~ Adventurer"s life Day 4 (Thur) Morning ~ Comnes Town North East Wetlands

Since I finished my business with the guild, I start to head over to the marshlands to gather one of the ingredients for the healing potion, Yacchoutai.

After walking on the street separate from the main road, I met a former colleague of mine when I was a guard, while walking through the north gate.

"Adrian! Morning!"

"Oh! Nemo. I didn"t see you for a while, I heard you became an adventurer. How is it?"

"It"s only been like four days. I can"t really say what is like so quickly. Though, I do have a bit more freedom now."

"It"s only been four days huh. Well I guess so. You"ve always been good with the sword, so it"s no wonder you became an adventurer. How envious."

So he says, but Adrian has always been good at handling supplies and managing people,  and since he"s very helpful, his colleagues see him well.

He"s already on the right path as a guard.

Seeing him, I"d think that it would be nice to have the same kind of success with the path I take.

Instead, I have that problem on me…

Taking on becoming an adventurer, expecting to receive the warrior profession, only to be given three random support cla.s.ses. My future really looks uncertain here. Though I don"t think he was trying to jab at me on that.

"Well then, good luck."

"You too."

I walked past the guard station.

Once I left the north gate, an expansive green meadow spread out.

I can see the mountains further up north, the road I"m taking seems to reach all the way there.

With the clear blue sky stretching across, I took a deep breath… I won"t be seeing this for a while once I enter the marshlands.

I remember having memories of this sort of scenery before, but it still feels refreshing.

(Well then, after the northern gate, head east for the river, is what she said, right….?)

I looked to my right. There"s also a road that splits off heading east, going alongside the town walls.

Close to the end of the road things start to change as the gra.s.s starts to become shorter. I finally managed to reach to the east river.

If I follow along this, I should arrive at the marshlands.

After going through the small pathway, the surrounding gra.s.s became taller again, making me anxious about monsters hiding underneath it. I am also getting the feeling that there"s some herbs around.

It"ll be good if I can get some Toorinagusa along the way since I don"t have one on me, so I slowed down my pace and looked around while walking. After a while I found three of them.

Now if I can find a Yacchoutai, I can try to make a potion right away.

Along the way, I picked up some decently sized pebbles and threw them into my bag.

I"ll use those to try out my throwing skill.

I continued along the gra.s.s by following a small pathway and about thirty minutes later, I arrived at the marshlands.

The path here starts to snake about, and puddles are starting to appear here and there.

If there were some mist around, it"d make quite a surreal atmosphere.

But, I"m not here for sightseeing.

I continue looking for some Yacchoutai around me.

Since coming here, I noticed some people doing some gathering work in the distance, though there were not a lot.

Unlike the rock field, this place isn"t really popular for its working conditions, as black slugs sp.a.w.ns in this area.

They"re about sixty centimetres long and are attracted to the plants you would gather, to the point that they"ll creep up your body without concern.

After that, they would crawl into the gaps of your armour, spit out digestive fluids and suck on the area.

They"re not really ones that would give a somewhat challenging match, but the digestive fluid they spit on you does burn and leave a scar that makes it pretty painful for quite a long time. So I"d really like to avoid that.

They die pretty easily if you hit them, but they"re not worth much, which is why this place is quite unpopular to hunt for adventurers.

Though in any case, once I started to look down again, I found a Yacchoutai right away.

I wasn"t able to find much of these in the rock fields, so it seems I"ll have to travel to the marshlands too probably.

There"s a lot of other different kinds of mosses growing around here. I could probably take as many as I would like to here, but I don"t think these can preserve for very long. Since I don"t have a use for them now, I"ll leave without taking them.

With that said, I should quicken my pace in gathering more of those herbs.

Furthermore, in order to dig out the moss, I"ll first have to get my hand under the water then… ?

… I can feel something touching my hand.

… No way, is this a black slug?

Or so I thought, but when I took a look at my hand, I didn"t see anything…No wait, It had a jelly like feel to it.

Would it be frog eggs then?

I try scooping them up with a leaf I found nearby.

They seem to have an orange ball inside them….

It"s shaped sort of like an egg, kinda reminds me of a jellyfish. But in any case I put them back into the water along with the leaf.

