High School DxD DX

Chapter 3

Life 4. Records of Chichiryuutei"s Pleasure Adventure

One day after school.

“…Fake… Oppai Dragon?”

After hearing the news, I… No, everyone in ORC had doubtful expressions on our face. Well, we weren’t expecting this kind of news so it was very shocking to us…

After “Oppai Dragon”, a show that has us as main characters, aired on underworld’s television, we became celebrities in underworld. They are selling merchandise from our shows and apparently, the House of Gremory which owns the copyrights to the shows are making huge profit out of this.

Buchou sighed and continued.

“Yes. According to Grayfia’s report, a group posing as [Oppai Dragon] team are taking down bad guys at outskirts of land owned by House of Gremory. As you guys have guessed from ‘group’, it seems like they are not only copying Ise but me, Koneko and Yuuto as well.”

People are posing as us and defeating the….. bad guys. That doesn’t seem that bad does it…?

“It’s true that I feel weird there is a fake me out there, but since they are not causing any harm and instead doing something good, I don’t think there’s problem there?”

Buchou shock her head when she heard me.

“That’s not true. It"s fine that they are catching criminals, but whether they win or lose against them, there will be rumours about it. If a rumour like [Oppai Dragon loses against small time criminals] spreads around underworld, Ise will be in some trouble right? They can even cause unwanted grudge against us, so it’s not good.”

That is true. Even if I didn"t fight, and fake-lost against an enemy, my reputation will fall. Not only that, I don’t like to think about the criminals who won against my fake and start boasting about it.

I will be irritated if some idiot appeared shouting “I won against Oppai Dragon!”

Buchou spoke with her hands on her forehead.

“This is a top secret that isn’t known in underworld media. So before rumours spread, let’s go and fix it our self. If media get hold of this news, it will cause headache. Not only that, House of Gremory owns the copyright. We have to be more strict with fakes and petrol them. It also happened in land owned by House of Gremory so as the Heir I can’t let this pa.s.s.”

That’s also true. In the future, Lands owned by House of Gremory will be Buchou’s lands. If she manage this matter smoothly as next heir apparent, her leadership as High cla.s.s Devil will be questioned.

“….I am interested in the fakes.”

“Ara ara, Koneko-chan. Being hostile to your fakes already.”

Koneko and Akeno-san spoke.

…By the way, Koneko, who was emitting hostile aura toward her fake, was sitting on my lap…. If I remember correctly, Koneko’s character in [Oppai Dragon] was Oppai Dragon’s cute helper [h.e.l.lcat]. It seems like she thinks her fake can’t be trusted.

“My fake, hmm. If I remember in the show, I’m the antagonist [Darkness Knight Fang]… I wonder who that is.”

Kiba tilted his head. That’s right, Kiba’s character in the show is the Boss of Oppai Dragon’s enemies.

I wonder who is my fake? They do sell [Oppai Dragon] armour set in underworld so it might be some middle aged man wearing the suit…

I was having stupid thoughts like that and waited for the day we met the fakes.


Finally that day has come

After arriving at underworld, using Magic Circles and Griffin we headed off toward the area that fakes supposedly appear. It was countryside in outskirts of land owned by House of Gremory.

To get there, we had to cross huge mountains and rivers with Griffin. And the village that we’ve arrived in was small rural village with wind mills and rice fields with nice mountain scenery.

We couldn’t sense much presence here, roads were a mix of dirt and paved road.

There are old looking shops around here. No shopping mall or convenience store to speak of. This place was total countryside.

“This area is known for its barley and traditional crafts.”

Akeno-san explained.

It was a village that fits the image of traditional craft making. Looks like an easygoing place.

“I want to live in this kind of place once.”

Asia said with twinkle in her eyes. Ah it seems like she prefers these kinds of places rather than flashy cities.

Hmm, since Devils have a long life span, it won’t be bad living in this kind of place with Asia for 10 years or so in the future. 100 years might be too difficult. I’m a city person so I won’t be able to live without malls and department stores.

“Countryside in Underworld is also an interesting place!”

Irina said while taking pictures of surroundings with curiosity.

She followed us saying it will be interesting… well, she’s with us all the time, like she’s part of Gremory servants anyway, even if she’s Michael-sama’s [Ace]…..

