Canada, triple movement of, I.
the cession of, II.
hostility for, II.
the advance on, in war of 1812, II.
and the fisheries question, IV.
emigration to, VI. IV.
reciprocity with, IV. in United States, III., VI.
Cannon, Joseph G., VI.
Cape Ann settlement, I.
Carleton, Sir Guy, II.
Carnegie, Andrew, and the steel trade, VI.
donation of, for palace of peace, VI.
on conservation of minerals, VI.
notable gifts of, VI.
Carnegie Inst.i.tution, VI.
Carolina, its const.i.tution, I.
conflict of parties in, I.
population of, in 1700 and later, I.
the clergy in, I.
See North Carolina and South Carolina.
Carolina Fort, I.
Carroll, George W., Prohibitionist candidate, VI.
Carteret, Sir George, I.
Cartier, voyages and explorations, I.
Carver, Governor, I.
Casco, treaty of, I.
Castlereagh, Lord. II.
Catherine of Russia, organizing the Armed Neutrality, II.
Catholics, in Maryland, I.
in United States, IV.
Cavendish, Lord, urges return of troops, II.
Cavendish, Thomas, sails around the world, I.
Census, twelfth, V.
thirteenth, VI.
permanent bureau established, VI.
Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876, IV.
Cervera, Admiral, V.
Chaffee, General Adna R., military governor Philippines, V.
Chambersburg burned, IV.
Champlain, Lake, explored, I.
Champlain, Sieur de, founds Quebec, I.
his western trials, I.
Chantilly, battle of, IV.
Chapin, Eugene W., Prohibition candidate, VI.
Charitable inst.i.tutions in United States, III,
Charles I., indifference of, to Virginia colony, I.
grants charter to Ma.s.sachusetts Bay Company, I.
Charles II.
and Ma.s.sachusetts colony, I.
his views of political rights of Ma.s.sachusetts colony, I.
favors Baptists and Quakers, I.
his vengeance delayed, I.
and Connecticut, I.
and Rhode Island, I.
and Virginia, 277. I.
words on Berkeley, I.
Charles V. of Spain, I.
Charleston, defence of harbor, II.
besieged, II.
population of, in 1800, II.
taken by Sherman, IV.
Dupont"s attack on, IV.
Charlestown settled, I.
Charter Oak, the, I.