Publishedat 17th of June 2019 10:35:06 PMChapter 16
Chapter 16 – Brilliant stones

~ Adventurer’s life Day 8 Evening ~ Comne
s Town – Adventurers Guild – Lobby

After having a drink in celebration for defeating the forest wolf, Ruben from the 3rd division showed up .

Seems like he’s here for me huh…

After excusing myself, I headed over to him .

“Evening Ruben, do you need something from me?”

“… Well, yes . I needed some witness reports with the incident you see . Those people on the same table as you, were they also involved?”

“I guess so…”

At that, Ruben came over to the table and came back with the both of them .

Seems like we’ll be taken to the guild’s interrogation room again .

We were guided towards there .

Along the way, we were joined up with another two of the guild’s staff members . One of them was the trainer Doris, and the other was a bald man with a scar across his face…

First of all, I get that I’m here to discuss about the forest wolf, but since Benedetta and Radolf where there before I was, they discussed it with Ruben more about it .

From what I heard, there were only a few stationed guards available but they were quite far from the beginners rock field . That’s why the wolf was able to get so close without being detected by the guards .

Indeed, having forest wolves frequently invading an area close to town is a pretty big problem…

“I see… I think I get it now . ”

Seems like it’s all done now .

After being thanked, the two returned back to the lobby… Eh, what about me?

The man with the scar came over and spoke to me .

Fifty years old huh… ? This is probably the oldest I’ve met in this world .

“With this, there most certainly is a problem occurring in the forest . ”

“That’s right . This is the fourth time we’ve let this happen . I’ve confirmed there were several wounds on them before coming . Perhaps it could possibly be because of their territory being taken away, forcing them here . ”

“I’ve made preparations with the other towns and are taking with us about 10 veteran adventurers to investigate, but how many of the guards here do you think we can bring?”

“For those strong enough for the investigation, there are 4 I can take . ”

“… Then that makes 14 in total . ”

I really get the feeling I don’t belong here .

Why was I kept here for anyways?

“… There’s actually an emergency request regarding this . ”

Lowering her voice slightly, Doris said so to me .

Honestly, I wanted to level up a bit more and buy some better equipment, but if there’s a big problem like this then I really have no choice but to listen .

After a while, Ruben looked over to me and explained the situation .

“To tell you the truth, you’ve been nominated to partic.i.p.ate in the investigation . This issue is from the turns defence so most of the responsibility lies on us… It’d help us a lot if you were to also partic.i.p.ate . ”

Well, I didn’t plan on refusing to begin with .

Emergency requests are something like what a town would give to adventurers based on their level . There’s a huge penalty in rejecting one .

“Besides, you’ve already beaten them twice now . With more adventurers to a.s.sist, it’s hardly even dangerous for you . ”

“As for the guild, for the sake of opening the rock fields again we are hoping you would also accept the request… ”

In the end, after a long while in listening on their discussion, I accepted it .

~ Adventurer’s life Day 9 Morning ~ Southeast of Comnes – Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge

“Mhm . Today’s weather is also great!”

Right now, there’s nothing for me to talk about but the weather .

Regarding this request, we’re supposed to defend against any invasion of forest wolf monsters along with keeping the novice adventurers and the townspeople safe .

When we gather at the guild in the morning, we all go out to the rocky area, and from there we disperse in party units according to our strength .

I’m by myself apparently .

It seems there was an instruction on where to go from here .

I don’t really want my skeletons to be seen by other adventurers since they draw too much attention, so I won’t summon them now .

I can summon them immediately at anytime anyways, so there’s no problem .

That said, the mission for this emergency request is of course defending Comnes and surrounding adventurers… In Comes, there’s hardly any adventurers that are at least mid ranked (not that there is such a ranking system) . Not to mention the area they wish to cover is quite wide too, so we’re all spread out .

(… And even then, this is the first time I’ve ever done this… )

It would’ve been fine if I could hunt some sh.e.l.led rabbits to stop myself from being bored, but in order for me to properly keep watch, that is not allowed .

If there’s a situation where you’d be attacked by one, you can give it a serious wound so that it runs away, but if you were to kill it then the reward will be split between all the partic.i.p.ating adventurers .