“Countryside such as this village is often target of Stray Devils or monsters.”

Kiba told us. Stray Devils, they are dangerous beings who leave their owners and use their powers however they want to. Villages with small populations and not well guarded by the House will be great for them to hide in.

Buchou nodded her head and continued.

“Yes. Stray Devils often hide in mountain area. After gaining some power there, they often prey on villagers there. If we find them, we need to get rid of them quickly. We can’t sacrifice precious life of people who live in our land.”

Prey on villagers…. Dangerous lot they are….

Right then, some villagers ran toward our direction.

“Oppai Dragon-sama won against another monster!”

“Cheers for Oppai Dragon!”

They were saying such things while walking past us.

To hear about our fakes right after we arrive! And by what villagers say, it seems like fakes we are looking for are toward direction villagers are all going.

One of the villagers walking past us noticed buchou…


Tilted his head with confused face and muttered “Ah, she must have dyed her hair” and walked off. Did he confuse buchou with someone else? Well, I can imagine who that person confused her with…

“Well, at least that saved us some trouble.”

Buchou looked toward direction villagers are walking toward.

Hahaha, it seems like we don’t need to go search for the fakes….


People were gathered in wide open area. And in the middle of them, there were few people and a huge creature. One of them shouted with top of her voice.

“We have defeated a monster that was targeting this village so you are all safe now! Ohohohoho!”

Very familiar voice. And familiar… crimson hair?!

Buchou in her dress was there!

Me, no all of us looked at our buchou! ….Yes, she’s right here with us!

But in front of our eyes there was buchou… no, person who look identical to buchou was standing there! Th only difference was their outfit! Our buchou was wearing Kuoh Academy uniform, and fake was wearing the dress of [Switch Princess] from the television show! Buchou’s jaws were wide open looking like she can’t believe her eyes.

Standing next to monster they defeated, Switch Princess, the fake, shouted.

“This monster is a servant of the Evil Dragon who is targeting this Village, Crom Cruach! We have defeated it before it can cause any harm!”

Hearing that, the villagers rejoiced.

“That’s Switch Princess for you! Thank you. Thank you!”

“Thanks to Sekiryuutei and his group, the village has gotten more peaceful!”

“Thank you Princess Rias! I’m so happy that I live in land owned by House of Gremory!”

There were even people crying over joy! Since she looks just like the real deal, it’s not impossible to think that the fake is buchou, daughter of Lord! Even so, what’s going on here!

“Again, our sekiryuutei Oppai Dragon defeated the monster in one punch! Cheers for Oppai Dragon!”

Fake Switch Princess introduced a person in armour! Ooh, Red body armour! But doesn’t that look very similar to mine….

….? I swear I’ve seen that armour before. Although it’s strikingly similar to mine, small details were different.

“”Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon!””

Villagers started to chant that to praise the person.

[Sob Sob]

At that same moment, Ddraig burst into tears. Why are you crying? It seems like he’s sensitive to the word [Oppai Dragon]. Was he so shocked that fake was being praised that much? Hmm, I don’t know….

Instead of feeling ill toward the fake who’s being praised, I was comparing the image I had in my head and what I’m seeing right there….

“…..Um, um, um.”

Koneko, who was standing next to me, had stiff expression and pointed front of us. For Koneko, who doesn’t show her emotions easily, to be agitated that much. What is happening….

I looked toward where trembling Koneko was pointing at. And I saw…. Wearing [h.e.l.lcat] costume from television show [Oppai Dragon], it was owner of dynamite body… Kuroka……………….?!

“Everyone~ It will be nice if you can return the favour a little bit Nyan~”

Kuroka spun around on the spot and tilted her head cutely. And showed her well-developed b.r.e.a.s.t.s and teased male villagers.

“””Woooooooaaaaahhhhhhhh! h.e.l.lcat-Samaaaaaaaaaaa!”””

Their eyes turned into hearts and they started to throw their money at Kuroka! By the way, Kuroka is member of my rival, Vali’s team and Koneko’s older sister! A Nekomata with a very erotic body!

At that moment, I realized what was going on. Actually, there weren’t any other possibilities!

That red armour! It looks like Hakuyuukou’s Devine Dividing Scale Mail! It was red Hakuyuukou!

When I looked more closely, there was a men in suits a bit further away from the rest. It was Holy Sword Caliburn user Arthur!

