Higawari Teni Chapter 66. EVEN G.o.dS AND DEVILS


There are around two kids unable to stand up due to fear when I opened my eyes.



(TLN: Panicking expressions.)

There is a magic formation in my feet that looks like a scribble.

Then this means.

「Are you guys who summoned me?」

The kid is puzzled to my question that is mixed with my coercion.



「Who’s a s.h.i.+tty G.o.d!」


The kids escaped in full speed when I yelled.

Good grief, they’re rude.

「Tte, wait, Sakahagi-san! what are you doing!」

Oh, Itsuna , who’s nearby, is stunned.

This reminds me, we came together.

「Those guys are at fault」

「Geez, you’re childish」

Itsuna released my hand and hurriedly run after the kids.

When waiting in the scribbled magic formation, Itsuna returned with the kids.

「Here, Apologize just in case, since you seem to anger him」

Itsuna presses the kids who hid behind her back gently in front of me.

Why is it “just in case”.

Do you not let them apologize sincerely?

「Sorry for mistaken you as G.o.d」

「I’m sorry」

I see.

Well, I’ll accept it.

「Listen. G.o.d is a bad guy. You won’t became a decent adult if you pray to that guyー」


「”Ehー”, not that! Anyway, I’m not something like a G.o.d」

Good grief, I wonder what education they get.

However, since I’m not a discriminating adult, I will forgive them.

The moment when I thought so, I stand up.

The girl slightly tilts her head and says.

「Then, an angel?」


「Who’s the errand boy of a s.h.i.+tty guy!」


The kids run away at full speed.

「Hey! Sakahagi-san!?」

「Of course I know!」



Inside the beautiful forest in spring, I , who became stubborn, refused to budge to the scolding of Itsuna until now.

「Geez, the kids completely gone somewhere!」

I who accepts the scolding of Itsuna weaving-like walking my ways to the groves of trees.

Because I don’t reflect, only the pose which seems to be sorry is kept.

「In case that those children summon you, isn’t it not good if you don’t hear a little of their story?」

「Well, You might say soー」

As a matter of fact, there are some cases where a child summons me.

In any case, the only necessary thing when they summoned is the 《Wish’s oath》.

Honestly, it doesn’t have to be some kind of magic formation or spell.

As long as it fills the condition, even a monkey can summon me.

「Knowing what the oath is necessary to make progress ahead from the summoned Another World. And yet it was Sakahagi-san said with a triumphant look!」

「Though I pretty much take care not to be enraged immediately after summoningー」

「No matter how much you hate the oath, for the sake of making another oath, you have to hear the summoner’s story by obediently asking them,……Tte! It would come to nothing if Sakahagi-san gets angry!」

「I have no excuse」

That’s right; there is a need to annul the first oath to raise a subst.i.tute oath.

Nevertheless, having a subst.i.tute oath is not everything okay.

It is necessary for it to be almost opposite matter of the previous oath for it to set.


If it says 「Defeat the Demon King and Save the world」 then it would become 「Join forces with the Demon King and destroy the world 」

If it says 「Be a slave」, then the condition will be something like 「Destroy the slavery」.

Because the announcement inside the brain does not flow kindly concerning the origin of oath, it is certain to hear from the mouth of the summoner.


「I understand that Sakahagi-san hate G.o.ds. But even so, to yell to the kids in such way……」

「I’m mostly serious to listen when a  summoner is a kid」

It is also because it’s hard to get the information of the oath in case the summoner is a kid.

「Isn’t it that just Sakahagi-san being childish……」

「Yes, as you said」


Especially, the bride.

It might actually be so, but I’m already not worrying about it.

「Geez. What are you going to if those kids get lost?」

I, who became serious, turn towards to Itsuna with amazed-like reproachful eyes.

「Well, the kids lives here, we would probably found them if we look properly」

When I say so, a nice smell wafts.

「〈Sniff〉. Sakahagi-san, isn’t this a smell of a meal?」

「Oh, it is. So itsuna also notice it」

Although I whether or not noticed it, it really feels like Itsuna is similar to a dog.