I guess the rule’s there to discourage people like me to just hunt the entire time .

However, if that enemy attacking was a strong monster from the forest that’s not a wolf, we were told to split where one will remain observing while the others attack the stray monster .

While keeping an eye on the forest, I wondered what I should do with the reward for the wolf from yesterday…

Should I spend it all on upgrading my skeletons equipment? Or maybe I should spend it on some better tools? It’s there a way to measure the skeleton’s strength?

… The waiting time is sure is long .

Once I got bored in thinking of that, I went to think about something else .

Of course, I’m still properly doing my job of keeping a lookout, but today there doesn’t seem to be any sign of forest wolves where I’m at .

I got on top of a boulder and took out a stone from my pocket to kill some time .

I remembered they used spherical stones for western catapults and slings .

It’s probably because it makes it easier to aim with when thrown, thus also making it stronger… Well in any case, I have way too much free time . I wanna do something .

For the time being, I might as well try this out .

I took out another stone and aimed it at the corner I want to cut off . Placing the first stone down, I struck it with my full strength…


Making a strong response, a chunk of the rock came off .

The piece went flying and rebounded off my head .

(… Seriously, that hurt… )

It’s power is like chipping the rock with a powered tool .

Then again the accuracy was way off the mark there .

The corner I wanted to cut had been cut a little more than I wanted… At that time, I came to a realisation to something .

(Wait, if that’s the case!!!)

I take out the hunting knife from my pocket .

This might actually be pretty dumb, but no one’s around so it’s worth trying .

Like peeling a potato, I held my knife to slice the skin off the rock only with a bit more force .


To think it worked… the blade pa.s.sed through the rock and cut a thin portion off . Compared to simply hitting it with the rock from before, it’s clear I have more control here and can cut it to however I wish .

(… In other words, this is also one of those skills . This is impossible to do it normally… )

Even though the knife had just cut stone, I can’t see any damage on the blade .

Raising the durability is probably also part of the skill .

This is just like what happened with the bone dagger . No doubt, this must be because of the sculptor protection .

(… Oops, shouldn’t be slacking off here . )

If I were to have my guard down and the monsters from the forest were to escape my sight, I’d be pretty dejected .

I have to be on alert when working .

~ Adventurer’s life Day 9 Noon ~ Southeast of Comnes – Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge

As usual nothing happened, and I made about 20 stone bullets in that time .

They’re slightly distorted but have a much better spherical shape than they were before .

In addition to that, I also put some dimples to them .

Dimples are those little holes on the golf ball, and from what I’ve heard, the flight distance of the ball increases with it .

As an amateur at this, I don’t know how many dimples and their size are required, but I’ll try to test it out .

For the sake of testing, half of these were made without dimples .

After I made my 21st… they finally appeared .

“It’s here! The Forest Wolves! Three of them!”

Sitting facing the forest, there’s a huge commotion going on my left .

It’s better not to leave my position right away though, so I’ll just check the situation in case they need some backup .

The group had about 10 people, but about 2 people have already been taken down, while another 2 people were struggling against one .

The rest of them seem to be without any shields like me, and are being chased around like being tackled on their waist and such .

Wait this looks pretty bad!

“Hey, let’s back then up!”

When three coins thrown into the air, three skeletons appear running alongside me .

(Skeleton A, attack the forest wolf grappling with the adventurer in front of you! Make sure not to injure him!)

(Skeletons B and C surround the other forest wolves!)

Since skeleton A had the better equipment, whether it’ll be able to win or not in the end, it should still be able to handle the forest wolf on its own .

I doubt B and C would be able to do much themselves . Though together they should be able to keep the other wolves in check .

“Uwa! What are the things!”


I probably should’ve informed them of this from the beginning…

“Don’t attack them! They’re allies!”

I took a stance to throw . I aimed onto a forest wolf fiercely attacking right on top of an adventurer .

(If I were to grab it’s attention, then that adventurer there should be able to take a breather . )

I took out a dimpled stone from my pocket .

The size is slightly smaller than that of a tennis ball, but it is considerably heavier than a baseball . If it hits, it should be able to deal a considerable amount of damage . Since it’s not moving too much, I decided to aim right at its head!

