Abolitionists, methods of, III.

opposition to, in the South and North, III.

schism in the ranks of, III.

ignored the South"s dilemma, III.

their opposition to Lincoln and Congress. IV.

Acadia, named, I.

ceded to England, I.

expulsion of French from, I.

Adams, Charles Francis. III.

at the Geneva tribunal, IV.

Adams. John.

quoted. II.

cautioned not to utter the word "independence," II.

signs treaty between England and America, II.

a Federalist, II.

his overtures to France, II.

and the sedition law, II.

attended theatres, II.

a.s.sailed, II., III.

Adams, John Quincy. II.

a leading Whig, III.

his record, III.

defends Jackson. III.

and the Amistad case, III.

Jackson and, III.

as an abolitionist, III.

opposed to the gag policy, III.

Adams. Samuel. II.

Agriculture in the South, IV. VI.

Aguinaldo, Emilio. V.

and Admiral Dewey, V.

and insurgent forces at Manila, V.

president of republic, V.

capture, V.

Aix-la-Chapelle. I.

Alabama and secession, III.

suffrage, V.

Alabama claims, the, IV.

Alabama, the, destructive career of, IV.

shattered by the Kearsarge, IV.

Alaska, the fisheries question in, IV.

its purchase, IV.

its resources, IV.

const.i.tuted a civil and judicial district, V.

boundary question, V.

census, V.

products of, VI.

Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, VI.

population, 1910, VI.

Albany, begun, I.

convention, I., II.

Albemarle, the iron-clad. IV.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, VI.

Aldrich, Senator Nelson W., VI.

Aldrich-Payne Bill. VI.

Aldrich-Vreeland Act, the, VI.

Alexander, chief of the Pokanokets. I.

Alger, R. A., Secretary of War, and army equipment, V.

Algiers, the Dey of, II.

Allefonsce. Jean, I.

Allen, Ethan, at Ticonderoga and Crown Point. II.

Ambrister, III.

Amelia Island seized, III.

Amendment. See Fourteenth Amendment.

America before Columbus, Introduction, I.

age and origin of man in, 21; brute inhabitants of, 30; plants, fruits, and trees in, 31; alleged discoveries of, before Columbus, 37; Basques, Bretons, and Normans in, 37; discovered by Columbus, 55; illusions of Columbus concerning. 57; origin of name, 58, 61.

America, Spain gets most of, I.

confusion of ideas concerning, I.

earliest legislative body in, I.

the first Swedish colony in, I.

origin of political inst.i.tutions in. I.

the French in, I.

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