「Come to think of it, I’m hungryー」

Itsuna complain of being hungry while pointing at her stomach.

If I’m not mistaken, It feels like it pa.s.s quite time from the meal in the previous another world.

「It’s probably thatー?」

Being a hungry puppy that’s attracted to the trailing smoke.

Unh, that silhouette……is it by any chance, a church?

In other words, the house of G.o.d.

「Is it okay for me to destroy it for a moment?」

「Why!? You must not!!」




「Ah, Devil!」

「It’s a Devil!」

The kids a little while ago were playing near the church.

Besides, there are also many children that I don’t recognize. Is it around 10?

I see, here is the house of those kids.

However, what a rude guys calling someone who’s a devil which rebels against G.o.d while pointing a person……hnn?

「That’s right. I’m a Devilー!」


No, that will be nice!

When I chase around in good mood, the kids runs trying to escape in delight with 〈kyaa kyaa〉.

「Wawaー. Sakahagi-san is completely a child」

I feel like I heard Itsuna pleasantly murmured.

Even you are a kid who doesn’t know s.e.x!



「Come, everyone Its almost lunch……Oh?」

When I forgot the time being engrossed to playing, a young sister came out from the church.

「W-wait! What are you doing!」

The sister suddenly screams.

It’s understandable. Because I was cooking the kids in a large cauldron. ( TLN: MC is making elixir out of kids)

「Fuhahahaー. It’s became I’m a devil. I’m going to boil the kids make them into a stew and eat themー」

「Kyaaー, Sister!」

「We will be eatenー」

Of course, everything is fake.

The kids are stirring around in circles inside the big cauldron; it is because they’re smiling happily.

「Ah, what a cruel thing. G.o.d, please save the children」

Sister-san who eagerly starts praying. I’m ashamed.

Though I dislike G.o.d to an extent of killing, as a matter of fact, I like very much a faithful person.

「Teasing an apostle of a G.o.d isn’t fun. Hey, Itsuna?」

Itsuna smile cheerfully.

Then, swing down the finger that face towards me and drop me off a thunder with 〈pishan〉.

I became charred and fell down.

「Ah, a divine punishment has descended on the Devil! G.o.d, thank you very much!」

「Sister, It was scary!」


The kids escapes the cauldron all at once, rushed near to the Sister.

「The devil has been death struck to the G.o.d’s thunder. And they all lived happy ever afterー」

「Itsuna……You betrayed meー」

Itsuna, who is trotting walking near me, reach out her hands towards me.

「Eh, I don’t sell my soul from the devil from the start-mon. Because I’m Sakahagi-san’s brideー」

Itsuna took my hand without question.

「Here, don’t sleep forever and wake up!」


A miracle when I quickly get up and claps the dust and soot.

A complete revival.

「The Devil came back to lifeー」


「Aah, it’s not good! Everyone return」

The sister raises a hopeless cry to the kids who runs nears us.

「Ah, Sorry. We are only playing make believe with these children」

Itsuna followed-up

Muu, already clearing up the joke.

Although I want it to drag for a little.

「Ara ara, so that’s the case. I myself thought so…… However, the thunder a while ago?」

「Please don’t mind it」

Ehmm, Itsuna.

I only saw you threatening Sister-san when you’re discharging electricity from your braids.

Well, the tip of the braids isn’t seen by Sister, but.

「You were playing with the children, right. Thank you very much」

「No, noー」

The conversation won’t seems advance if I talk, should I just stay silentー?.

I will keep company the kids quietly.

「We will have lunch from now, how about having lunch with us if you like? We receive a lot of donation from the villagers, there’s a lot of it」

「Eh, such thing, it would be badー」

Though she reserves, Itsuna’s stomach resounds a 〈guu〉.

Perfect timing…… don’t you say that you purposely make it sound it.

「It is our mission to give food to hungry persons. Come, feel free」

「Haa, somehow, it seems like we were demanding you, I’m sorryー」

Although ashamed, Itsuna stick out her tongue to the direction Sister can’t see.

「Hey, let’s go!」

While I who smile back to the smile of Itsuna, reached her stretched hand.

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