WARNER, CHARLES DUDLEY. Library of the World"s Best Literature.

WATSON, J. S. Quintilian"s Inst.i.tutes of Oratory; Or, Education Of An Orator.

WEIGERT, MAX. Die Volksschule in Frankreich.

WEIR, SAMUEL. Key To Rousseau"s emile.

WELLS, C. L. The Age of Charlemagne.

WEST, ANDREW F. Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools.

WHITE, REV. JAMES. The Eighteen Christian Centuries.

WILKINS, A. S. National Education in Greece in the Fourth Century B.C.

WILKINSON, SIR J. G. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (3 Vols.).

WILLIAMS, SAMUEL G. the History of Modern Education.

WILLMANN, OTTO. Herbart"s Padagogische Schriften (2 Vols.).

WINSHIP, ALBERT E. Horace Mann, Educator.


YONGE, C. D. Three Centuries of Modern History.


ZOUBEK, FR. E. A. COMENIUS. Grosse Unterrichtslehre.

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