VI. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, sixth of Ord, who, during his father"s lifetime, was, by deed of settlement of Katharine Bethune and Alexander Macdonald, her husband, dated 3rd December, 1785, appointed sole executor to Macdonald"s only child Kenneth, whom failing, the said Alexander Mackenzie, younger of Ord, to be sole heir, "and this as a token of grat.i.tude to the worthy family of Ord." Alexander married Helen, daughter of Neil Macinnes, Collector of Taxes, Aberdeen, with issue -

1. John, who died before his father, unmarried.

2. Thomas, who became his heir and successor.

3. Alexander, Captain in the 25th Regiment, Native Infantry, H.E.I.C.S., who married Hannah Fraser, daughter of James Fraser of Belladrum, with issue - (1) Alexander, H.E.I.C.S., who married a daughter of Colonel Birch, with issue - four sons and four daughters; (2) Charles-Archdale, in the Army, and three daughters, Helen, Emilia, and Anna. He died in India on the 15th of June, 1837.

4. Anne, who married her cousin, Thomas Mackenzie, VI. and last of the Old Mackenzies of Dundonnel.

5. Margaret, who married John Maclean, Granada, with issue - an only daughter, Helen.

6. and 7. Eliza and Helen, both of whom died unmarried.

Alexander died in 1820 and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son,

VII. THOMAS MACKENZIE, seventh of Ord, Vice-Lieutenant of the County of Ross. He was born in December 1797, and married, on the 27th of April, 1825, Anna Watson, second daughter of James Fowler of Raddery, and Grange in Jamaica, with issue - an only son, who in 1880, succeeded his father as

VIII. ALEXANDER WATSON MACKENZIE, eighth of Ord. He was born on the 31st of August, 1827, and was a Captain in the 91st Regiment.

He married on the 10th of June, 1857, Angel-Babington, daughter of the Rev. Benjamin Peile, of Hatfield, Herts, with issue -

1. Thomas Arthur, born on the 17th of September, 1859, Captain 79th Cameron Highlanders. He first joined the 42nd Regiment but was transferred in 1880 to the 79th Cameron Highlanders. He served in the Egyptian War and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, for which he has a medal and clasp and the Khedive Star. He obtained his Captaincy on the 16th of January, 1885. He was for several years Adjutant of the 79th and is one of the editors of "The Historical Records" of that Regiment, published in 1887.

2. Alexander Francis, who was born on the 18th of April, 1861, Captain 93rd Highlanders.

3. Beatrice Anna, who in 1887 married Robert Scarlett, son of the late John Fraser of Bunchrew, with issue - John Ord Alastair; Gladys Frances; and Evelyn Robert Leopold.

4. Anna Watson.


I. THOMAS MACKENZIE, first of this family, was the second son of John Mackenzie, I. of Ord, by Isobel, daughter of Alexander Cuthbert of Drakies. He married Agnes, daughter of Murdoch Matheson of Balmacarra, with issue -

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. Lachlan, who married Mary Macdonald of Tighchruic, with issue.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. JOHN MACKENZIE, second of Highfield (sasine in 1730), who married Margaret, daughter of James Maclean, a Bailie of Inverness, with issue -

1. Thomas, who died before his father, without issue.

2. James, who became his heir and successor.

3. Colin, of Meikle-Scatwell, who married Catharine, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie of Lentran, without issue.

4. William of Strathgarve, who married Janet, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie of Lentran (sasine of lands in 1747), with issue - John, II of Strathgarve, and Alexander, who died without issue. John married and had issue - William, III. of Strathgarve, and three daughters. William married a daughter of Dr Mackenzie, practising as a surgeon in Edinburgh, with issue - a son John, whose issue, if any, are unknown; and William, who died in India without issue.