“…Ah, it was Vali team.”

Kiba muttered next to me.

That’s right! It was Vali team! That b.a.s.t.a.r.d, is he now dyed his armour red and pretending to be me?!

Vali, Kuroka and Arthur!

T-Then that fake buchou must be….

When I guessed who that person could be, Buchou walked toward her!

“Ohohoho! Now that we defeated the monster, shall we have a party at restaurants like usual…”


Buchou slapped the fake Switch Princess who was laughing loudly.

Then she grabbed her throat and dragged her somewhere.


“Y-Y-Y-You are Switch! W-W-What are you doing here?!”

Bewildered fake shouted! Wait, that voice was… Bikou!

“I knew it…. you d.a.m.n monkey!”

Buchou burst into rage! Dangerous aura seeped out of her body!

That person, Bikou?! Looking at the situation, guy in red armour shock his head and opened his mouth.

“Hehehe, it seems like we need to end the act here for now.”

That voice defiantly belong to Vali.

“Two Switch Princesses…?”

“Could it be a fan cosplaying…..?”

Since there were two Switch Princesses….. Next heir apparent, villagers were confused.

It seems like we need move to somewhere more quiet…


At corner of village, at a riverside where no one was, us Gremory team stood in front of fake [Oppai Dragon], Vali team.

If we were seen talking to terrorists it might be trouble later. Although it seems like people at this village were not very well connected to outside world, so I don’t think it will cause big trouble.

“Hehehe, it seems like we are caught.”


After smoke settled, we saw Bikou returning from Switch Princess back to his original form. Yokai and Son Wukon’s decedent… did he use magic to turn into Switch Princess? Can he do that using some Yokai magic?

“Hehehe, well the real ones has appeared so it can’t be helped.”

Vali turned his armour back into white and released it. Dark silver hair and blue eyes, it was Vali! Did he use his power to turn his armour red?

Buchou glared at him and opened her mouth.

“What is going on here?”

Hm, simple question had slight desperate tone. Bikou scratched his cheek and muttered.

“Hahaha, you see…”

After obtaining information that [Crescent Circle Dragon] Crom Cruach might be hiding in the area around here, Vali wanted to see him and came here.

But by chance, he saw this village being attacked by unknown monster and he defeated it.

And to hide the fact that he is a terrorist, he disguised himself as [Oppai Dragon].

When they have defeated the monster, they received thank you from the villagers here and after one event after another, they became village’s hero as fake [Oppai Dragon] group.

By the way, Le Fay was on expedition with Fenrir and Gogmagog.

“Crom Cruach. The [evil dragon] that’s rumored to have already died isn’t it.”

Ross-san murmured with her hand on her chin.

Already dead? But dragon Vali team is looking for it…

Arthur fixed his gla.s.ses and spoke

“There’s also a legend that he’s still alive. As dragon who oversees war and death, there’s a theory that he was killed by Christian, but there’s also a theory that he’s in deep sleep and hiding somewhere.”

If I remember, most of the legendary dragons have retired or were killed. My Ddraig and Vali’s Albion were sealed inside Sacred Gears after being defeated.

Out of all dragons, you can count the ones with extraordinary powers with one hand I heard.

“Well, there is a dragon hiding here targeting this village using these monsters. It’s not Crom Cruach though.”

Bikou said.

“Then why are you guys still here? You don’t have any more business here right?”

Xenovia asked a fair question. That’s right. As terrorists and people seeking for stronger foes, this village has become a useless place for them. So it’s weird that they decided to stay behind.

“Well, we are just returning the favour.”

Vali said that and Bikou spoke.

“After defeating monsters people who though we are the real [Oppai Dragon] group treated us with delicious food, asking as to at least stay until the Dragon boss is defeated.”

“And mimicking [Oppai Dragon] is so fun nyan~”

Kuroka added to that.

“That’s right. I also had fun mimicking Switch Princess! So I ended up giving them some fan service!”

It seemed like Bikou was having fun. Hmm, these guys are still as unpredictable and not only that I don’t even get their reason for their actions! Seriously, I don’t know if they are good guys or bad guys.

Well, I know that they are troublesome lot and not our friends for sure.

[…Oi red, I’m mimicking such thing called [Oppai Dragon]… Sob. How did this happen…!]

