+DEFINITION.--The _a.n.a.lysis of a sentence_ is the separation of it into its parts.+

+Direction+.--_a.n.a.lyze these sentences_:--

+Model+.--_Beavers build_. This is a sentence because it expresses a thought. _Beavers_ is the subject because it names that of which something is thought; _build_ is the predicate because it tells what is thought.

[Footnote: When pupils are familiar with the definitions, let the form of a.n.a.lysis be varied. The reasons may be made more specific. Here and elsewhere avoid mechanical repet.i.tion.]

1. Squirrels climb.

2. Blood circulates.

3. Muscles tire.

4. Heralds proclaim.

5. Apes chatter.

6. Branches wave.

7. Corn ripens.

8. Birds twitter.

9. Hearts throb.

+Explanation+.--Draw a heavy line and divide it into two parts. Let the first part represent the subject of a sentence; the second, the predicate.

If you write a word over the first part, you will understand that this word is the subject of a sentence. If you write a word over the second part, you will understand that this word is the predicate of a sentence.

Love | conquers ========|============ |

You see, by looking at this figure, that _Love conquers_ is a sentence; that _love_ is the subject, and _conquers_ the predicate.

Such figures, made up of straight lines, we call _Diagrams_.

+DEFINITION.--A _Diagram_ is a picture of the offices and the relations of the different parts of a sentence.+

+Direction+.--_a.n.a.lyze these sentences_:--

1. Frogs croak.

2. Hens sit.

3. Sheep bleat.

4. Cows low.

5. Flies buzz.

6. Sap ascends.

7. Study pays.

8. Buds swell.

9. Books aid.

10. Noise disturbs.

11. Hope strengthens.

12. c.o.c.ks crow.



+CAPITAL LETTER--RULE.--The first word of every sentence must begin with a _capital letter_+.

+PERIOD--RULE.--A _period_ must be placed after every sentence that simply affirms, denies, or commands.+

+Direction+.--_Construct sentences by supplying a subject to each of the following predicates_:--

Ask yourselves the questions, What tarnishes? Who sailed, conquered, etc.?

1. ----- tarnishes.

2. ----- capsize.

3. ----- radiates.

4. ----- sentence.

5. ----- careen.

6. ----- sailed.

7. ----- descends.

8. ----- glisten.

9. ----- absorb.

10. ----- corrode.

11. ----- conquered.

12. ----- surrendered.

13. ----- refines.

14. ----- gurgle.

15. ----- murmur.

+Direction+.--_Construct sentences by supplying a predicate to each of the following subjects_:--

Ask yourselves the question, Glycerine does what?

1. Glycerine -----.

2. Yankees -----.

3. Tyrants -----.

4. Pendulums -----.

5. Caesar -----.

6. Labor -----.

7. Chalk -----.

8. Nature -----.

9. Tempests -----.

10. Seeds -----.

11. Heat -----.

12. Philosophers -----.

13. Bubbles -----.

14. Darkness -----.

15. Wax -----.

16. Reptiles -----.

17. Merchants -----.

18. Meteors -----.

19. Conscience -----.

20. Congress -----.

21. Life -----.

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