen was opposed to it.
In the end, all enemy summoned slaves are liberated.

As a result, the side of another world grasp that they lose the master authority here.
Since then, summoned slaves are no longer dispatched.

Thus, the liberation movement has fallen into a stalemate.

「We should have done this slowly! They will hide the slaves with this! 」
「But, we just can’t leave the slave as it is! Since our cause is Slave Liberation!」

Crew cut and Ikemen argued.
Well, the cause is the disorder crowd.
Moreover, they’re at a young age.

Fortunately, the slaves and the alchemist were able to live together in the slave facility and holing up for a while.
Blocking the ventilation, cutting off the water supply and almost be oxidized by smoke, but thanks for having a barrier and drainage equipment, we somehow manage it.
There is also a production type cheat ability among them, it can be said that there is no worries about the supplies.

The problem is morale.
Though the momentum left by the coup d’état is successful because of blood rus.h.i.+ng their head in first liberating, it would be more difficult from here.
Well, we were the one who started this , so it’s fine since these guys didn’t particularly fail.

I already understand the system of ring and collar.
Probably, I can somehow manage it the same as before.
That said, if its done, Ikemen will strongly object and braided hair-chan will also cry and stop me.
That’s why, I carried out the plan silently and without telling everyone about it.

「Nee, Sakuhagi-san. Please say something……」

Braided hair-chan couldn’t stand it any longer and secretly whispered to me.
This child became something similar to a confidant position before I became aware.

「The two of you, leave it as that」

The two suddenly stopped moving and turned around this way straightening their backs.

「I understand both of your fellings well. I don’t care if you quarrel as much as you want but properly reconcile after understanding each other」

The two suddenly looked up to my bland words and firmly nodded back.
Yeah, Charisma Cheat is convenient at such time.
Braided hair-chan looked at me with sparkling eyes .

「I now devote myself to defending. The three of you ease their worries even if its a little, keep it in mind」

Everyone nodded to my instruction.
Is it okay for these guys? Despite finally having a long-awaited freedom, they intentionally wished to become my slaves.
Well, since these guys told me to become the leader, I’ll still do it even if we’re in a disadvantage.
I’m also responsible just in case.

「I’ll look at the entrance for a while」
「Ah, I’m also going!」

Braid hair-chan restlessly followed me who declared to waste time.
Ikemen and Crew cut seems to heartwarmingly smile at her appearance.

「Good luck」
「I’m rooting for you」
「W-with what?」

Braided hair-chan blushed.
They’re really close, These guys……They might have a little memory of the time when they’re acting as a partner together.

「What are you thinkingー?」

Along the way,  braided hair-chan approached flirtingly, tilting her neck.

「Its nothing, just thinking that you guys are really close」
「Ah, that’s right. We lived in a facility like this before we were summoned」

I see, no wonder.
So its not a chance that the three have the same series of attribute cheat, because they were summoned in the same world.
If so, its natural that their magic wave closely resembled.

「That is why, we were really grateful of Sakuhagi-san」
「I-i see」

Well, these guys have their own ways of returning grat.i.tude.
Hee, its seems that I’m the idiot who put too much confidence in charisma cheat.

However, the way how Braided hair-chan looked at me.
Though its the usual, I don’t even learned the name of Braided hair-chan.
It won’t just end with a burn if you fall in love with me, joke aside.

It doesn’t matter for me.
I’ll continue to pretend not to notice.
I might be overly self-conscious.
The person need to settle their own heart’s problem, we would be unable to meet again in a few days.

When we arrived near the entrance, It was at a point where monster is now in the stairways.
Braid hair-chan immediately helped the defense group.
The suicide-type monster that we already happened to see number of time got burned to ruin by Braided hair-chan’s thunder without allowing it to suicide.

「Is everyone all right?」
「You save us, thank you!」

The defense group became excited with the appearance of braided hair-chan, tapping each other’s shoulders as to celebrate the victory.
When I stepped up there, everyone was in upright manner and seems to be nervous.

「The situation?」
「The attacks became quite sporadically. The those guys might also already tired」
「Don’t underestimate those guys」

I raised a loud voice correcting the relaxed atmosphere.

「Though they are despicable sleazebags, there are cunning guys who manipulate things. That guy is buying time no matter how you look at it……They will begin something sooner or later」

The another world army are testing on how our group will react.
Continues subjugation of the monster here, seeing that the movement is releasing the slaves without fail, perhaps those guys have a way to strike.

「Ah, that is!」

One of the defense boys pointed towards the stairs which led to the ground.

A figure of the person slowly coming down from there.
It was a girl that has a collar attached her.
And in her hands, it is small but its a suicide monster.

「Present all the rings. Otherwise, we will exterminate the slaves on the ground」

The next moment the girl opened her mouth, the self-destruct monster inflated.
Though braided hair-chan runs off immediately, she won’t make it.

Hmm, I wonder if its hard with Shukuchi.
If it is the case,

「ーーLight Wing Dash」

I can just turn into a light and walk.
I stand instantly in front of the girl and enchanted the self-destruct monster in her right hand with high gravity and crushed it.
The self-destruct is prevented.

