Tec.u.mseh, II.

Telegraph, instruction and use of, III.

ocean telegraphy, III., V.

Telephone, the. IV., V.

Teller, Senator, and the silver question, in Republican Convention 1896. V.

Temperance movement, III.

Tennessee, becomes a State, II.

and secession, III.

Centennial and International Exposition, V.

Coal Creek riot, V.

Terry, General. IV.

Tesla, Nikola, V.

Texas, France takes possession of, I., IV.

the Texan question, III.

declares its independence of Mexico, III.

annexation of, III.

its boundaries, III.

enlargement of, III.

secedes, III.

Thanksgiving day. II.

Thayendanegea, II.

Theatres in United States in 1800, II.

Thevet, Andre, I.

Thomas, Gabriel, history of Pennsylvania, I.

Thomas, General George H., at Chickamauga, IV.

at Missionary Ridge, IV.

follows Hood, IV.

routs Hood"s army, IV.

Thurman, Allen G., nominated for Vice-President, V.

Ticonderoga taken, II.

again in British hands,

Tilden. Samuel J., presidential nominee, IV.

Tippecanoe, II.

"and Tyler too," III.

Tobacco, product of Maryland, I.

in Virginia, I.

Topeka Convention, the, III.

Toral surrender, Santiago, V.

Toscanelli. I.

Trans-Missouri case, the, VI.

Travel in colonial America, I., II.

in the fourth decade, III.

by coach, III.

by ca.n.a.l, III.

transatlantic, III.

by rail, III.

improvement in, of late years, IV.

Treasury Department, II.

and the panic of 1907, VI.

Treaties, annexing Hawaii, V.

Treaty of Paris, Spain and United States, V.

Treaty of peace between England and America signed, II.

its provisions, II.

clause relating to fisheries, IV.

Treaty of Washington, the, IV.

three rules laid down by, IV.

on fisheries question, IV.

Trent affair, the, IV.

Trenton, Washington at, II.

Truckee-Carson Ca.n.a.l, VI.

Trumbull, Governor, of Connecticut, quoted, II.

Trust companies, VI.

Trusts, IV., VI.

Tubbles, Thomas H., Populist Party candidate, VI.

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