I. WILLIAM MACKENZIE, first of Belmaduthy, was the eldest son of Alexander Mackenzie, V. of Gairloch, by his second wife, Isabel, eldest daughter of Alexander Mackenzie, natural son of Colin Cam, XI. of Kintail, and progenitor of the families of Applecross and Coul. He married Mary, daughter of James Cuthbert of Alterlies and Easter Drakies, Inverness (sasine of the lands to them in 1657) with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Isabel, who married John Munro of Fayres.

3. Catherine, who, as his second wife, married Alexander Mackenzie, IV. of Loggie and Inchcoulter, without issue.

4. Janet, who in 1679, as his second wife, married her cousin, Alexander Mackenzie, VII. of Gairloch, with issue.

5. Jean, who married Hugh Baillie of Kinmylies, Sheriff-Clerk of Ross.

6. Mary, who married Murdoch Mackenzie of Sand.

William and his wife died in the same week at Belmaduthy, in 1658, and were buried at Chanonry, when he was succeeded by his only son,

II. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, second of Belmaduthy, who married Catherine, eldest daughter by the second marriage of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, Baronet, I. of Coul (sasine 1693), with issue -

1. William, his heir and successor.

2. Kenneth, who became first of Pitlundie.

3. George, who got Culbo (sasine to him in 1721), and married Mary, daughter of Alexander Forrester of Cullenauld, with issue--Isabel, who married Fraser of Achnagairn; Anne, who married Dr John Mackenzie and Catherine, who, in 1713, married, as his first wife, John Mackenzie, III. of Gruinard, with issue - his heir and successor. George, who died in 1765, having left no male issue, his nephew, William Mackenzie, II. of Pitlundie, succeeded to Culbo.

4. Anna, who married Alexander Mackenzie, M.D., eldest son of Bernard Mackenzie of Sandylands, on record in 1707.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. WILLIAM MACKENZIE, third of Belmaduthy, who married first, Margaret, daughter of Alexander Rose of Clava (sasine to her in 1717), with issue -

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. George, M.D. in the Queen"s Dragoons, who died unmarried.

3. Hugh, a merchant in Fortrose, who died unmarried.

4. Alexander, who commanded a ship in the Guinea trade, and died unmarried.

5. Catharine, who married William Tolmie, merchant, Fortrose.

6. Elizabeth, who married John Matheson of Bennetsfield.

7. Jean, who married Simon Mackenzie, first of Scotsburn, with issue.

8. Isabel, who married Lieutenant William Mackenzie, of the 77th Regiment (Montgomery"s Highlanders.) He was killed at Fort du Quesne in 1759.

William married, secondly, Elizabeth (who died in 1772), daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, first Baronet and IV. of Scatwell, with issue -

9. Kenneth, M.D., who practised at Reading.

10. Roderick, first of Flowerburn, of whom presently.

11. Lilias, who married Roderick Macleod, II. of Cadboll, with issue - his heir and successor.

12. A daughter, who married Fraser of Culduthel.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

IV. JOHN MACKENZIE, fourth of Belmaduthy, who married Rebecca, daughter of John Mackenzie, I. of Delvine, with issue -

1. William, his heir and successor.

2. John, who died young.

3. Kenneth, a merchant at Patna, who married a Miss Mackenzie, in the East Indies.

4. Margaret, who died unmarried.

5. Rebecca, who married John Aird, merchant, London.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

V. WILLIAM MACKENZIE, fifth of Belmaduthy, Advocate. He married Maria, daughter of John Lancaster, of Cambridge, with issue -

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. William, who married Miss Hay, Huntingdon, without issue.

3. George, who married Miss Lynch, without issue.

4. Cecilia; 5. Maria; 6. Rebecca, all unmarried.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

VI. JOHN MACKENZIE, sixth of Belmaduthy, who married Margaret Hay, Huntingdon, with issue -

1. John Kenneth; 2. Anna Maria; and 3. Catherine. The present representation of the family is unknown.


I. KENNETH MACKENZIE, first of Pitlundie, was the second son of Alexander Mackenzie, II. of Belmaduthy, by his wife, Catherine, daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, Baronet, I. of Coul. He married Anne, daughter of Hector Mackenzie of Bishop-Kinkell, second son of Alexander Mackenzie, VI. of Gairloch, by his wife, Ann, daughter of Sir John Grant of Grant by Ann Ogilvy, daughter of the Earl of Findlater, with issue -

1. William, his heir and successor.

2. Margaret, who, on the 9th of September, 1728, as his second wife, married John Matheson, first of Attadale, ancestor of Sir Kenneth James Matheson, Baronet of Lochalsh and Ardross.

Kenneth was succeeded by his eldest son,

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