~ Adventurer"s life Day 25 (Thu) Morning ~ Comnes Town – West – Gravel Field

After about one hour since we arrived at the gravel field and alchemist levelled up to 5…

(… Hm? I already have half my mana left huh?)

Right now, I"m having 15 of my armed skeletons and earth Golem surround in a square like formation and are facing towards the west… The skeleton"s are all separated into groups of 3 and have quite a bit of distance from each other in order to intercept approaching enemies, so this is quite a large formation but still able to be barely visible.
Reason for this is because along the way here, a different adventurer party almost attacked from seeing them. We only managed to stop them in time because we were coincidentally nearby… this area is a popular hunting ground for adventurers, so situations like this is inevitable.

The enemies we"ve been seeing recently are ones that had only their valuable portions taken out, while the rest of the corpse had been left.
At the adventurer"s guild I asked, "what do the other adventurers do with the luggage they can"t carry", and the result is this.
When it comes to carrying extra baggage like monster meat, we always have enough people to carry them compared to the average party, however normally they would compromise by taking the valuable portions only… I wonder if I was a little late in realising this.

Thanks to this, the time taken to dismantle had been greatly reduced, taking only things like the l.u.s.trous abdomen from Pebbled Spiders and the hide from Great king Yamoris and Tagged Dogs…
However, I made some preparations for ‘Necromancer" as I feel it may level up soon. I brought with me some Tagged Dog bones with me since they don"t take up much s.p.a.ce.
Though, even with the 15 skeletons, I don"t think I"ll be able to carry all this for long.

Because of the increasing amount of skeletons, the length of time I can keep all my skeletons up is gradually decreasing.
If this includes with the Golem too, then I could probably only last for about 5 hours with the current mana I have…

(This is where level 6 ‘Alchemist" can be of help.)

By reaching level 6 for ‘Alchemist", there"s a skill acquired there called ‘Mana Potion Creation".
Just as the name implies, it"s a skill that creates mana recovering potions and would be an absolutely necessary skill here…

I was a little worried thinking that I may have to micromanage how much summons I can take out, so it"s good to know that I would be able to get this sort of skill. As the ‘Alchemist" level increases, so does the effect of the potions, so as long as I have the materials to make them, there should be no problem.
Well, then again I"m going to have to see the effects for myself first before I make any conclusions.

However, I"m getting the feeling that just the existence of these mana recovering potions would be a great big deal in this world.
Afterall, the biggest problem from the ‘Sorcerer" and ‘Priest" cla.s.ses are that very mana problem. The problem exists in the game, but I can imagine it even worse here.
If support cla.s.ses had the ability to use their magic continuously, then the tier list between divine protections would be very different.

… Nevertheless, I"ve never seen or heard of anything related to a "mana recovering potion", around Comnes at the very least.
If by any chance I would be the only one capable of making it, I wondered what sort of trouble will come to me were it to be found out by other people.

(… Well, on a different topic…)

Though only a little, I feel like our speed in moving around is faster than before.

"Benedetta? Do you think your ‘hasten" skill got more effective? I get the feeling I"ve been able to move a little faster than usual…"
"The truth is, I feel the same way too."

One of the Miko"s skills ‘Hasten", increases the movement speed for the surrounding allies.
It"s a really convenient skill, so we"ve been constantly using it. Perhaps that would be the cause of it.
Like I thought, Benedetta wouldn"t have a concept of an obvious levelling up system, though it appears that it still improves through constant use… From that Benedetta gave a relieved sigh.

"… Having something that gives a sense of progression like this, is something for me to be thankful for… Ever since I acquired the "Miko" as my divine protection, I"ve always impatiently wondered where I should continue from there."
"You reckon this sort of growth is quite fast?"
"I haven"t seen any other "Mikos" like myself, so I can"t be so sure, this does feel fast given that it was so noticable…"

Mhm. Since that"s the case, would it be caused by applying the skill to many targets, or that the targets defeating many enemies… or maybe even a combination of both.

"Gh… !!!"
"Eh… Wait, already!?"

While I was busy contemplating about the mechanics of Benedetta"s growth, light suddenly shot out from my feet, covering me in an aura.
I"ve already experienced it a number of times and instinctively had myself in a position that would give me the least amount of pain… but as expected, it hardly does much when your muscles feel like they"re ripping apart.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 25 (Thu) Noon ~ Comnes Town – West – Gravel Field

After that level up, we continue on heading west and hunting along the way, until before we knew it, we arrived at a stone mountain, tall enough to probably see Comnes from up there.
The mountain is about 20 meters high, and by the base is an entrance into the abandoned mine… Surrounding it are some junk ores lying around in various sizes.

It seems like the iron, and a number of other ores had already been taken from this mine long ago, and even the ore veins had been exhausted. Only adventurers would come here… Caves like these have their own sort of habitat where the monsters nests here, and so adventurers would come here frequently to hunt them.

