Henry, Prince, of Portugal, his patronage of all schemes of exploration, I.

Henry, William, II.

Hepburn Bill, the, VI.

Herkimer, General, II.

Hill, David B., VI.

Hill, J. J., VI.

on forest and soil waste, VI.

Hitchc.o.c.k, Frank H., Postmaster-General, VI.

h.o.a.r, Senator, IV.

Hobart, Garret A., nominated for Vice-President 1896, V.

Hobson, naval constructor, V.

Holmes, Justice, VI.

Holy Alliance, the, I.

h.o.m.oeopathy in United States, III.

Honolulu, Atlantic fleet at, VI.

Hood, General, at Atlanta, IV.

his army routed. IV.

Hooker, General Joe, at Lookout Mountain, IV.

at Atlanta, IV.

at South Mountain, IV.

at Antietam, IV.

at Fredericksburg, IV.

in command of Army of the Potomac, IV.

at Chancellorsville, IV.

resigns, IV.

Howard, Lord, I.

Howe, Elias, patent sewing-machines, III.

Howe, General, II.

advances on Philadelphia, II.

Hudson, Henry, the explorations of, I.

Hudson River, explored, I.

the Dutch trade on, I.

Hudson-Fulton celebration, VI.

Hughes, Governor,

Huguenots, I.

in Carolina, I.

Hulls, Jonathan, II.

"Hunkers," III.

Hunter, General, III., IV.

Huntington, Collis P., VI.

Hutchinson, Mrs. Anne, settles in Rhode Island, I.

killed by the Indians, I.


Idaho made a State, IV.

Igorrotes, characteristics of, V.

Immigration, restriction of, IV., V., VI.

laws regulating, VI.

Italian, VI.

Slavic, VI.

Jewish, VI.

Oriental, VI.

effects of, VI.

foreign colonies in Chicago, New York, Boston, and Milwaukee, VI.

Imperialism and anti-imperialism, V.

Independence, slow growth of desire for. II.

Washington"s words concerning, II.

John Adams cautioned not to utter the word, II.

Richard Henry Lee moves resolution for, II.

Declaration of. See Declaration of Independence.

"Independents," the, I.

Indian Territory, admission of, to Union, VI.

Indiana, the territory formed, II.

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