~ Adventurer"s life Day 5 (Fri) Early Morning ~ Comnes Town – The Bulbuls"s Burrow Inn

It"s early in the morning. I try stretching the left side of my body, where the injury was, but I don"t feel a thing on it anymore.

I"ve doing gathering requests all day yesterday and have been minding it the whole time, but it seems there was nothing to worry about. With this, I have confirmed that the potion does fully heal the body.

At the very least, I should be able to get a decent amount from that potion I gave to the guild.

After finishing breakfast, I requested auntie if I could have another couple of pig bones.

"What again? You sure do ask for some strange things. What"s this even for?"


I told her a bit of a lie. Now that I have three new bones with me, I left the inn.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 5 (Fri) Early Morning ~ Comnes Town – Weapon Shop [Adonnis" Blade]

Today I head towards the guilds weaponry alley. I wanted to get a weapon and maybe perhaps a buckler to block some attacks when against the sh.e.l.led rabbit.

This place is pretty busy as I can see a lot of shop owners and customers bustling about.

Workshops dealing with fire all are made of stone from what I noticed.

However I"ve already decided on a shop to go to. It was during the time when I was still part of the guards and knew quite well of.

Inside are several items useful for adventurers displayed, all at a somewhat reasonable price. The name of the shop I entered is "Adonnis" Blade".


"Oh, It"s Nemo. It appears the rumours of you turning into an adventurer was right after all."

I was greeted when entering the shop by a giant dark skinned man with short black hair.

Adonnis looks to be in his mid 30"s.

When I was a.s.signed to on the the provisions back when I was still part of the guards, we used to talk to each other a number of times, and although we never really worked with each other, I still considered him as my senior.

Though it seems like he already knew about me becoming an adventurer…

People often frequents to his store so he"s quite well known.

I guess that"s how he knows about me.

"So you already know about it huh… Well in any case, I need ask something for you."

"Hoo… So you"re already changing weapons. You sure are busy now huh! Or not! Gyahahahaha!"

While shaking off the thought of his laugh quite similar to the auntie at the inn, I took out my sword that I had during my time as a guardsman.

When I decided to become an adventurer, I was steadily saving up my money so that I can buy something in this shop. This one"s actually quite short for a sword but I still have some attachment towards it.It was a sword I was quite familiar with after all.

When I took this out, the look on Addonis" face changed.

"… What do you mean by this. Isn"t that sword important to you? And you want to let go of it?"

"Yeah. The truth is…."

I thought he would be a little angry, but he seems to be worried instead.

I told him briefly how I"m unable to use a sword because of my rare divine protection, and demonstrated it in the shop as I did in the guild before.

"That isn"t just a minor inconvenience. Your power also decreased huh?"

"Yeah. All of my divine protections are most likely the support type. It seems quite a bit of my original power has been pulled back because of that."

As expected, he got surprised by it.

Even if is something caused by my divine protection, seeing me unable to hold my sword all of a sudden isn"t something Addonis usually sees.

"And they"re all rare support divine protections to boot. Just how do you do that? Were you doing some other things secretly or something?

"I"m wondering that myself.”

Nemo, along with many other of his colleagues, all took up the job as a guard for the sake of acquiring the warrior profession once they become an adventurer.

If there was a choice when choosing your divine protection like in the game, I would definitely choose warrior.

Even now I"m still puzzled on how I managed to get the ones I have now.

"In any case, I"d like to give this sword back, and I also want to buy a round shield too."

From what I remembered from the game, round shields were the most popular sub weapon for the support cla.s.ses.

Magicians were considered to be the best divine protection among the supports, but there was a particular downside to it that held it back.

Since their staff requires both hands to use, they couldn"t equip a shield making them very vulnerable.

I know at least that Alchemists are able to equip one, but I can only hope Necromancers can take one too without any penalties to it.

This is another demerit in having so many divine protections.

Final note. I can"t really expect myself to move and fight like I did back when I was a warrior, so being able to use a shield here is going to be super important.

There"ll be situations where the enemy will take the first strike, so I can"t always rely on defeating monsters by surprise. And it"s not like I can simply subst.i.tute my armor as my shield either.

"… Alright, I"ll grab a suitable one."

With a grunt, Adonnis went the back of the room and later returned with three shields of different sizes.