When making the throw, I felt a strange power from the stone I threw, and before I was able to wonder what it was, it sunk straight into the wolf’s head .

(… … !!)

A small spray of blood came out .

As the force was pretty strong, the neck seemed to have snapped and the wolf laid flat on the adventurer .

That was completely unexpected and I stood still for a bit, but I immediately looked around to see the situation of others .

The situation made a complete reversal . The adventurer who was under that forest wolf earlier, got up and immediately a.s.sisted another adventurer that was struggling .

Since it’s also skeleton A’s target, it’s two against one there .

The last forest wolf is surrounded by adventurers along with skeletons B and C .

Seems like they got their morale back now .

Taking a number of wounds itself, the forest wolf doesn’t seem to be moving as well as it was before .

Once more I take out another dimpled stone from my pocket .

Both wolves are surrounded and moving around a lot making it difficult to aim, but there’s not a lot surrounding where skeleton A…

Ah… Skeleton A just struck it’s head… is it dead?

Because of its situation, being surrounded by skeletons B, C and adventurers, the wolf made a sudden escape!

I guess this would happen, after all being surrounded by armed skeletons and adventurers, it obviously doesn’t have enough strength to fight against the rest itself…

Without hesitation, I threw the stone at the escaping forest wolf .

I only planned to strike its body to slow it down, but as it looked back it made a direct hit to it’s head instead .

… Before I could even rejoice, a light enveloped my body and then the usual pain came right after…

I really feel like I might die one day from this…

“Aha!… you really saved us there… “

An adventurer with a stubble, who is about twice my age, gave me his thanks… Seems like people call him Mr . Wolf…

It’s the adventurer that was pinned under the wolf and he seemed to be the most experienced adventurer here .

He doesn’t even seem to have any injuries even after all that… pretty impressive .

Three more adventurers were on the ground .

There were bite marks that reached to the bones from their arms and legs, while the remaining six adventurers were also slightly injured, but none of those had any major injuries .

“By the way, you seemed to be in quite a bit of pain earlier . You alright now?”

“… Yeah, my muscles just feel a little sore . ”

“Aha, don’t push yourself!”

I was seriously anxious about giving an explanation about that .

Luckily, it seems that other people can’t see the aura when I level up .

From Mr Wolf’s response, there doesn’t seem to be any for of levelling up in this world .

“First of all, let’s wash the wounds of the people wounded . Sorry, but do you mind if we were to also borrow your water?”

“Sure, I don’t mind . ”

The group here seems to be acquainted with each other, and are also dismantling while the treatment is going on .

I wanted to do it too but,

“Nah it’s fine, instead can you keep an eye out for us? That’d really help us out here…”

Well, I don’t mind…

(Ah… That’s right . )

Looking around my surroundings, I head over to a large boulder about 50m away from here .

“Hm? Where’s Nemo gone?”

“Isn’t he right over there under the rock’s shadow? His skeletons are keeping an eye out over there . ”

Oh shoot, the others are starting to find things suspicious here .

I just have to pour the potion into the bamboo and… done!

Behind the boulder, there were some materials for the potion there, so I tried to hide myself making sure they don’t catch me making one .

I went back to them nonchalantly .

It seems I got a considerable increase to my mana when levelling up . I can still feel it draining, but I still have quite a lot left compared to before .

“Ah, you came back . ”

“Yeah, sorry . I completely forgot I had a potion with me, so do you mind using on the injured people please . ”

Like as if it was there from the beginning, I took out three health potions from my bag .

” Eh… “

Please don’t stare at me like that .

After a short pause, Mr Wolf timidly asks me .

“Is it really fine? Isn’t this expensive?”

“It’s fine, it’s better to use it here now than to have it expire on me since I hardly get hurt anyways . ”

“… This is the first time I’ve seen a potion with a color as good as this . ”

“Just hurry up and treat it . ”

He seems to be pouring them carefully making sure not to waste a single drop .

Given how it was before, I doubt it’ll be enough to cure them all .

I haven’t been badly injured as the ones here, and even then it hardly healed quickly .

“Whoa, what is this!!!”

“I can see the wound actually healing!”