[I’m sorry white. I don’t even know either…it seems like I get into weird situations without realizing it…Sob…]

…Two Heavenly Dragons have started crying again. Looks like Vali joined Bikou’s mischief… Hakuryuukou, who dyed its armour red and started to mimic me. I can’t possibly imagine how Albion feels like right now.

Buchou sighed and said

“…as member of the House of Gremory, I give you my thanks for helping this village. We are also at fault for not realizing this village was under attack by monsters.”

Then Bikou started to tap buchuo’s head loudly while talking.

“That’s cool! Not even the great House of Gremory can look after everything like this tiny little village. But there are only two tv stations available here. Not even tokusatsu show [Oppai Dragon] airs here. They only knew about Oppai Dragon through main news on Channel 1 or by radio? Wouldn’t this huge information divide be a problem? Well, thanks to that we didn’t get outed as fakes though.”

“……That’s right, we should set up some TV towers here.“

Buchou’s eyes twitched.

It seems like she’s mad at Bikou tapping her head…! But it seems like Bikou hasn’t realized this and kept tapping her head.

“Also won’t it be good if they build super markets or convenience shop here? It only thing here is corner shop with poor selection and wagon.”

“…T-That is true.”

“Not only that, won’t it be good if they have ramen shop here? If you want, we can run it for you; I’m into making ramen lately. I’ll show you taste of ramen full of vegetables and pork!”

“………I-I don’t think that has anything to do with this situation? And also, stop tapping my head!”

Buchou smacked Bikou’s hand away! Her anger gauge is increasing!

“Hehehe, that’s scary. I don’t think you can fulfill your duty as Switch Princess with short temper like that?”

“That’s none of your business! The only person who makes me mad like this is you! Also! Stop calling me Switch Princess! I don’t want to be called such by you! And also, you guys are currently illegal immigrants here!”

…They have relationship like dog and monkey, wait its more like Princess-Monkey relationship….[1] Even an elegant person like buchou loses temper when talking to this guy.

When Bikou made Saru(Monkey) hand seal it made loud noise and smoke came up! When the smoke cleared fake buchou wearing Switch Princess costume appeared! You transformed again!

“I think I’m more fitting to be Switch Princess?”

He said in buchou’s voice! His hand movement and the way he walks was exactly like buchou! I didn’t know he was this good at mimicking other people!

By the way buchou was….so mad that her tendon on her temple was building out! Koneko then for some reason gave her a banana she had brought with her.

“…People are keep picking fight with me lately…….. Likes of you mimicking me….? Ohohohoho you, a monkey? Here, take this banana and go back to mountain.”

“Confident aren"t you Switch. Sh.e.l.l we have a battle then? Let villagers decide who the real [Oppai Dragon] team is!”

“Sounds interesting. Okay, I accept the challenge. We will show you the real [Oppai Dragon]! Ise, everyone, let’s win this!”

Sparks were flying out between buchou and Bikou’s eyes.

….my goodness this is getting out of control.

In the end, Gremory team and Vali team are battling against to see who’s true [Oppai Dragon]….

“Nyhahahaha, it sounds fun don’t you thing~? Shirone.”


While Kuroka seems like she was having fun, Koneko looked like she was displeased and pouted.

When I was sighing, beside me, Vali was saying “Don’t cry, Albon. This is another form of entertainment. What? You want to go back to your home town? Calm down first, I don’t even know the home town of white dragon.” And was calming him down.

“You guys sure do have too much time in your hand.”

I told Vali while sighing.

“We do need change of pace sometime. I only care about that dragon though…Bread and cookies from this village is also good. Just eating that is worth the effort.”

Team moral eh. Also he eats things like cookies, I can’t imagine it.

[….I am meeting with white dragon but instead of fighting we are doing this kind of things… it’s too much….]

My partner sighed heavily.


An improvised stage was built at the place where crowds were gathered. On the stage, there was a banner with [Oppai Dragon Fight!] written in the Devil’s Alphabet.

The villagers who have gathered had their eyes full of excitement.

[Ah~ Ladies and Gentleman! Let’s start the 1st [Which is real Oppai Dragon?] compet.i.tion!]


The people cheered after announcer.

….Fake Switch Princess, Bikou told everyone in the village about our agreement. And the villagers gave instant ok and built this improvised stage with everyone’s help.

