3. and 4. Alexander and Roderick, died in infancy.

5. Margaret, who on the 29th of November, 1755, married Sir Alexander Mackenzie, third Baronet and X. of Gairloch, with issue.

She died on the 1st of September, 1759.

6. Mary who was born in 1732, and died, unmarried, at Lettoch, Redcastle, in 1828, aged 96 years.

7. Elizabeth, who was born in 1746, and married in August 1782, Major-General Colin Mackenzie, with issue - Alexander Wedderburn, who died, unmarried, on the 4th of January, 1838, at Park House, Dingwall and Hannah Margaret Cochrane, who died, unmarried, on the 2nd of February 1858, at Golder"s Green, Hendon.

8. Christina, who was born in 1749.

9. Jean, who was born in 1752, married Robert Anderson, Glasgow, and died, in 1819, without issue.

Roderick"s wife died at Redcastle on the 21st of April, 1755, in the 39th year of her age. He died at Inverness on the 10th of May 1785, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

VIII. CAPTAIN KENNETH MACKENZIE, eighth of Redcastle. He was born on the 21st of February, 1748, and married at Edinburgh, on the 17th of August, 1767, Jean, daughter of James Thomson, Accountant-General of Excise in Scotland, with issue -

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

2. Hector, who married at Edinburgh, on the 29th of March, 1800, Diana Davidson, daughter of Dr Davidson of the H.E.I.C.S., Leeds, with issue--Robert Davidson Mackenzie, Adjutant 1st Bombay Light Cavalry, who died of cholera on the 22nd of December, 1822, at Sholapore, India, without issue. She died at Garlieston in 1852.

3. Boyd, who married William MacCall of Newton-Stewart, without issue.

4. Hanna, who was the last surviving child of Kenneth, of Redcastle, married William MacCa, of Barnshalloch, and died atCreebridge, Newton-Stewart, on the 8th of August, 1849, aged 83 years.

Captain Kenneth was tried for the murder of Kenneth Mackenzie, "alias"

Jefferson. He was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, but was afterwards pardoned. He divorced his wife went abroad entered the Russian service; and was killed in 1789 near Constantinople, where he was a.s.sistant Consul, in a duel with Captain Smith, master of a merchant ship, to whom he had entrusted all his property when he had got into trouble about Jefferson. He figures in Kay"s Edinburgh portraits as one of the Bucks of the City.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

IX. RODERICK MACKENZIE, ninth of Redcastle. He never took possession. The estate, being enc.u.mbered, he sold it in June, 1790, to James Grant of Corriemony, for L25,450, whose nephew, Patrick Grant, sold it in 1828 to Sir William Fettes of Comely Bank, Bart., for L133,000. Sir William"s trustees re-sold it to Colonel Hugh D. Baillie, whose relative, James Evan Bruce Baillie of Dochfour, now possesses it.

This Roderick, the last direct male representative of the House of Redcastle, died in 1798, in Jamaica, unmarried, when the representation of the family devolved upon his uncle, Captain John Mackenzie, VI. of Kincraig, of whom next.


I. COLIN MACKENZIE, second son of Roderick Mor Mackenzie, I. of Redcastle, who was the first of this family, married Catherine, daughter of the Rev. John Mackenzie of Tolly, minister of Dingwall (sasine to her 15th September, 1617), with issue -

1. Colin, his heir and successor.

2. Roderick, who married, first, Isabel, daughter of Hector Mackenzie, IV. of Fairburn, and secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of John Bayne of Tulloch; sasine to him in 1652, and to her in 1656.

3. Margaret, who in 1638 married, first, Gilbert Robertson, II. of Kindeace, and secondly, John, eldest son of Hugh Ross of Achnacloich.

4. Florence, who in 1643 married David Cuthbert, Town-Clerk of Inverness.

5. Agnes, who married, first, in 1672, Alexander Bayne of Knockbain, and secondly, the Rev. John Macrae, minister of Dingwall, author of the Ardintoul MS. History of the Mackenzies, and of a MS.

Genealogy of the MacRas.

6. A daughter, who married John Clunes, Cromarty. Colin married, secondly, a daughter of Innes of Inverbreakie, widow of Murdo Mackenzie of Towie, with issue - James, who married Catherine Innes.

He died in 1649, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. COLIN MACKENZIE, second of Kincraig, who married Agnes, daughter of Duncan Bayne of Delny, with issue -

1. Colin, his heir and successor.

2. Duncan, Lieutenant-Colonel Scots Guards, who married, and died without issue in 1724.

3. Lilias, who married the Rev. William Mackenzie, minister of Rosskeen.

4. Katharine, who in 1680 married, as his second wife, William Grant of Ardoch, with issue. She was maternal great great-grandmother of the Rev. Gustavus Aird, D.D., Creich, ex-Moderator of the Free Church General a.s.sembly, and who has in his possession a copy of the marriage contract dated as above.

5. Christian, who in 1681 married William Mackenzie, brother of Murdoch Mackenzie, II. of Ardross.

6. Florence.

7. Agnes.

Colin married, secondly, Christian Munro, widow of William Ross, Knockgartie (contract of marriage 16th of March, 1680).

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. COLIN MACKENZIE, third of Kincraig, who in 1679 married Lilias, daughter of John Mackenzie, II. of Scatwell, with issue -

1. Colin, his heir and successor.

2. John, who succeeded his brother as V. of Kincraig.

3. Anne, who married John Mackenzie, brother of Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Ardross, without issue.

4. Barbara, who married James Mackenzie, of Tarrel.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

IV. COLIN MACKENZIE, fourth of Kincraig, who married, as her third husband, Margaret, daughter of Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon, without issue.

He was succeeded by his next brother,

V. JOHN MACKENZIE, fifth of Kincraig, Captain in Lochiel"s Regiment.

He married Christina, daughter of James Menzies of Comrie, without issue. She died at Kincraig on the 21st of December, 1775. He was dangerously wounded at Malplaguet in 1709. On the 20th of December, 1760, he made a disposition of the lands of Kincraig to Roderick Mackenzie, VII. of Redcastle, in trust for his second son John, then only nine years old.

John died a few days after, and was succeeded by his remote cousin,

VI. CAPTAIN JOHN MACKENZIE, sixth of Kincraig, second surviving son of Roderick Ban, VII. of Redcastle, born there in 1751. He served in Lord Macleod"s Regiment (now 71st Highlanders), and was wounded at Gibraltar. His descendants, since the death of Roderick, IX. of Redcastle in 1798 without issue, carried on also the representation of the main line of that family. He married Mary, daughter of the Rev. Colin Mackenzie, minister of Fodderty, with issue -

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

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