Cornwallis, General, follows Washington across New Jersey, II.

at the battle of Camden, II.

his triumphal march north, II.

at Guilford Court-House, II.

retreats to Virginia, II.

at Yorktown, II.

his surrender, II.

Corporation laws in the fourth decade, III.

Corregan, Charles E., Socialist Labor Party candidate, VI.

Correo, I.

Cortelyou, George B., Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor, VI.

manager Republican campaign 1904, VI.

brings to New York city aid from U. S. Treasury surplus, VI.

Cortez, Hernando, conquers Mexico, I.

Costume in United States in the fourth decade, III.

Cotton, tariff on, III., VI.

slavery and, III.

crops after the war, IV.

production of, in the South, VI.

c.o.xey, industrial army, V.

Crandall, Miss Prudence, her school destroyed, III.

Credit Mobilier, the, IV.

Creeks, the, II.

Andrew Jackson conquers, II., VI.

Creole case, the, III.

Crittenden, III.

his compromise, III.

Crompton"s mule-jenny, II.

Cromwell requires submission of colony, I.

Crown Point taken, II.

Cuba, efforts of Lopez to conquer, III.

United States and, III., V.

and Spain, V.

U. S. endeavors to purchase, V.

Santiago campaign, V.

U. S. Congress on, V.

U. S. military government, V.

sanitary and educational reform, V.

census, V.

const.i.tutional convention, V.

republic, V., VI.

government organized, VI.

att.i.tude of the United States toward, VI.

United States reciprocity with, VI.

Culpeper, Lord, I.

c.u.mberland, the army of, IV.

c.u.mberland, the, sunk by the Merrimac, IV.

Curtis, G. W., IV.

Curtiss, Glenn R., VI.

Cushing, Caleb, IV.

Cushing, Lieutenant, blows up the Albemarle, IV.

Czolgosz, Leon, President McKinley, V.


Dale, Commodore, expedition of, II.

Dale, governor of Virginia, I.

Dam, the Roosevelt, VI.

the Shoshone, VI.

Danbury Hatters case, the, VI.

Dare, the name of the first child of English parents born in America, I.

Dartmouth College, decision of the United States Supreme Court, III.

Davies, Rev. Samuel, his words concerning Washington, I.

Davis, Henry G., nominated for Vice-president, VI.

Davis, Jefferson, in Mexican war III.

chosen President of the Confederacy, III.

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