… Eh?

Ah, that’s right . Seems like that level up from earlier was from the alchemist’s divine protection .

The stone throwing skill that killed the forest wolves was an alchemist skill, and I suppose it would level up after killing two of those .

I remember them being easy to level .

Since I’ve levelled my alchemist, it would also mean it improves the quality of the potions I make now… Pretty neat .

That said though, everyone around stared at me wondering how I even got this potion…

—- Nemo   Divine Protection and Skills —-

Necromancer level 2: ロBone weapon bonus; ロUndead Servant; Dark magic and resistance

Alchemist level 1: ロPotion making; ロExtraction; Metallurgy; ロThrow; ロGathering bonus

Sculptor level 2?: ロGathering bonus; Create sculpture; Specialised weapon – unknown

—- Summon Equipment —-

A: Hatchet, Kite shield (metal), Blood stained leather armor .

B: Club (Wood), Shabby round shield (wood) .

C: Club (Wood), Shabby round shield (wood) .

—- Equipment —-

Pig femur Bone dagger

Iron coated round shield (metal/wood)

Barbarian robe

Chapter 16 – Brilliant stones


~ Adventurer’s life Day 8 Evening ~ Comne. s Town – Adventurers Guild – Lobby.


After having a drink in celebration for defeating the forest wolf, Ruben from the 3rd division showed up

Seems like he’s here for me huh….


After excusing myself, I headed over to him


“Evening Ruben, do you need something from me?”.

“… Well, yes . I needed some witness reports with the incident you see . Those people on the same table as you, were they also involved?”.

“I guess so…”.


At that, Ruben came over to the table and came back with the both of them

Seems like we’ll be taken to the guild’s interrogation room again

We were guided towards there


Along the way, we were joined up with another two of the guild’s staff members . One of them was the trainer Doris, and the other was a bald man with a scar across his face….


First of all, I get that I’m here to discuss about the forest wolf, but since Benedetta and Radolf where there before I was, they discussed it with Ruben more about it

From what I heard, there were only a few stationed guards available but they were quite far from the beginners rock field . That’s why the wolf was able to get so close without being detected by the guards

Indeed, having forest wolves frequently invading an area close to town is a pretty big problem….


“I see… I think I get it now . ”.


Seems like it’s all done now

After being thanked, the two returned back to the lobby… Eh, what about me?.


The man with the scar came over and spoke to me

Fifty years old huh… ? This is probably the oldest I’ve met in this world


“With this, there most certainly is a problem occurring in the forest . ”.

“That’s right . This is the fourth time we’ve let this happen . I’ve confirmed there were several wounds on them before coming . Perhaps it could possibly be because of their territory being taken away, forcing them here . ”.

“I’ve made preparations with the other towns and are taking with us about 10 veteran adventurers to investigate, but how many of the guards here do you think we can bring?”.

“For those strong enough for the investigation, there are 4 I can take . ”.

“… Then that makes 14 in total . ”.


I really get the feeling I don’t belong here

Why was I kept here for anyways?.


“… There’s actually an emergency request regarding this . ”.


Lowering her voice slightly, Doris said so to me

Honestly, I wanted to level up a bit more and buy some better equipment, but if there’s a big problem like this then I really have no choice but to listen

After a while, Ruben looked over to me and explained the situation


“To tell you the truth, you’ve been nominated to partic.i.p.ate in the investigation . This issue is from the turns defence so most of the responsibility lies on us… It’d help us a lot if you were to also partic.i.p.ate . ”.


Well, I didn’t plan on refusing to begin with

Emergency requests are something like what a town would give to adventurers based on their level . There’s a huge penalty in rejecting one


“Besides, you’ve already beaten them twice now . With more adventurers to a.s.sist, it’s hardly even dangerous for you . ”.

“As for the guild, for the sake of opening the rock fields again we are hoping you would also accept the request… ”.


In the end, after a long while in listening on their discussion, I accepted it


~ Adventurer’s life Day 9 Morning ~ Southeast of Comnes – Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge.


“Mhm . Today’s weather is also great!”.