Though when doing so, I can feel some sort of resistance from it.

It"s kinda jiggling a bit. It doesn"t look especially dangerous, and it"s a little fun to poke it.

I try to remember what this was.

It"s strange, I get the feeling I"ve seen this thing before, but even when I know a lot of things from the game, I can"t actually recall what thus thing was.

"That would be a slime over there."

The sudden voice caused me to jump slightly. Behind be is what appears to be the typical appearance of a middle-aged man, bald and plump. But he does seem quite gentle.

No wait hold on…

"Eh. This is a slime you say!?"

It"s a popular monster seen many times in many different rpg"s, but oddly enough, there was never one in Freed Online…

"That"s right. Though it"s nothing to worry about as they are generally harmless. Do you happen to be an adventurer?"

"Yes. I"m here to gathering some Levinson plants."

"Adventurer huh, that"s nice. I was a merchant until just awhile ago. You know, going from town to town selling things."

Come to think of it, this uncle"s arms are pretty big. I had a feeling this man was pretty strong.

"Ah that"s right, did you know? If you take out a slimes core by removing the jelly casing, you can use it for a lot of things."

"Core? Is that the orange ball in the centre of these guys?"

"That"s right. The slime dies if you damage the core. Even if you were to cut off everything but the core, it will still regenerate to how it was before, so you"re going to need to continuously take it off until it stops. If you wish, you can sell it off to workshop called Rostam."

This conversation seems to have just ended up with him advertising a shop to me.

Though more importantly, who is this guy….

"Erm, sorry, but who are y-…"

"Oh, there"s some black slugs coming behind you."

I reflexively turned to where the stranger was pointing at and about a dozen or so large black slugs were already a step away from my feet.

Ack, I didn"t really wanna see them.

The move as slowly as they did in the game.

If that"s the case, if I just take notice of them, they shouldn"t be able to even touch me.

I took a few steps back, and grabbed some stones from earlier… I brought quite a number of them, so I should be able to keep them away for awhile.

I took a stance and threw it.


(Ew, it caved in quite a bit.)

Well slugs do have a soft body, so it"s defence is pretty much nonexistent. Though then again, once it"s on you, it suddenly becomes a threat.

It sticks onto your skin and wiggles around there making it excruciatingly painful leaving a noticeable mark when removed.

I threw another rock and another slug made a splattering sound.

Once I was ready to throw my last rock, all the slugs have already been taken care of.

Seems like I managed to do it with just the throwing skill.

After dealing with that, I looked behind where the man was, but he was no where to be seen.

I looked around to see if he ran in the distance or hiding underneath the gra.s.s, but I still can"t find him.

If that"s the case then…

"So he"s either a ninja or an a.s.sa.s.sin huh…."

I didn"t feel his presence at all when he approached me earlier, so I"m quite sure of it.

It should at least be a high ranking divine protection used for scouting or something. Those sort of cla.s.ses have a lot of skills good for examining enemies and movement.

(Though I wonder why he talked to me….)

Especially so when he"s like a high ranking adventurer.

I tried to recall our conversation, but I don"t think there was anything special about it.

Well I could just be overthinking it anyways.

After that, I continued walking along the path in the marshlands wandering about until I managed to gather 40 of those Yacchoutais.

I looked around for any more black slugs, then went higher ground to check if I have the correct amount.

Doesn"t seem like anything is wrong here.

I continued going through my bag and took out the wooden tub and the bamboo pipes.

I looked around again to see if there is none around me, I don"t know why, but I feel I"ll just get some needless attention if anyone sees this.

I placed in the tub both the Yacchoutai and the Toorinagusa one of each.

I"m guessing when I put the ingredients into the tub, it"ll disappear and be replaced with the green coloured life potion.

And it worked! A little anticlimactic if I might add.

After that, I carefully pour it into the bamboo pipes, making sure not to spill.

I spilled some anyways though, but I managed to fill up a bottle.

I placed the next batch in for another one, but I started feeling light headed all of a sudden and when back to the tub, nothing happened.

(No good huh….)

Seems I ran out of mana.

Yesterday I didn"t have much mana left before I slept.

It seems using that skill twice at the time used it all up.

