and Bacon"s rebellion, I.

proprietary of Carolina, I.

Berlin decree, the, II.

Bessemer steel, III.

in the South, IV.

Beveridge, Albert J., VI.

Beveridge-Parsons Bill, VI.

Tariff Commission Bill, VI.

Bicycle, V., VI.

Big Bethel, fight at, III.

Billeting Act, the, II.

Bi-metalism, international, envoys to the powers, V.

Birney, James G., his office sacked, III.

and the Liberty Party, III.

"Blackbeard," I.

"Black Friday," IV.

Blaine, James G., IV.

his campaign for the presidency, IV., V.

proposed congress of American nations, VI.

Blair, F. P., IV.

Blair, Rev. Dr., I.

Bleriot, French aviator, VI.

Blockade of the southern ports, IV.

running, IV.

expeditions to aid, IV.

b.l.o.o.d.y Brook, I.

Bobadilla supersedes Columbus, I.

Boer war issue in campaign of 1900, V.

Booth, John Wilkes, Lincoln, IV.

captured and killed, IV.

Boston, I.

feeling in, toward bishops, I.

streets lighted, I.

the ma.s.sacre at, II.

tea party, II.

General Gage in, II.

population of, in, II.

in panic of 1837. III.

savings banks in, III.

its clearing-house, III.

international peace conference at, VI.

topics discussed at Peace conference at, VI.

foreigners in, VI.

Bowdoin, Governor, II.

Boxer Rebellion, the, VI.

Braddock, Sir Edward, in French and Indian War, I.

Bradford, Governor, I.

his reply to the Dutch, I.

Bragg, General, invades Kentucky, IV. 47; at Stone River, 48, 49, 50; at Chickamauga and Chattanooga, 50-60; his army broken up, 61.

Brandywine, battle of, II.

Brant, Joseph, II.

Breckenridge, his nomination, III.

Breed"s Hill, II.

Brooklyn Bridge, the, IV.

Brooks, James, and the Credit Mobilier, IV.

Brooks, Preston S., his attack on Sumner, III.

challenges Wilson and Burlingame, III.

Brougham, Lord, his words on Washington, II.

Brown, General, I.

Brown, John, his raid, III.

Brush, Charles G., and electric lighting. IV.

Bryan, William J., free silver speech, Democratic convention, 1896, V.

nominated for President, 1896, V.

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