5. Elizabeth, who in 1716, married Donald Mackenzie, V. of Kilcoy, with issue.

6. Jean, who married Alexander Mackenzie, IV. of Ord, with issue.

7. Catharine, who in 1747, married Robert Ross of Achnacloich.

He was succeeded by his eldest surviving son,

III. JAMES MACKENZIE, third of Highfield, who married Mary, daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, IV. of Applecross, with issue -

1. Thomas, his heir and successor.

2. William, who died unmarried.

3. Alexander, who died young.

4. John, who died unmarried.

5. Alexander, of Breda, Aberdeenshire, who married Maria Rebecca, daughter of Colonel William Humberston Mackenzie of Conansbay, and sister of the last Lord Seaforth, with issue - (1) William, a Lieutenant in the 78th Regiment, died at Breda in Holland of a wound he had received the previous day at the taking of Merxem, in 1814; (2) Thomas, a midshipman, R.N., drowned at sea; (3) Frederick, R.N., murdered at Calcutta, in 1820; (4) Francis, R.N., drowned at sea in 1828; (5) John, all without issue; and (6) Alexander, Captain, 25th Regiment, and Adjutant of the Ross-shire Militia, who took a great interest in the history of his Clan and collected a large amount of information and valuable MSS. He married Lilias Dunbar, daughter of James Fowler of Raddery, with issue - (1) James Evan Fowler, who died unmarried; (2) Alexander, now at Fortrose and three daughters, who died unmarried. Alexander of Breda, who died in 1872, had also four daughters, two of whom, Louisa and Gertrude Elizabeth, died unmarried; Margaret, who married the Rev. Charles Grant, minister of the Scottish Episcopal Church at Meikle Folla, with issue - nine children. She died in 1871. The youngest, Mary Gibbs, married on the 25th of March, 1827, George Skues, Lieutenant Royal Marines, Aberdeen, with issue - (1) William Mackenzie, M.D., Surgeon-Major in the Army, who married Margaret, daughter of Christopher Hyre, Newfoundland, with issue, three sons and five daughters - George Edward Mackenzie; Frederick William Mackenzie; Charles Hyre Mackenzie; Mary Isabella Mackenzie; Margaret Caroline Mackenzie; Gertrude Eliza Mackenzie; Minnie Mackenzie, and Elsie Mackenzie; (2) Edward Walker, Staff-Surgeon in the Army, who died at Calcutta, unmarried, in 1862; (3) Frederick Mackenzie, Surgeon-Major in the Army, who married Maria Theresa Malcolm, with issue - two sons, Frederic Mackenzie and Edward George, and two daughters, Mary Theresa and Margaret Sarah; (4) Richard Alexander, residing in America; (5) John Richards; (6) Georgina Mary, and two daughters who died in infancy.

6. Margaret, who married Alexander Mackenzie, IV. of Muirton of Kilcoy with issue.

7. Elizabeth, who in 1755 married Donald Matheson of Attadale, with issue - from whom Sir Kenneth James Matheson, Baronet, now of Lochalsh and Ardross.

8. Anne, who married James Rose of Cuilich, with issue; and seven other daughters who died unmarried.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

IV. THOMAS MACKENZIE, fourth of Highfield, who afterwards succeeded his uncle, John Mackenzie, as VI. of Applecross. He obtained that estate from his maternal uncle, John, V. of Applecross.

In 1781 he sold Highfield to George Gillanders, commissioner for Seaforth, and purchased Lochcarron from Sir Alexander Mackenzie of Delvine for L10,000. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Donald Mackenzie, V. of Kilcoy, with issue - John, VII. of Applecross, and several others. (For his succession see Applecross Genealogy.)


I. RODERICK MOR MACKENZIE, progenitor of the family of Redcastle, was third son of Kenneth Mackenzie X. of Kintail, by Elizabeth Stewart, daughter of John, second Earl of Athole. He was a distinguished warrior, and took a prominent part in the frequent encounters between the Mackenzies and the Macdonalds of Glengarry, often commanding the Clan on these occasions. In 1608 he has a charter under the Great Seal of the lands of Redcastle. He married Florence, daughter of Robert Munro, XV. of Fowlis, with issue -

1. Murdoch, his heir and successor.

2. Colin, I. of Kincraig, of whom presently.

3. Isabel, who married Hugh Mackay of Bighouse, with issue.

4. Margaret, who married, as his first wife, Alexander Mackenzie, V. of Gairloch, with issue.

5. Helen, who married Thomas Dunbar of Grange.

6. Catharine, who married, first, in 1605, Kenneth Mackenzie, III. of Killichrist, with issue; and secondly, Thomas Chisholm of Kinneries, also with issue.

7. Agnes, who married John Dunbar of Bennetsfield.

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