2. Jean, who married a son of Munro of Lemlair.

3. Anne, who married MacCulloch of Park, without issue.

4. Catherine, who married Kenneth Mackenzie, I. of Langwell, with issue.

He married, secondly, Janet, daughter of Walter Ross of Invercharron, relict of Thomas Ross of Priesthill, life rentrix of Priesthill, Ulladale, etc. (who died on the 17th of March, 1699), with issue -

5. Roderick, who died young.

6. Alexander, who succeeded his half-brother John as III. of Scatwell.

7. George, who died young.

8. Kenneth, who succeeded his brother Alexander.

9. Isabella, who married John Macleod of Contullich, Tutor of Macleod of Macleod, with issue.

10. Christian, who married, first, John Gray of Arboll, and secondly, George Gordon of Ospisdale, without issue.

He has a sasine of Little Scatwell in 1619, and a charter of Allangrange, from George, Earl of Seaforth, in 1636. He died at Lochluichart, of which place he has a sasine in 1634, on the 3rd of March, 1662, and was buried in St. Clement"s Chapel, Dingwall, when according to the Wardlaw MS. "My Lord Lovat paraded there with near 100 horse and 500 foot," to do honour to "a gallant and a great spirit."

Kenneth was succeeded by his only son by the first marriage,

II. JOHN MACKENZIE, second of Scatwell, who has a sasine in 1667. He married Anne, daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, III. of Redcastle, with issue - an only child, Lilias, who married Colin Mackenzie, III. of Kincraig, with issue (sasine to her in 1679). He died on the 13th of May, 1677, and was succeeded by his half-brother,

III. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, third of Scatwell, who married Janet Ross of Ulladale, who died in March, 1699. He died on the 18th of March, 1680, without issue, and was succeeded by his brother,

IV. SIR KENNETH MACKENZIE, fourth of Scatwell. He was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia on the 22nd of February, 1703, by Queen Anne, six weeks after the elevation of his cousin-german, George, Lord Tarbat, to the Earldom of Cromarty. He was member of Parliament from 1702 to 1706. Dr George Mackenzie says that "he was a member of the Union Parliament, and joined those patriots of the country who stood by the ancient and inalienable privileges of the nation." In 1688 he acquired by purchase from his relative, Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh and Mary Haliburton his wife, the lands of Pittonachty. About the same time he married Lilias (then only eighteen years old), eldest daughter of Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon, fourth son of Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Kilcoy, who, on the death of her father and mother, and that of her only brother the year following, was, on the 12th of October, 1693, served heir of tailzie and provision to her father in the lands of Findon, which property she brought to her husband. The fortunes of the family of Scatwell having thus been much improved, in 1696 a dwelling-house was erected by Kenneth and his wife at Findon, into which they removed from Lochluichart; and they continued to reside in it until the erection of the new mansion at Pittonachty by Sir Roderick Mackenzie, the second baronet, in 1795. The old residence at Findon, now used as a farm house, still bears the following inscription on the lintel of the main door:

"Omnia terrena per vices sunt aliena, Nunc mea, nunc hujus, Post mortem nescio cujus, Null certa domus."

"K. MK. 16. 96 I. MK."

By his first wife, Lilias of Findon, who died in childbed on the 21st of October, 1703, Sir Kenneth had issue -

1. George, who was educated at Oxford, where he remained from July, 1702, until May, 1704, during which period he cost his father 8192 merks. He is described as "a youth of great hope and spirit,"

but he died "of a decay," unmarried, in 1705, in his 21st year.

2. Roderick, who succeeded as second Baronet.

3. Alexander, who died in 1711, in his 18th year.

4. Simon, I. of Scotsburn - who was born on the 16th of May, 1702 - representation extinct, Charles Roderick Mackenzie, the last male representative of the family having died at Seaford, Suss.e.x, on the 25th of April, 1893, without issue.

5. Margaret, who on the 13th of February, 1703, married, first, Aeneas Macleod of Cadboll (tocher 6000 merks), with issue; and secondly, Roderick Mackenzie, IV. of Applecross, with issue.

6. Isabel, who married, first, Kenneth Bayne of Tulloch, without issue; and secondly, Roderick Chisholm, XXI. of Chisholm, with issue.

7. Elizabeth, who married William Mackenzie, III. of Belmaduthy, with issue - a daughter, who married Fraser of Culduthel.

8. Margaret, who married James Cuthbert of Farnese, merchant, Inverness.

Sir Kenneth married, secondly, in 1707, Christian, eldest daughter of the Rev. Roderick Mackenzie, minister and Laird of Avoch, without issue. He married, thirdly, Abigail, daughter of John Urquhart of Newhall, with issue -

9. Kenneth, H.E.I.C.S., who died unmarried.

10. Jean, who married Kenneth Mackenzie, III. of Dundonnel, with issue, and died in 1786.

11. Ann, who in 1750 married Thomas Mackenzie, V. of Ord, with issue.

12. Lilias, born at Findon on the 22nd of February, 1711.

In 1728, two years before his death, he mortified a sum of 906 merks for the education and benefit of the poor in the parish of Avoch.