「You dregs, I received your message.」

The words naturally came out of my mouth.
Braided hair-chan tried to speak from behind while trembling.

Ah, this is bad, they might thought I’m weird………

「Release this child」
「Ah, yes!」

I’ll entrust the girl to Braided hair-chan for the time being and face towards the stairs as it is.

「Sakahagi-san! What are you planning!?」
「I’ll go for a moment」

Ignoring the stillness in the surroundings, I started to climb the stairs.

Well, then…….
Yeah, for now, I’ll kill the guys above♪

As soon as I went out above, I was greeted by a gunfire.
A pa.s.sionate welcome from the circular lineup of artillery.

Though the above-ground was originally part of the slave facility, it disappeared without trace by simultaneous explosion of the usual suicide monster or something.
A defense in depth formation to enclose the vicinity of the underground entrance that is now almost bare.
With its formation, its as if saying that they won’t make us leave at any cost, It’s so stubborn.

Of course, I won’t get hurt with just an artillery.
However, I set up a force field barrier since I don’t like my clothes to get dirtied by soot.

「Haha, That nice. Being full of intention of killing from the first attack, it excites me」

I relaxed both of my hands while thrilled by the killing intent directed on me.
Was I confirmed uninjured within the fumes?, the soldiers re-loaded in panic.
But, Its already too late!

I let the arm that loss strength bend like a willow.
Loading with magical power, the hand-sword brought out a whirlpool, the artillery group in the vicinity was scattered.
Incidentally, the soldiers also got their blood splashed, well, all will be killed anyway, it’s just about sooner or later.

「Well, the next is. Self-area, double deployment」

I put two types of barrier.
One is a barrier that seals the underground entrance.
Since braided hair-chan would like be chasing in her state. I remove the death flag of that child.
In addition, deploying a prison barrier in the area of another world army.

As if to take advantage of the opening, the group of Slave Monsters rushed in.
With the earlier whirlpool-attached flicker, I disposed of all of them.
These guys probably can’t see the movements of my hand.
Even one insect is not possible to get near to me.

In the meanwhile, I’m confirming where is the guy who lead the army.

「Eei, quickly kill him! Take back the ring!!」

There he is.
An n.o.ble Knight with a hooked nose that have an impression of being arrogant.
As I look closely, at his back were several slaves with blank eyes and papaya-like heads.
Well, he might intent to use them as hostages.
I’ll make sure not to kill there.

Confirming that the nearby monster is annihilated, I shot a light ball towards the sky.


Exploding at my signal, it rains an arrow of light .
I annihilate the another world army excluding the said n.o.ble Knight.

「W-what……What happened……」
「You guys are dead. You’re not but you’ll die now」

When I speak from his back, the aristocrat knight stepped back and is paralyzed.
……ouー, Don’t hold me because you stink.

「To answer or kill is my policy」

I took the freedom of his body with paralysis magic as to not let him resist.
Though the n.o.ble Knight is desperately opening and closing his mouth for some reason, he can’t speak because of paralysis magic.
Anyways, I guess he will just say ,「It was inevitable」「I was unwillingly being ordered」.
Or perhaps, 「You don’t care what will happened to the slaves」.

「Become a dirty fireworks. Burn like that girl」

Well, the truth is she’s alive
Still, my intention should have been conveyed to the guy.
Easily seen as, I take out the thing in front of the n.o.ble Knight and show it to him.

「This thing is a bomb. This will cause a large explosion the same as the monsters that you guys loves so much. Hence, I prepare it for you」

The n.o.ble Knight look at me entreaty-like while crying.

「Its useless. You are heading to the audience room to report the current failure to the low-life royalty and idiot aristocrat, you going to die involving everyone.
How is it, the feeling of the side being forced to death by someone. Is it the worst? did you not imagine yourself becoming on that side?
Its nice, that face. After all, a person like you exposing their disgraceful appearance facing their ends, It is happy ending no matter what story」

The n.o.ble Knight stares at me filled with anger.

「I know what you want to say. You might say that people from the country will kill many slaves if we do such kind of things? Well, they were likely to be killed. It might possible to have the residents of this world hate the slaves. Revenge is chained, there might be another self-destruct slave will come, flames of hatred may wrap this world」

Anyways, this liberation movement won’t rescue all the slaves.
The slaves that is murdered in these past several days have no luck.
But still, my diversion is nothing more than an act of more sacrifice.

「Well, I’ll express my condolence to the guys who will die for my circ.u.mstances. To be frank, I also think about if its better to stay as a slave who’s ego was robbed. I might pus.h.i.+ng the sense of value here, since that is completely selfish , I can only express ‘ I’m sorry’ those pa.s.sed away and killed slaves」

While scratching my head, I crouch matching the gaze of the aristocrat knight.

「Thank you for hearing my story until the end. Since I’ll end it in an instant without suffering, well, its that」

Slapping the shoulder of the n.o.ble Knight with a plop.
He was sent off with a smile.

「Pray to G.o.d」

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