Maybe because there’s not much else to do around here, it seems like they get behind anything that looks fun. They sure know how to have fun…

[Judges will be Village chief, Rossweisse-san, Asia Argento-san, Xenovia-san, And we have a special guest, Irina-san who came from Heaven!]

“h.e.l.lo to you all. This is Village Chief speaking. Thanks for having me today.”

After being introduced by the announcer, Chief opened his mouth. He was a dandy looking middle aged man with a long beard.

“h.e.l.lo everyone. I’m a Valkyrie, Rossweisse. As a judge I will be fair on everyone today.”

“I-I am Asia! I think this place is very beautiful! I want to live here one day!”

“I’m Xenovia. Take care of me as well today.”

“I’m Shidou Irina~! I’m an angel~! Devil people! Let’s have fun today!”

Some people from ORC were sitting at judge’s panel….. Oi, you guys seems like having fun.

Just think about how I feel, being dragged into this compet.i.tion; I don’t know what’s happening right now! I shouted in my head behind the curtains while waiting with my armour on.

“….I will never lose to that monkey ever…!”

Buchou was muttering next to me, she was flaming up. H-Her eyes are scary! It’s really scary buchou!

We have decided to have 1v1 battle against the five of us. From our side, me, buchou, [Dark Knight Fang] Kiba, [h.e.l.lcat] Koneko and Gasper are going to compete. Gasper was praised by people as [Cardboard box Vampire] after appearing on a movie. From their team, Vali, Bikou, Kuroka and Arthur are going to compete….. Who is the fifth person? We don’t know who that is yet.

[Now, let’s the show begin!]

… Announcer has declared the start of the compet.i.tion! Akeno-san was wearing a bunny girl suit and acted as round girl! Fishnet Thighs, they are the best!

Anyway, compet.i.tion has started!


Round 1

Darkness knight Fang Battle.

Wearing antagonist’s costume, Kiba and Arthur had a numbered badge on their chest. Since we have to determine who is real and fake, we didn’t tell them their real names and decided the winner using this.

“”Kyaa~! Both of them are so handsome~!””

Seeing two handsome guys on the stage, all the village girls went wild…. d.a.m.n it, handsome guys are so popular with girls wherever they go, so jealous!

[We have distributed plaques only to female members of the audience! On each side of the plaque, they have 1 and 2 written on them! Now, you two have to say and act cool like the character. And with that, the panel of judges and female members of the audience will use their plaque to decide who is real and who is fake!]

Popularity contest! Kiba, you can win this!

Grabbing the mic, Kiba took a deep breath, flung his cape and said

[Sekiryuutei, I congratulate you for reaching me. Let’s have our final battle tonight. Now, let’s being our fight till the end.]

Woah, its Darkness knight Fang’s quote from Oppai Dragon!


Girl"s shrills were echoing! Some of them even fainted! You like it that much! It’s just a quote from the show!

This time, Arthur grabbed the mic and turned his eyes toward me. What? Me?

[Oppai Dragon…. I have always wanted to fight you. I’m curious how well one of Two Heavenly Dragons will endure my Holy Royal Sword. If possible, I would like to rip your strong will…. And your strong heart into pieces.]

…feeling his cold gaze my entire body shivered. He was emitting killing intent…! He was being deadly serious just now!


Female audiences were so excited that their eyes turned into hearts.

After that, those two continued to make cool poses and say cool lines, exciting the audience even further.

“I’m not interested in handsome guys.”

Chief’s comments were short and to the point! You are a good person! I’m rooting for you!

“Kiba has better image overall but….”

“If we consider image as Darkness knight, Arthur-san isn’t that bad either.”

Xenovia and Rossweisse-san were not giving us any advantage and judged them very seriously!

In the end…. Draw! The votes were split between Handsome guy Kiba and Dangerous looking Arthur.


Round 2

h.e.l.lcat Battle.

Next up was h.e.l.lcat Battle.

On the stage, Koneko and Kuroka stood! Both of them were wearing cute h.e.l.lcat costumes but… their bodies were so different from each other!

Loli body Koneko and ginormous oppai body Kuroka! Kuroka was swigging her hip and her tail while pressing on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s!

“”””OOOOHHHH! h.e.l.lCAT-SAMA!””””

