2. William of Achilty and Kinnahaird, who married Mary, daughter of Alexander, VII. of Davochmaluag, with issue - extinct in the male line. John, the last male representative of the family sailed for Melbourne in 1850, in the "Owen Glendower," which has never since been heard of.

3. Anne, who married John Mackenzie, V. of Applecross, without issue.

Sir Colin died in 1740, in the 67th year of his age, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

V. SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, fifth of Coul. He had a charter, under the Great Seal, to himself and his heirs male, as heir to his grandfather, of the whole estate of Coul, in 1742. He married Janet, daughter of Sir James Macdonald, XIII. of Sleat, Baronet, with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. James, who died unmarried.

3. Henrietta, married Thomas Wharton, without issue.

4. Margaret, who married William Mackenzie, IV. and last of Suddie, with issue.

5. Stewart, who married William Dallas of Cantray, with issue.

6. Christina.

7. Janet.

Sir Alexander died in 1792, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

VI. MAJOR-GENERAL SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, Bengal Army, sixth of Coul. He was provincial Commander-in-Chief of Bengal, 1790-1792, and married in 1778, Catherine, daughter of Robert Ramsay, with issue - one son, who on his death in 1795, succeeded him as


He was born on the 22nd of June, 1780, and married, first, on the 8th of June, 1802, Mary, daughter of Donald Macleod of Geanies, with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. William, who succeeded as IX. of Coul.

3. George, who died unmarried in 1839.

4. Robert-Ramsay, who succeeded as X. of Coul.

5. The Rev. John, Free Church minister of Ratho. He was born in 1813, and married, in 1839, Eliza, daughter of the celebrated Thomas Chalmers, D.D., without issue. He died in London in 1878.

She died in 1892.

6. Donald Macleod, Rear Admiral, R.N. He was born in 1815 and married, in 1865, Dorothea, daughter of Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, G.C.B., without issue.

7. The Rev. James, who in 1847 married Philadelphia, daughter of Sir Percival Hart d.y.k.e of Lullingstone, Kent, Baronet, and died without issue in 1857.

8. Margaret. 9. Catherine. 10. Mary. All died unmarried.

Sir George married, secondly, on the 27th of October, 1836, Catherine, daughter of Sir Henry Jardine of Harwood, with issue -

11. Henry Augustin Ornano, who, born on the 24th of April, 1839, married Mary Ann, daughter of Louis Botte, with issue - four sons and a daughter.

He died in 1848, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

VIII. SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, eighth of Coul, an officer in the Bengal army. He died unmarried on the 3rd of January, 1856, and was succeeded by his next brother,

IX. SIR WILLIAM MACKENZIE, ninth of Coul. He was born on the 20th of May, 1806, and on the 16th of August, 1858, married Agnes, daughter of Ross Thomson, of Ardmore, Derry, and died without issue on the 21st of December, 1868, when he was succeeded by his next surviving brother,

X. SIR ROBERT RAMSAY-MACKENZIE, tenth of Coul, who, born on the 21st of July, 1811, married in September, 1846, Louisa Alexandrina, daughter of Richard Jones, member of the Legislative a.s.sembly of Sydney, New South Wales, with issue -

1. Arthur George Ramsay, his heir and successor.

2. Mary Louisa, who on the 9th of May, 1871, married Alexander Archer, of Brisbane, Queensland, without issue. They both perished in the wreck of the "Quetta" on her way home from Australia.

3. Katherine Elizabeth.

4. Louisa Stewart, who on the 26th of February, 1885, married James G. L. Archer, of Gracemere, Queensland, and Laurvig, Norway.

5. Frances Philadelphia.

In 1867 Sir Robert was appointed Premier of the Executive Council and Colonial Treasurer of Queensland, having previously held the offices of Colonial Secretary and Treasurer. He died on the 19th of September, 1873, when he was succeeded by his only son,

XI. SIR ARTHUR GEORGE RAMSAY-MACKENZIE, eleventh and present Baronet of Coul. He was born on the 2nd of May, 1866, and is still unmarried.


