
Ever since the day he pa.s.sed out, Yan Ke noticed the strange expression on Su Yu"s face whenever the latter looked at him.

He quietly sighed and patted his chest.

Su Yu, "We will enter the city in a while. Your Highness, please allow someone to dress you up."

Dress him up……  

Yan Ke was indignant. If you bring me on such a long journey again, you should bring along someone to dress up my corpse, d.a.m.n it.

Four days! Yan Ke was finally freed.

The rope on his hand was finally untied. His wrists and ankles were all covered with bruises and scars. And when he was getting off the carriage, he even fell because he felt weak in his limbs.

Su Yu was at a side handing over matters to the marriage emissary and retinue. Yan Ke awkwardly face-planted himself onto the ground and snickers could be heard from all around.

He struggled to pick himself up and sat on a huge rock beside him.

The maidservant brought him some water and placed it in front of him. Yan Ke looked at his terrible appearance through his reflection in the water and sighed.

Are you sure the Crown Prince"s reputation as the most beautiful man in the State of Chu was not bought with money?

His eyes were lifeless, looking no different from the eyes of a dead fish. His lips were so dry that they were peeling; if he moved his lips a little more, they could even split and ooze blood.

His face was covered in bruises, all of which were the results of his failure to escape.

There was also a wound scar on his forehead.

It was not a surprise that others despised him; even Yan Ke himself felt that he was a tragic sight to behold. On the way here, his attractiveness rating had plummeted.

This Yan Ke was truly not favored or pampered. If he were favored, then as a Crown Prince of a country, he would not have been sent to the State of Yue to enter a marriage alliance.

n.o.body helped him up when he fell earlier. And on the way here, n.o.body stood up for him when Su Yu mistreated him. This was enough to prove that……

He was a Crown Prince in name only. At best, you could say that he was a Crown Prince; at worse, he was just a high-ranking rice weevil1 in the State of Chu.

He had no literary talents to speak of.  

Neither did he have any martial prowess to boast of.

The original owner had really been living a wretched existence; otherwise, how could a Crown Prince"s Eastern Palace languished until there was not even a single maidservant in there.

Su Yu looked at Yan Ke, who had just washed his face clean. His sharp eyes noticed the new bleeding wound on Yan Ke"s face. His eyes flashed with displeasure, "I left for only a while. What happened to your face?"

The maidservants at the side kept silent and cast an apprehensive glance at Yan Ke, who was sitting on the rock. They feared that the Crown Prince would tell on them, that they had never helped him up earlier.

Yan Ke saw the fear clearly in their eyes and laughed internally despite himself. Didn"t these people laugh at him when he fell and made a spectacle of himself? It was true that no matter the era they were in, there were always people who would gang up to bully the weak.

Yan Ke shook his head and said, "It"s nothing."

Su Yu looked at Yan Ke, whose face had undergone a drastic change. He had such a pretty face, and now it had been ruined until it looked neither human nor ghost.

He reached out his hand and lightly touched Yan Ke"s wound. Looking at the trace of blood on his hand, he squatted in front of Yan Ke and held Yan Ke"s hand in his palms.

Disgusted, Yan Ke pulled his hand back.

Yan Ke, "General, if you have something to say, just say it. It isn"t proper to be this touchy-feely, is it?

Su Yu laughed under his breath. He never forgot his mission; he wanted Yan Ke"s heart to be with him even if his person was in the State of Yue. That way, it would be easier to control him. "Yan Ke, if you are still untainted when I attack the State of Yue, then I still want you."

Yan Ke placed his hand over his heart which had begun to thump wildly; he felt sick to his stomach.

This was definitely not a reaction he should have! Could it be that — the original Yan Ke was still in this body?

If that were true, then wouldn"t this be a sc.u.mbag-and-trash2 duo?

One was such a sc.u.m that when the original owner wooed him, he would eye him with detachment and verbally abuse him.

One was clearly spurned and rebuked for being a disgusting pervert, and yet he could still be moved after listening to traps like this.

Untainted? Want him?

Screw you!

I"m so tall, so big, and so thick, you think I can"t find a gentle and beautiful girl to live my life with? Why would I want to be gay with you? Aren"t you afraid that if I pull it out, mine would be even bigger than yours?!

Yan Ke pulled at Su Yu"s clothes, looked at the latter"s smug face, and gave a bitter laugh.

Yan Ke said, "Who the h.e.l.l do you think you are? Untainted? Screw you! If I could win you in a fight, do you think I"d have to put up with you all the way here? Do you think you are only one man in the world? I"m sorry to burst your bubble, but there"s an awful lot of people who have big dong and great techniques. Why don"t you look at yourself in your own pool of p.i.s.s? It"s not as if no one wants me. I heard that the Crown Prince of the State of Yue is handsome and refined; he"s definitely a hundred times better than you, no?"

Su Yu was stunned for a long time before he gathered his wits about him.

Was Yan Ke…… rejecting him?!

His sister had told him to get close to Yan Ke so that this silly guy could pa.s.s back information to them, but…… being rebuked like this made him feel as if he had lost all his dignity. He lifted both of his hands to grab Yan Ke"s shoulders and gradually exerted force.

The strength of one who practices martial arts all the year round was frightening.