Male audience members were enchanted by Kuroka’s erotic body! I’m also enjoying this a lot!

[Now it’s a battle between h.e.l.lcats! We have given plaques to male audience members only this time! Will it be loli loli h.e.l.lcan-chan, or will it be ero ero s.e.xy h.e.l.lcat-sama! Let the match begin!]

Kuroka took the mic first.

She started to seductively stroke her body. Starting with her thigh then moving up to her bottom, hip, b.r.e.a.s.t.s then she placed her hands on her lips.

She licked her lips seductively.

[Do you wanna do h.e.l.lcat stuff with onee-sama nyan ? ~J]

…Ku! After hearing something that cause shockwave inside a guy’s head, everyone including me had a ma.s.sive nosebleed!


I shouted with rest of the audience! s.h.i.t! That Kuroka. So erotic! Are you really Koneko’s sister?! Is Koneko going to be like you in the future! I don’t know if I should be happy or a bit worried! But at the same time I think it might be really good!

Seeing Kuroka’s amazing performance Koneko was… her shoulders were trembling and made sad expression. Her cat ears were also down. It seems like s.e.xy h.e.l.lcat was too big of a shock.

After receiving the mic, Koneko said in small voice.

[…I’m the real h.e.l.lcat but… I’m short and have no b.r.e.a.s.t.s so there’s nothing appealing nyan… sob…]

…Hu! Right then, electricity shot through my body! After watching cute Koneko, my chest tightened!

“”C-C-Cute…! Loli girls are also greeeaaaaat!””

It seems like male audience members were having the same though as me. They were excited and had another ma.s.sive nosebleed!

“Ero ero onee-sama and loli loli girl’s battle! I’m glad I was born in the underworld!”

Chief shouted looking at the sky! This guy, he knows what he’s talking about! I like this guy!

The result was Koneko’s comeback win! At first she was trailing off by Kuroka but at the end, [Cuteness is Justice!] has won.

“Not bad, Shirone ~”

Instead of being angry, Kuroka smiled and walked off the stage.


It looks like her feelings were complicated but thanks to her win, she seemed to have gained confidence.


Round 3

[Cardboard box Vampire] Battle.

We have now reached half way of the compet.i.tion.

Next up was [Cardboard Box Vampire] Gasper’s battle.

On the stage was Gasper in his normal clothes.

“Heeeeeeek! I get so nervous on stageeeee!”

Against trembling Gasper on stage was…. A cardboard box!

…..eh? Cardboard boz? I looked closely at the box on stage. It looks like a normal box…. Is there anyone inside the box? It doesn’t looks like it.

I was bit confused about this. At then, I heard announcer’s voice.

[Right then who is the real [Cardboard Box Vampire]! Please vote on what you think is real!]

W-W-W-W-What?! They’ve already started?! Actually, is Gasper’s opponent… a plane old cardboard box?!

Bikou, as fake Switch Princess, said

“That’s right, we prepared a plane old cardboard box!”

You idiots! Saying our opponent is a plane cardboard box! Our legit cross dressing vampire is facing off against a plane old cardboard box! The match has already been decided!

“Since his name has cardboard box in it, won’t that box be the real one?”

“That makes sense! The other one is just a normal devil! He’s cute and all but if we are looking for Cardboard Box Vampire, we should choose the cardboard box!”

Audiences started to talk like that! No way, really?! That’s a normal plane cardboard box! Is lack of information affecting this match as well?!

[Now let’s hear it from our judges!]

As the announcer looked at the panel, Xenovia opened her mouth.

“…Hm, if we focus on the Cardboard box part, that cardboard box there might be the real Cardboard Box Vampire.”

Even you are saying that! That’s just a box!

“I also think that the box over there is more like the real one then Gasper-kun!”

Irina too! Are you two both idiots?!

“That’s true. For me, instead of Gasper-kun himself I’ve seen Gasper-kun inside his box more. If we look at it that way Gasper-kun is cardboard box itself….?”

Even Rossweisse-san is starting to be confused! That’s weird! Treating your precious comrades as a cardboard box, that’s just weird!

….W-Wait a minute, A-Ara…? Am I imagining things? I think that box is more like Gasper too….?

