losses at, IV.

Ghent, the Treaty of, II., IV.

Giddings, resolutions, III.

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, visits America, I.

Gist, Governor, of South Carolina, III.

Gladstone. W. K, his words on Washington, II

Gold, search for, in America, I. 82; coinage, III., IV., V.

discovered in California, III.

excitement, III.

yield, III.

speculation in, IV.

discovered in Yukon, Klondike, Nome, V.

standard law, V.

world"s supply of, 1890 and 1907, VI.

demands for, made on foreign countries, VI.

from Alaskan mines, VI.

Gold-Democratic convention, Indianapolis, 1896, V.

Gomez, General, raises Cuban flag, VI.

Goodyear vulcanizes rubber, III.

Gourgues, Dominic de, I.

Grant, U. S., at the taking of Mexico, III.

occupies Paducah, III.

his capture of Forts Henry and Donelson. IV.

at Corinth and Shiloh, IV.

his plan of attacking Vicksburg, IV.

his movements against Vicksburg, IV.

his movements about Chattanooga, IV.

made Lieutenant-General, IV.

comes East, IV.

in the Wilderness, IV.

his "movements by the left flank," IV.

at Spottsylvania, IV.

at the North Anna, IV.

at Cold Harbor, IV.

change of base to the James, IV.

at Petersburg, IV.

reenforces Washington, IV.

forces Lee to surrender, IV.

his personal appearance, IV.

his terms of surrender, IV.

elected President, IV.

his work in reconstruction, IV.

reelected, IV.

candidate for third term nomination, IV.

opens Centennial Exposition, IV.

mausoleum, V.

Gray, Judge, VI.

Great Meadows, fights at, I.

Greeley, Horace, his campaign for President, IV.

his death, IV.

Greely, General A. W., expeditions of, to the north, IV.

Greenbacks, the "fiat greenback" theory, IV.

Greene, General Nathanael, his character and record, II.

his plan of campaign, II.

at Guilford Court-House, II.

at Hobkirk"s Hill, II.

drove the British from Georgia and Carolinas, II.

Greene, Governor, successor to Lord Baltimore, I.

Grenville, Sir Richard, visits Virginia, I.

Grijalva, Juan de, explorations of, I.

Groseilliers, explorations of, I.

Guadalupe Hidalgo, the treaty of, III.

Guam, ceded by Paris Treaty, V.

population, VI.

Guatemala, General Barrundia complication, V.

Guerilla warfare, II.

Guerin, I.

Guilford Court-House, battle of, II.

Guiteau, Charles J., a.s.sa.s.sinates President Garfield, IV.

Gustavus Adolphus, his ideas of colonizing America, I.

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