I choose the one that"s like the middle of the two. It"s wooden with an iron cover from the front, while the centre has a slight bulge with some additional reinforcement to it.

Honestly, I wanted one fully metal but after considering the price and the weight of it, I decided not to.

"How is it? The base is made of wood while the front is reinforced with iron, making it strong enough to withstand heavy attacks. It"s a good balance between weight and strength right?"

"Yeah… It has a good feel to it."

It"s surprisingly st.u.r.dy once I put it on.

"In any case, what do you plan on using it against?"

"Sh.e.l.led rabbit."

"I see."

Adonnis folded his fat arms over and groaned.

"Aren"t you pushing yourself a bit too much there? You"re by yourself and you can"t even use your sword, won"t that be a bit difficult?"

"That"s true… however, I have quite a bit of confidence in it."

"Well I guess you"ve already put some thought into it anyways… But then what about your weapon?"

"I plan to go find it after this."

"Ha? What are you talking about. Just buy it here."

"This ones a little different."

From my bag, I took out the pig bones I got earlier.

"….? Is that a pig"s leg bone? …. Oi, don"t tell me this is because of that?"

"Yeah. It can"t be anything else other than this. I you don"t mind, can you remake this as a dagger or a pick?"

Adonnis looked at the bone on my hand and had a conflicted look on his face.

"Aight, Pa.s.s it."

He took the bones to the back of the store.

After some time, he came back with two bone daggers.

"The bone is pretty easy to break. It"s good to have at least one more with you."

"Ooh! Thanks a bunch Adonnis!"

I wouldn"t even complain if he refused the request as it is an odd request after all, but compared to that broken bone from before, this one definitely seems like I can use this as a weapon.

The length of the blade of the bone dagger is about twenty centimetres. A little short from what I"m used to, but I can use it to properly aim at a weak point.

"Oi, I just made this on a rush you know? Compared to metal, the strength of this is nowhere near close. When that thing becomes unusable, it would most likely be during in the middle of battle. Let"s not even mention it"s sharpness. I won"t say any more than this, but please try to look for another kind…"

I appreciate the worry, but I can"t really follow on that…

(Alright. I wanna try test this out.)

"Erm, you don"t happen to still have that leftover wooden material for the round shield do you?"

There"s a good chance he might still have some.

"Hm? Yeah."

"Mind if I stab it with the bone dagger to test it out?"

"… I don"t mind but I doubt it would do much."

Honestly, I don"t have much confidence in it either, but I won"t really lose anything if I try.

I was given the piece of wood lying on the table nearby.

… I took a short pause until I thrust down the dagger with my full weight.


That felt like a nice response.

Half of the blade sunk into the wood.

It"s stuck… Or rather, It"s stuck along with the table underneath it.

"… So this is your divine protection huh… Surprisingly impressive."

"Ah, I can"t take it out… d.a.m.n it…"

"Move. I"ll do it."

With one hand, Adonnis took out the bone dagger with relative ease.

After that, he took a look at the tip of the blade.

"There"s no sign of damage. What is this."

"Who knows, all I know is it"s because of my divine protection. I don"t know anything more than that."

That"s all I could answer really.

"Oh well. It"s a promise. Take this and the shield you bought. This is the price for the both of them."

As expected, I"ll have to pay for the sword as well. With this and the round shield, the price should be pretty high… Is what I thought to myself until I saw the price is just 900 Goldos.

"Hey Adonnis… Are you sure you didn"t take into account the bone dagger as well?"

"It"s fine, I saw something interesting… Just take it. You"re a bit tight on money anyways aren"t you?"

Well he"s not wrong, I do want to lessen my spending"s here…

I don"t really like owing people, but I can"t really refuse the offer. I paid the amount and took my leave.

With this, the amount of money I have left now is around 1600 Goldos…

~ Adventurer"s life Day 5 (Fri) Morning ~ Comnes Town Southeast – Beginner"s Rock Field

Leaving through the southeastern gate, I arrived back at the rock field.

(… If this goes well, I can finally graduate from being a newbie.)

Thinking the situation like that made me feel a little giddy inside.

I shake my head to put away those thoughts for now as I continued to walk and pick up some small stones along the way.

(I made my preparations… All that"s left now is to make sure this goes well…)

I should give Addonis a visit once I get back.

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