Yan Ke felt like his shoulders were going to be crushed soon.

He endured the pain and pushed himself not to compromise with Su Yu, "Crush me to death if you can!"

Because Yan Ke had resisted all the way here, Su Yu had long lost patience with him. But the State of Yue marriage emissary and retinue were still watching next to them, so he could only suppress the inferno raging within him and loosen his grip.

Su Yu, "All attendants, follow me into the city. The rest, wait at the post house."

Yan Ke rubbed his shoulders, thinking Su Yu had definitely left bruises on him. As soon as he got into the carriage, he was stopped by Su Yu.

Su Yu, "Your Royal Highness, please walk into the city yourself."

When Yan Ke heard it, he stopped in his tracks. But it was only a moment"s pause. A while later, he entered the carriage.

Yan Ke, "Then I"ll just stay in the carriage and not go anywhere. I don"t want to go in there anyway."

Su Yu looked at that rascal of a Yan Ke and kicked the wheel of the carriage bitterly. He followed him up onto the carriage.

Su Yu, "Go!"

He gloomily looked at the man on the divan with his back turned towards him. Yan Ke remained unmoved even though he was on tenterhooks.

I shall do whatever I please just because you can"t get rid of me even though you can"t bear the sight of me!

Su Yu, "Who told you the Crown Prince from the State of Yue was handsome and refined?"

Yan Ke slightly opened his eyes. This information was from the original owner"s memory. Was it wrong? But whatever, whether it was wrong or not, whether he was ugly or not, it was all none of his business.

Since he could not make a getaway now, there would still be a chance to slip away when he reached his destination.

Su Yu, "I heard that the Yue"s Crown Prince has a huge black mole between his eyebrows. He is also short and obese, and bloodthirsty by nature. You"d better watch out for yourself. But you are a Crown Prince, and the State of Chu is a rich and powerful country. So he probably won"t lay his hands on you."

Yan Ke criticized him inwardly, "Aren"t you guys only too anxious for this Yue"s Crown Prince to lay his hands on me?! Then you would have an excuse to deploy the troops."

Su Yu was prepared to continue talking, but he shut his mouth instantly when Yan Ke gave an impatient cough.

He stared at the back of Yan Ke"s head with a look of incredulity as a sense of bewilderment rose in his heart.

Was Yan Ke finding him annoying just now???

The convoy entered the city. Leading the way in front was the State of Yue"s marriage emissary and retinue, followed by the attendants from the State of Chu and Su Yu"s personal entourage.

The scene was spectacular.

The common folk of Yue had long heard that their Crown Prince was going to marry the Number One Most Beautiful Man from the State of Chu, and thus they had all been waiting by the side of the street at the earliest time possible.

Their cheers, the hustle and bustle of the crowd, along with the sound of peddlers hawking their wares, all washed over him like a tidal wave.

It was impossible for Yan Ke to close his eyes to take a nap even if he wanted to, so he simply sat up and lifted the curtain of the carriage, and exposed that battered face of his for the world to see.

The commoners who were at the scene burst into laughter.

Vaguely, Yan Ke heard a few harsh comments.

"That"s the State of Chu"s Number One Most Beautiful Man? He isn"t even as handsome as me!"

"Exactly, see how thin he is. The State of Chu is a big country by all accounts, how did they raise their Crown Prince into such a monkey?"

"No wonder our Crown Prince was unwilling and even ready to run from the marriage! If it were me, I"d be unwilling too! Marrying a man isn"t a big issue, but at least send someone who"s a little more dashing?"

Su Yu listened to the offensive remarks below; he could not bear to continue listening anymore. Yet that person who was the topic of discussion and who bore the brunt of the ridicule was still propping his face up with his hand and listening to them with relish.

Su Yu pulled him inside and looked at him with disdain, "Don"t bring shame to the State of Chu!"

"Didn"t you just say you wanted me? This has not even started, and you are already despising me?" Yan Ke raised his eyebrows, although he did not continue to lay by the window for those people to admire and comment on.

Su Yu said indifferently, "You weren"t willing earlier, were you?"

Yan Ke said, "Yes, I"m not. Have you ever seen anyone drop into the same cesspit twice?"

Su Yu almost lost his temper then. Just as he was about to scream b.l.o.o.d.y murder, the carriage stopped.

Guard, "General, we have arrived at the Crown Prince"s residence."

Su Yu made a sound of acknowledgment and went down. When he saw that the main gate of the Crown Prince"s residence was tightly shut, the frost that ran through his blood instantly doused the anger that had been roused by Yan Ke.

◈ ◈ ◈ Bonus Scenario ◈ ◈ ◈
A very, very long time later.
Yan Ke with a cold face: So, you shut me out of the house. : )
Meng You: ……Weren"t you rather happy about it back then?


❀ Feel free to let me know if there are any typos or errors.
❀ You can refer to the for a full list of terms for this novel.
❀ Footnotes below :3
❀ The Bonus Scenario is from the author"s commentary in the raw. Sometimes, authors include little extras like these.

Footnotes米虫, rice weevil. Basically saying he"s a parasite or a freeloader.渣贱组合 = 渣攻贱受, basically a seme who is a sc.u.mbag and always mistreat the uke, while the uke is a seme trash and love him unconditionally despite all the ill-treatment.

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