Home is Where You Left It.

by Adam Chase.

[Ill.u.s.tration: The chance of ma.s.s slaughter was their eternal nightmare.]

[Sidenote: _How black is the blackest treachery? Is the most callous traitor ent.i.tled to mercy? Steve pondered these questions. His decision?

That at times the villain should possibly be spoken of as a hero._]

Only the sh.e.l.ls of deserted mud-brick houses greeted Steve Cantwell when he reached the village.

He poked around in them for a while. The desert heat was searing, parching, and the Sirian sun gleamed balefully off the blades of Steve"s unicopter, which had brought him from Oasis City, almost five hundred miles away. He had remembered heat from his childhood here on Sirius"

second planet with the Earth colony, but not heat like this. It was like a magnet drawing all the moisture out of his body.

He walked among the buildings, surprise and perhaps sadness etched on his gaunt, weather-beaten face. Childhood memories flooded back: the single well from which all the families drew their water, the mud-brick house, hardly different from the others and just four walls and a roof now, in which he"d lived with his aunt after his parents had been killed in a _k.u.maji_ raid, the community center where he"d spent his happiest time as a boy.

He went to the well and hoisted up a pailful of water. The winch creaked as he remembered. He ladled out the water, suddenly very thirsty, and brought the ladle to his lips.

He hurled the ladle away. The water was bitter. Not brackish.


He spat with fury, then kneeled and stuffed his mouth with sand, almost gagging. After a while he spat out the sand too and opened his canteen and rinsed his mouth. His lips and mouth were paralyzed by contact with the poison. He walked quickly across the well-square to his aunt"s house. Inside, it was dim but hardly cooler. Steve was sweating, the saline sweat making him blink. He scowled, not understanding. The table was set in his aunt"s house. A coffeepot was on the stove and last night"s partially-consumed dinner still on the table.

The well had been poisoned, the town had been deserted on the spur of the moment, and Steve had returned to his boyhood home from Earth--too late for anything.

He went outside into the square. A lizard was sunning itself and staring at him with lidless eyes. When he moved across the square, the lizard scurried away.

"Earthman!" a quavering voice called.

Steve ran toward the sound. In the scant shadow of the community center, a k.u.maji was resting. He was a withered old man, all skin and bones and sweat-stiffened tunic, with enormous red-rimmed eyes. His purple skin, which had been blasted by the merciless sun, was almost black.

Steve held the canteen to his lips and watched his throat working almost spasmodically to get the water down. After a while Steve withdrew the canteen and said:

"What happened here?"

"They"re gone. All gone."

"Yes, but what happened?"

"The k.u.maji--"

"You"re k.u.maji."

"This is my town," the old man said. "I lived with the Earthmen. Now they"re gone."

"But you stayed here--"

"To die," the old man said, without self-pity. "I"m too old to flee, too old to fight, too old for anything but death. More water."

Steve gave him another drink. "You still haven"t told me what happened."

Actually, though, Steve could guess. With the twenty-second century Earth population hovering at the eleven billion mark, colonies were sought everywhere. Even on a parched desert wasteland like this. The k.u.maji tribesmen had never accepted the colony as a fact of their life on the desert, and in a way Steve could not blame them. It meant one oasis less for their own nomadic sustenance. When Steve was a boy, k.u.maji raids were frequent. At school on Earth and Luna he"d read about the raids, how they"d increased in violence, how the Earth government, so far away and utterly unable to protect its distant colony, had suggested withdrawal from the k.u.maji desert settlement, especially since a colony could exist there under only the most primitive conditions, almost like the purple-skinned k.u.maji natives themselves.

"When did it happen?" Steve demanded.

"Last night." It was now midafternoon. "Three folks died," the k.u.maji said in his almost perfect English, "from the poisoning of the well. The well was the last straw. The colonists had no choice. They had to go, and go fast, taking what little water they had left in the houses."

"Will they try to walk all the way through to Oasis City?" Oasis City, built at the confluence of two underground rivers which came to the surface there and flowed the rest of the way to the sea above ground, was almost five hundred miles from the colony. Five hundred miles of trackless sands and hundred-and-thirty-degree heat....

"They have to," the old man said. "And they have to hurry. Men, women and children. The k.u.maji are after them."

Steve felt irrational hatred then. He thought it would help if he could find some of the nomadic tribesmen and kill them. It might help the way he felt, he knew, but it certainly wouldn"t help the fleeing colonists, trekking across a parched wilderness--to the safety of Oasis City--or death.

"Come on," Steve said, making up his mind. "The unicopter can hold two in a pinch."

"You"re going after them?"

"I"ve got to. They"re my people. I"ve been away too long."

"Say, you"re young Cantwell, aren"t you? Now I remember."

"Yes, I"m Steve Cantwell."

"I"m not going anyplace, young fellow."

"But you can"t stay here, without any good water to drink, without--"

"I"m staying," the old man said, still without self-pity, just matter-of-factly. "The Earth folks have no room for me and I can"t blame "em. The k.u.maji"ll kill me for a renegade, I figure. I lived a good, long life. I"ve no regrets. Go after your people, young fellow. They"ll need every extra strong right arm they can get. You got any weapons?"

"No," Steve said.

"Too bad. Well, good-bye and good luck."

"But you can"t--"

"Oh, I"m staying. I want to stay. This is my home. It"s the only home I"ll ever have. Good luck, young fellow."

Slowly, Steve walked to his unicopter. It was nothing more than a small metal disk on which to stand, and a shaft with four turbo-blades. It could do sixty miles an hour at an elevation of two thousand feet.

Steve turned the little turbo-jet engine over, then on impulse ran back to the old man and gave him his canteen, turning away before it could be refused and striding quickly back to the unicopter and getting himself airborne without looking at the deserted village or the old man again.

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