"This place… is a little creepy."
"Yeah… I heard this area has stronger monsters than from the Gravel Fields. Even the adventurers who"re able to hunt well at the fields wouldn"t enter here. It"ll be bad if we don"t have a source of light and some preparations beforehand…"
"That said, though we don;t plan on entering, should we take a small rest here anyways?"
"That"s right… I guess now would be a good time."

Like that, we took a small break right next to the entrance of the mine.

During rest, I had Benedetta check on what that level up from earlier was… seems like it was the ‘Necromancer" I thought it was.

"With that, that makes it 21 huh… For skeletons anyways."
"It"s already the size of a squad of soldiers…"

At that, I had all 21 of the skeletons lined up in front of us… The 6 were already created as I already had some bones collected along the way for this occasion.

Hmm… yup, having all 21 skeletons gathered up like this looks pretty intimidating…

Ah, that"s right. There"s these new skills I got that I"m going to have to check…

"Benedetta, mind checking my skills nowー"
"Uwah! There"s a bunch of them out here!"

Following that voice, I noticed a number of people standing at a distance.

"Ah, sorry for that… these guys are my summons."

The one that shouted earlier seemed to be the chestnut haired warrior in front of the group that just came out from the mine.
His equipment is all metal, while the sword he carries looks thin but really well made… Given that he just came out of the abandoned mine, I could a.s.sume he"d be one of those mid ranked adventurers.
It seemed like they"re misunderstanding something here, so I try to explain it to them.

"Tch… Don"t do something so confusing."

Behind him where some adventurers covered in blood, carrying the injured with them… Did something happen inside?

"Erm… What happened here?"
"Shut it! It"s none of your business! Oi you lot, let"s get moving!"

The chestnut haired adventurer replied back with a vicious response… There were two people there that were injured enough to be unable to walk, while the others had various sized wounds on them.
Though it was a pitiful sight, that response from his just had me lose my intention to help.
I had no potions with me, so I couldn"t heal their wounds, but with the skeletons I could"ve at least helped carry the injured to town. But just as he said, it"s not my problem.
I saw them off hurrying back to town… hm?
Is there a little commotion going there… ?
I don"t think I can see it anymore from my position…

… However, that feeling of curiosity quickly went away, so I wasn"t able to notice it…

"Ah… !"
"What"s the matter?"
"That"s right. I completely forgot to try that out, once ‘Sculptor" reached level 5.

I recalled a while back when I couldn"t summon Golems outside of wood when ‘Sculptor" was level 3, and by level 4 I was able to summon one made from the ground.
… With that in mind, it would mean I can now summon a Golem from a stronger material again… But let"s try this one out first.


I faced towards my Ground Golem and concentrated on applying a thought similar to how I activate skills. At that, the surrounding soil started to clump up, and gather around it!
Benedetta gave a surprised look as she saw the Golem grew in size.
As I thought, the Golem grows in size with every level up.

"That"s just…"
"It"s just like I thought. It really does get bigger when ‘Sculptor" levels up."
"… If it really continues on like this, then what are we going to do with it !?"
"If it"s just this much for now, then it"s fine. And with that… Time for the other one!"

I faced towards the mine entrance and placed my hands onto the rock wall near it.

*Crack* *Crack*

(Ohh… It actually worked !!)

Good thing I remembered about this.
The rock continued to swell until it broke off, which then the broken pieces then began to mold together and take shape of a humanoid form… In response, the original Golem made from earth began to crumble and turned back to dust…

"Alright let"s do this! Stone Golem!"

This is it… it"s the standard rpg mid-boss. Stone Golem… Welcome to the party!

Fan Art Alert

Good thing it was drawn so far away… I still have no idea what their headgear is supposed to look like D:

—- Divine Protection and Skills —-
Necromancer level 6: Undead Servant 21 Summons; Bone manipulation; Bonuses < bone="" weapon;="" bone="" armor;="" gathering;="" night="" vision="">
Alchemist level 5: Health potion create; Extraction; Plating; Poison potion create; Bonuses < throw;="" gathering="">
Sculptor level 5: Engrave; Golem (Wood/Earth/Stone); Bonuses < dagger;="" hammer;="" sculpting;="" gathering;="" mining="">

※ Level 6 additional skills not investigated

—- Summon Equipment —-
A: Hatchet + 3/3, Kite shield (metal) + 5/3, Blood stained leather armor + 0/3.
B, C: Mace + 3/3, Shabby round shield (wood) + 3/3
D-F: Club + 3/3, Shabby round shield (wood) + 3/3
G-I: Club + 4/3, Heavy round shield (bone) + 5/4
J: Club + 4/3, Round Shield(wood/metal) + 5/3
K-O: Club(bone) + 4/4, Heavy round shield (bone) + 5/4

—- Equipment —-
Pig femur Bone dagger - 2 sets + 0/3
Barbarian robe + 0/3
Half-face guarded Viking helmet (bone) + 5/4
Heavy Round Shield (bone) + 5/4

※: + X/Y Arbitrary level of engraving and plating respectively.

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