I still have about five bamboo containers left over, but I guess it can"t be helped. I think I"ll just head over and sell this one.

… Actually, how about I go along with what that suspicious guy said earlier. It might be quite profitable.

With that said, I finished up what I was doing, took out my hunting knife and started searching for some slimes.

Though that said, what was the name of that shop again?

~ Adventurer"s life Day 4 (Thur) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – Adventurers Guild – Exchange Centre

I managed to get back early again.

First off, to the exchange room.

Inside seems to be just the same as yesterday.

And like yesterday, that guy from before is here too, so I decided to go to him.

He"s busy writing some forms bu the counter.

Taking a closer look, I think he might be in his mid twenties.

When getting closer to the counter, he noticed me and looked up.

"Please give me a few moments."

He gave a brief pause before he said that and headed to the back of the room.

He came back with a copy of the request form on hand.

In turn, I presented my card, request form, forty pieces of the requested item, and the health potion I made today.

"The selling of potions will be handled by us.

You will receive your payment from 1 to 7 days from now. Is that alright with you?"

So the guild goes by the system where they price your potion by judging it"s quality.

Some of the potion gets used up during the checking, so if the price drops because of that, you get compensated for it, from what I heard. Though that rarely ever happens, and even when it does, the compensation is minuscule… I"ll still take it to mind though.

The confirmation of the materials I collected earlier have been completed.

There wasn"t any problems with what I gathered, so in total I should get 106 goldos from that.

Right… Since I"m still here, I should probably ask about what I should do with all the slimes I gathered.

"That"s right. Does the adventurer guild exchange also for slimes?"

"Slimes you say? No, there aren"t any request for slimes."

So the guild doesn"t take in slimes… Then what about the shop that guy from earlier mentioned.

"Do you know of a shop I can sell these to?"

"There"s a shop called "Rostam" that purchases slimes you can go to. I hear they make cloth out of slimes there."

So that"s what it was, I couldn"t remember anything past the "Ro" part… Oh well, at least I know the name now.

"Slime cloth huh, what kind of cloth is that?"

"Unusual isn"t it. We tend to use it for when butchering carca.s.ses or appraising them. It"s pretty useful as it keeps the blood off the hands."

As he was saying that, the employee went under the desk and took out some transparent gloves.

I got a little surprised when seeing it.

I didn"t think this game works would have the technology for it. It"s a little crude, but still pretty st.u.r.dy.

Also, the gloves feel pretty tight.

I touched it for a little while, until I suddenly  found out a solution to a problem I had recently.

…. I should hurry!

"Thank you for the trouble! I"ll be going now!"

"…. !! …. Don"t forget about your request payment!"

… Yikes, That was close.

I almost forgotten about it….

I should get my card too.

After finishing my business with the guild, I immediately head over to the craftsman.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 4 (Thur) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – Craftsman Road

The workshop was pretty close to the guild.

That makes things pretty convenient for me.

Since the weapons guild is supplied by the artisans from this street, there"s quite a deep relationship between these two.

The road have many narrow and tall buildings lined up across the street

Even though the ground is quite clean, the building walls are brown with a bit of black, making the atmosphere of the townscape a little peculiar.

I looked around restlessly for the shop.

There"s was an old man sitting on a chair across the street, so I try asking him about it.

"Sorry, is there a place called Rostam around here?"

At a glance, he looks somewhat like a stubborn old man, but he gave a bright smile to me when he faced this way… Sorry for judging you.

While smiling, I can see most of his teeth are missing. I"m not quite sure, but I took a step closer, expecting him to be difficult to understand.

Instead he stood up, and had his hand rested on the wall like he"s leaning himself on it.

"Um…. Are you okay?"

Is the old guy not feeling good or something? Or so I thought until he made a smile my way and tapped the wall several times with his hand.

What…? I moved back a bit to check the building.

Written on the sign was Rostam.

Next door huh!

TN Note: Sorry for the delay!
I sorta ran my mouth off when I said I"ll be releasing a chapter once a day, since I only had to edit… Kinda forgot the chapter doubles in size after a while.
Change of plans! It"s a chapter every one or two days now.
Soooo yeah, sorry for that!

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