There are some truths to what Rossweisse-san is saying. I also think I’ve seen him inside his box more…if we think of it that way then that box over there is…. More like Gasper….?

Everyone here shifted their attention toward the cardboard box.

[…..um?!um?! W-Where are you guys looking?!I-I am right here…why is everyone looking at a box…?]

Holding onto his mic Gasper… looking guy was talking but no one was listening to him… everyone was looking at the cardboard box… no Gasper Vladi and nodded their head.

The result was…

[This cardboard box is the real [Cardboard Box Vampire] sama!]

When announcer said that everyone clapped their hands like they all agree with the decision.

[S-S-So mean!]

Original Gasper Vladi started to cry and went inside his own box.

Ah, that’s more like [Cardboard box Vampire] Gasper I know!

That day, Gasper’s ident.i.ty has been ripped off by a normal plane cardboard box.


[Round 4]

[Switch Princess] Battle

Final battle! Antic.i.p.ated battle between Switch Princesses!

Two crimson haired bishoujos in a dress stood on the stage! The real buchou was wearing a pair of gloves with the Gremory mark on her left one.

[Switch Princess battle! Who is our real Princess Rias?!]

When announcer was introducing them, Bikou grabbed the mic midway and walk toward the audience!

[I will show Switch Princess’s power right here, right now!]

He then proceeded to push his b.r.e.a.s.t.s forward and clicked his fingers! Soon after…. His b.r.e.a.s.t.s started to shine!

Woah, that’s buchou’s Second Phase! Yes, buchou’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s glow in red aura! [2]

I don’t know how they got that information but it seems like Bikou was using either senjutsu or magic to mimic the phenomenon! Audiences started to get excited and rowdy.

“I won’t lose to that! Ise!”

Buchou suddenly called me. W-What’s going on…? I hurriedly went over to buchou.

“Touch my b.r.e.a.s.t.s!”

“Yes?! A-Are you sure?!”

She told me to touch her b.r.e.a.s.t.s out of nowhere! Well, if you give me permission I will gladly do so!

Buchou said in determined voice.

“If I want to win against that monkey I will have to show them a real miracle! If it’s you, you can do it!”

Buchou believed in me so much! But even so, is that really ok?! There are so many people here! Well, worrying about such a thing is a bit late at this point!

There are moments when buchou reciprocates my love for b.r.e.a.s.t.s so well that even I’m perplexed at times! But if I am ordered by buchou to do so, it’s my duty to fulfill her order! Thanks for the chance!

I took my twitching fingers toward buchou’s enormous b.r.e.a.s.t.s and commenced an attack on them!


I can feel this soft and elastic sensation covering my hands!


Buchou gave out erotic sigh. At that moment….


My armour emitted red aura from all over the place! Ah, I can feel my power rising! This is the best! Buchou’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s are b.r.e.a.s.t.s that can bring my hidden power!

Buchou’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s were shining more radiantly then Bikou’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s! It was bright enough to illuminate the whole stage!

[….Uuu. this again….!]

Ddraig said this like he gave up. I’m sorry partner! I know this may sound bad but, try to get used to this kind of situation please!

“That’s a very radiant light. Ah, b.r.e.a.s.t.s are shining….! They are full of emotions! They are joyful! This must be miracle that Sekiryuutei and Switch Princess bring…..!”

Chief was whaling! It seems like his heart was touched by something!

…right then

[U. Ahhhhhhhhhh!]

We heard pained cry from the audience direction.

Getting shone by the light, one audience member cried in agony and started to change his appearance! His body grew in size and wings came out from his back, his arm and legs grew bigger and even had a tail on his back!


A loud howl echoed around the stage. From the audience, a large dark dragon appeared. Oh, he sure is energetic, he seems strong! So light coming out of buchou’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s has the ability to look through a dragon’s disguise it seems.

“””Ahhhhh! It’s a dragon!”””

Seeing a dragon suddenly appearing, the audience fled the scene quickly! the only ones left were us, Vali team, chief and the announcer. The dark dragon flared at us and spoke.

[You blasted devils! How did you look through my disguise…. Does that b.i.t.c.h’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s have some kind of ability to defeat evil?!]

Dragon, who’s been outed after being shone with light, said in a voice full of hatred. Buchou’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s are full of mysterious powers! Seeing that, Albion shouted.

