Finnborge, I.

Fish, Hamilton, IV.

Fisher, Fort, taken, IV.

Fisheries dispute, the, IV.

clause relating to, in treaty of 1783, IV.

effects of war of 1812 on, IV.

treaty of 1818 provisions, IV.

reciprocity in, IV.

effect on, of Canadian act of confederation, IV.

effect of treaty of Washington on, IV.

severe measures of Canada in, IV.

Mr. Phelps"s words on, IV.

Mr. Bayard and, IV.

the commission and treaty, IV.

in Alaska, IV.

seal dispute, V.

Fitch, John, II.

Five Forks, battle of, IV.

Fletcher, Governor, of Pennsylvania, I.

Florida, Ponce de Leon lands on coast of, I.

Narvaez"s expedition into, I.

French settlement in, I.

hostilities between France and Spain in, I.

her disputed boundary, III.

West Florida occupied, III.

East Florida seized, III.

sold by Spain, III.

its att.i.tude on secession, III.

improvement in, of late years, IV.

Floyd. J. B., treason of, III.

at Fort Donelson, IV.

Flying machines, VI.

Folk, Governor, of Missouri, VI.

Foote, Commodore, at Forts Henry and Donelson, IV.

Force Act, the, of 1871. IV.

Forestry, division of, established, VI.

Forests, conservation of, VI.

waste of, in South, VI.

Fourteenth Amendment, the, IV.

Fowler Bill, the, VI.

Fox, George, and Roger Williams, I.

France, hostilities in Florida between Spain and, I.

Nova Scotia a.s.signed to, I.

in the heart of America, I.

takes possession of Texas, I.

advantages of, in King William"s war, I.

French population in America, I.

vigilance and aggression of, in America, I.

expulsion of the French from Acadia, I.

surrenders American territory to England, I.

treaty of, with America, II.

lends aid to America, II.

revolution in, II.

arguments for United States aiding, II.

justification of Washington"s policy toward, II.

violates the treaty, II.

reciprocates in grievances, II.

effect of Jay"s treaty on, II.

further overtures to, II.

and Florida, III.

spoliation claims against, III.

Franchise Tax Law, VI.

Franklin, Benjamin, II.

his plan for general government over English America, I., II.

his words concerning the Earl of Loudon, I.

his words at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, II.

his popularity and influence in France, II.

conducts peace negotiations, II.

a master in diplomacy, II.

Fraser, General, II.

Fredericksburg, the attack at, IV.

"Free Soilers," III.

Fremont, John C., in California, III.

head of the Western Department, III.

his difficulties. III., IV.

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