I. SIMON MACKENZIE, first of Torridon and Lentran, was second son of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, first Baronet of Coul, by his first wife, Jean, daughter of Alexander Chisholm, XIX. of Chisholm. He has a sasine of the half of Arcan on disposition in 1697. He married Catharine, daughter of John Mackenzie, II. of Applecross.

She has a sasine in 1672 and another in 1694. By her he had issue -

1. Kenneth, his heir and successor.

2. Alexander, I. of Lentran, Tarradale, and Rhindoun, who married, first, Anne, daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, IV. of Applecross (sasine 1745), with issue - (l) Alexander, who died young; (2) Roderick of Tarradale, a Captain in Marjoribanks" Regiments, killed in America, without issue; (3) John Mackenzie of Arcan, secretary to the Highland Society of London, so well known as "John Mackenzie of the Temple,"

and intimately connected with the editing and publication of Macpherson"s Gaelic Ossian. He succeeded to the property, but afterwards sold or alienated it - Rhindoun to the Chisholm Tarradale to his nephew, Dr Murchison; and Arcan to his sister, Elizabeth, widow of John Mackenzie of Sanachan. He died unmarried in 1803, the last male representative of the Lentran Mackenzies. Alexander"s daughters were - (1) Anne, who married Donald Macrae, Camusluinie, Kintail, with issue; (2) another, who married Alexander Murchison of Achtertyre, with issue; (3) Janet, who married William Mackenzie of Strathgarve, with issue; (4) Catharine, who married Colin Green, Scatwell, without issue; (5) Isabella, who married, first, Colonel Mackay of Bighouse, Sutherlandshire, without issue; and secondly, her cousin, John Mackenzie, I. of Delvine, with issue; and (6) Elizabeth, who married Captain John Mackenzie, III. of Sanachan and Tullich, Lochcarron, who in right of his wife succeeded to Arcan.

She died without issue. Alexander married secondly Abigail, daughter of Charles Mackenze of Cullen. She has a sasine in 1715.

3. A daughter, who married Archibald Macdonald of Barisdale, with issue.

4. Anne, who in 1694 married Farquhar Macrae of Inverinate, with issue.

5. Catherine, married Roderick Mackenzie of Aulduinny.

6. Florence, who married Colin Mackenzie, II. of Cleanwaters, with issue - Alexander. Simon was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. KENNETH MACKENZIE, second of Torridon, who in 1703 married Ann, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie, VII. of Gairloch, with issue -

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. Mary, who married Colin Mackenzie, a Bailie of Dingwall, with issue - (1) Kenneth, who married Margaret Macdonald, Skye, with issue - Alexander, who died young in Jamaica; John, Lieutenant 78th Regiment, who died in India, without issue; and Donald, who died young. Kenneth had also several daughters - Janet, who married John Chisholm, Dingwall, where she died, without issue, in 1870, aged 95; Mary, and Margaret Anne, both of whom died unmarried; and Alexanderina, who married Captain Munro, 42nd Highlanders.

(2) John, a merchant in Bishopsgate Street, London, who married a daughter of his partner, Alexander Mackenzie of the Coul family, with issue - Colin Alexander, known as "the Amba.s.sador," who died unmarried in 1851; Kenneth, who died young; John, a Colonel H.E.I.C.S.; Alexander, of Christ Church, Oxford, who died unmarried; and Caroline, who married Dr William Wald, without issue. (3) Alexander, who died young. (4) Mary, who married Murdoch Mackenzie, Bailie of Dingwall, without issue. (5) Anne, who married Andrew Robertson, Provost of Dingwall and Sheriff-Subst.i.tute of Ross, grandson of Colin Robertson of Kindeace, with issue - Anne, who as his second wife married Sir John Gladstone, Baronet of Fasque, with issue, among others - the great statesman, the Right Hon.

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