He died in 1730, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son,

V. SIR RODERICK MACKENZIE, fifth of Scatwell, and second Baronet, who in 1710 married Janet, (who died 10th February, 1761) daughter of Ludovic Grant, XVII. of Grant, with issue -

1. Lewis, his heir and successor.

2. Captain Alexander, who married, first, his cousin Lilias, daughter of Simon Mackenzie, I. of Scotsburn, with issue; and secondly, Janet, daughter of John Mackenzie, III. of Torridon, with issue. Male representation by both marriages extinct.

3. Janet, who in 1730 married Sir Alexander Mackenzie, second Baronet and IX. of Gairloch, with issue.

4. Elizabeth, who married Colin Mackenzie, III. of Mountgerald with issue.

5. Margaret, who married James Cuthbert of Milncraig.

Sir Roderick died on the 24th of April, 1750, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

VI. SIR LEWIS MACKENZIE, third Baronet and sixth of Scatwell.

He was born in 1715, and in 1739 married Isabella, eldest daughter of Colin Mackenzie, I. of Mountgerald, with issue -

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

2. Colin, who was born on the 16th of April, 1746, the day on which the battle of Culloden was fought. He was a merchant in London, in partnership with Mark Sprot, the then eminent financier, and married Janet, daughter of J. Sprot, Edinburgh. He died in 1814 and is buried in Bath Abbey. He has a sasine of Little Findon in life-rent, dated the 2nd of September, 1771. By his wife, he had issue - (1) Colin, who died unmarried, in 1841; (2) Mark, who died unmarried, in 1856; (3) Lewis, Major in the Royal Scots Greys, who married, in 1820, Nancy, only child and heiress of Samuel Forrester Bancroft. He died in 1853, with issue - (a) Lewis Mark Mackenzie, I. of Findon and Mountgerald. He succeeded to the estate of Findon by deed of arrangement with his cousin, Sir James John Randoll Mackenzie, sixth Baronet and IX. of Scatwell, in 1849, and he purchased Mountgerald from Colonel Simon Mackenzie in 1855. He died unmarried in 1856, and was succeeded, as II.

of Findon, etc., by his next brother (b) Augustus Colin, who also died unmarried, in 1865; when the only surviving brother (c) Sir James D. Mackenzie, Baronet, Major half-pay, who, born in 1830, served in the 79th and 14th Regiments. He is author of the "Mackenzie Genealogies," published in 1879. Having succeeded to the property, as III. of Findon and Mountgerald, he married, in 1858, Julia Stanley, daughter of Samuel Clutsam, D.C.L., with issue - James Kenneth Douglas, born in 1859; Alice Nancy; Julia Marion; Louisa Augusta; Lilian Geraldine and Evelyn; (d) Earnest Bancroft, who died unmarried in 1861; (e) Colin, who died young; (f) Nancy Copley, who married Thomas Antony Lister of Gargrave, barrister-at-law, with issue - Nancy M. Augusta; (g) and Julia Louisa, who, in 1824, married Baron Iver Holger Rosenkrantz, Chamberlain to the King of Denmark and minister at the Court of Italy (who died in 1873), with issue - four sons.

3. Lewis, who died in the West Indies, unmarried.

4. George, Colonel 72nd Regiment, who married Joan, daughter of John Campbell of Wellwood, Ayrshire, with issue - (1) Lewis, Captain 72nd Regiment, who married Jane, daughter of William Logan, with issue - a daughter, Margaret; (2) John Campbell, Lieutenant 5th Regiment, subsequently Sheriff-Subst.i.tute of Lanark. He married, in 1810, Marie Barbier Deshayeux, at St. Jean de Luz, with issue - George Salvador, Lieutenant H.E.I.C.S., drowned in the Ganges in 1844; Admiral John Fraser Campbell, who in 1850, married Annabella, daughter of the Rev. Dr Stirling, minister of Craigie, with issue; Francois, Major H.E.I.C.S., who married, in 1854, Julia, daughter of John Mercer, of Maidstone, with issue; Lilias, who died unmarried; and Louisa Georgina, who, in 1843, married as his second wife, Dr Stair M"Quhae, with issue; (3) George, who died young; (4) another George, who died unmarried; (5) Isabel, who died young; (6) Catherine, who died unmarried; and (7) Jane, who married William Forrester Bow, M.D., with issue - three sons.

5. Lilias, who died unmarried, in 1777.

Sir Lewis was served heir to his father in 1752. His wife died in 1786 at Findon, and he died in 1756, when he was succeeded by his eldest son,

VII. SIR RODERICK MACKENZIE, fourth Baronet and seventh of Scatwell. On the 7th of April, 1764, he married Katharine, daughter of Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, by Lady Helen Sutherland, daughter of William, Lord Strathnaver, with issue -

1. Lewis, Colonel of the Ross and Cromarty Rangers. In 1794, he married Grace, daughter of Thomas Lockhart of Newhall, and died without issue before his father, in 1810.

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