[Ddraig! What was that power just now?! Does your power have an effect on those around you?!]

[My partner is using his power in the weirdest way possible. I-It could be that aftereffect.]

[What?! …. D-Don’t come near me! Stay away! I might catch that oppai power!]

[What?! Sob sob! Even my arch foe is criticizing meeeee!]

Ddraig started to cry heavily! I’m sorry! Even buchou’s face turned red as a carrot!

Right then, Vali stood next to me.

“At least we didn’t have to go out and find him. You are the one targeting this village right? …. Just a normal Evil Dragon.”

Vali said in bored tone.

Ah, this guy is the boss of all those monsters. Sensing his powers, it’s not even remotely as powerful as the Dragon Kings.

Dark Dragon glared at us.

[…That’s right. After taking over this village, I’m going to use it as a footstall for my ambition. I can’t let you weaklings get in my way!]

Hearing that, I and Vali looked at each other.

….That dragon. Does he not know of the Heavenly Dragons? He won’t be able to say that kind of things in front of the Heavenly Dragons if he knew about us.

[He’s a young dragon. Looks like from some Evil Dragon clan. Seems like he hasn’t met anyone with real power.]

Ddraig murmured in a dumbfounded tone. Is he one of those bullies back in his home?

[I don’t like you guy’s face! Me and my servants will teach you what it is to be a true dragon!]

From his shadows many monsters came out but… they all seemed to be not too threatening. Bikou shouted

“Really annoying! Oi, Switch Princess! Let’s have compet.i.tion who can get rid of them the quickest!”

Bikou kept agitating buchou. Coming back dressed in school uniform, buchou made a confident smile.

“Sounds interesting! Ok then! Now my adorable servants! Let’s blast these mobs from the Land of House Gremory!”

Oh, looks like fun!

“You guys gonna defeat them using oppai torch?!”

“Shut up you stupid monkey! Shall I blast you away with them?!”

They are fighting again!

“Ufufufu, I was about to get bored, this is perfect. Shall we test how well they can handle my Holy Lightning?”

“Sound more fun than being judge.”

Akeno-san and Xenovia look like they are having fun too.

“You guys, the village might get destroyed so go easy on them. Let’s try to cause minimum damage to the village and destroy them all.”

Hearing Vali’s order his team members made scary expression! Woah~ they are scary!

Now, I should join them too! If it was me from before, I won’t have chance against that dragon but with the current me, I think I can handle it without breaking a sweat.

Like that, we and the Vali team charged at the dragon.


A few days later…

“Zoom Zoom Iyaaan!”

“”“Zoom Zoom Iyaaan!”””

We are watching [Oppai Dragon] tokusatsu show at the countryside village from backstage. Actors and actresses dressed as us were running the show, it seems like village kids are enjoying the show as well.

After defeating the dragon easily, to ensure that this village does not get attacked by other monsters, we decided to put some guards guarding the village here. We also decided to set up a TV tower so the number of channels people can watch here increased.

Fake [Oppai Dragon] Vali team, like always, hid themselves quickly. They sure have too much time on their hands. But even if for a bit, they did protect this village from harm.

And I…was holding a present from Kuroka, as an apology for mimicking us…! Looks like she asked someone to give this to me, as a villager came up to me and handed me my present.

Inside were many pictures of Kuroka in erotic poses….! T-This is awesome! Totally erotic! She’s making all sorts of poses in the photo! Looks like I’ll be very busy tonight! Uhehehehe, I can’t wait! When I was drooling over the photo someone tugged my clothes…Koneko! Taking the pictures away from me, she glared.

“K-Koneko! T-This is….”

Even before I made any excuses, Koneko’s sharp punch hit my stomach!

BANG! Getting hit by the punch my body was surrounded in pain.

“Ku…! K-Koneko…”

“……….So perverted.”

Koneko shredded the photos and walked away. After a few steps she stopped and said.

“….One day, I will get bigger too….”

Saying that, she walked away from me.

…Get bigger? What is she talking about? B-Beside that my precious ero photos… I cried in sorrow.



Translator"s Notes and ReferencesJump up↑ it makes sense in korean. Dogs and Monkeys have bad relationship and Princess-Monkey relationship part is parody of that.Jump up↑ (Translator Note: happened in the fight between Ise and the hero faction in Vol.09)

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