Right now, there’s nothing for me to talk about but the weather


Regarding this request, we’re supposed to defend against any invasion of forest wolf monsters along with keeping the novice adventurers and the townspeople safe


When we gather at the guild in the morning, we all go out to the rocky area, and from there we disperse in party units according to our strength

I’m by myself apparently

It seems there was an instruction on where to go from here


I don’t really want my skeletons to be seen by other adventurers since they draw too much attention, so I won’t summon them now

I can summon them immediately at anytime anyways, so there’s no problem


That said, the mission for this emergency request is of course defending Comnes and surrounding adventurers… In Comes, there’s hardly any adventurers that are at least mid ranked (not that there is such a ranking system) . Not to mention the area they wish to cover is quite wide too, so we’re all spread out


(… And even then, this is the first time I’ve ever done this… ).


It would’ve been fine if I could hunt some sh.e.l.led rabbits to stop myself from being bored, but in order for me to properly keep watch, that is not allowed

If there’s a situation where you’d be attacked by one, you can give it a serious wound so that it runs away, but if you were to kill it then the reward will be split between all the partic.i.p.ating adventurers

I guess the rule’s there to discourage people like me to just hunt the entire time


However, if that enemy attacking was a strong monster from the forest that’s not a wolf, we were told to split where one will remain observing while the others attack the stray monster


While keeping an eye on the forest, I wondered what I should do with the reward for the wolf from yesterday….

Should I spend it all on upgrading my skeletons equipment? Or maybe I should spend it on some better tools? It’s there a way to measure the skeleton’s strength?.


… The waiting time is sure is long

Once I got bored in thinking of that, I went to think about something else

Of course, I’m still properly doing my job of keeping a lookout, but today there doesn’t seem to be any sign of forest wolves where I’m at


I got on top of a boulder and took out a stone from my pocket to kill some time

I remembered they used spherical stones for western catapults and slings

It’s probably because it makes it easier to aim with when thrown, thus also making it stronger… Well in any case, I have way too much free time . I wanna do something


For the time being, I might as well try this out


I took out another stone and aimed it at the corner I want to cut off . Placing the first stone down, I struck it with my full strength….




Making a strong response, a chunk of the rock came off

The piece went flying and rebounded off my head


(… Seriously, that hurt… ).


It’s power is like chipping the rock with a powered tool

Then again the accuracy was way off the mark there

The corner I wanted to cut had been cut a little more than I wanted… At that time, I came to a realisation to something


(Wait, if that’s the case!!!).


I take out the hunting knife from my pocket

This might actually be pretty dumb, but no one’s around so it’s worth trying

Like peeling a potato, I held my knife to slice the skin off the rock only with a bit more force




To think it worked… the blade pa.s.sed through the rock and cut a thin portion off . Compared to simply hitting it with the rock from before, it’s clear I have more control here and can cut it to however I wish


(… In other words, this is also one of those skills . This is impossible to do it normally… ).


Even though the knife had just cut stone, I can’t see any damage on the blade

Raising the durability is probably also part of the skill

This is just like what happened with the bone dagger . No doubt, this must be because of the sculptor protection


(… Oops, shouldn’t be slacking off here . ).


If I were to have my guard down and the monsters from the forest were to escape my sight, I’d be pretty dejected

I have to be on alert when working


~ Adventurer’s life Day 9 Noon ~ Southeast of Comnes – Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge.


As usual nothing happened, and I made about 20 stone bullets in that time

They’re slightly distorted but have a much better spherical shape than they were before

In addition to that, I also put some dimples to them


Dimples are those little holes on the golf ball, and from what I’ve heard, the flight distance of the ball increases with it

As an amateur at this, I don’t know how many dimples and their size are required, but I’ll try to test it out

For the sake of testing, half of these were made without dimples


After I made my 21st… they finally appeared




“It’s here! The Forest Wolves! Three of them!”.


Sitting facing the forest, there’s a huge commotion going on my left

It’s better not to leave my position right away though, so I’ll just check the situation in case they need some backup


The group had about 10 people, but about 2 people have already been taken down, while another 2 people were struggling against one

The rest of them seem to be without any shields like me, and are being chased around like being tackled on their waist and such


Wait this looks pretty bad!.


“Hey, let’s back then up!”.


When three coins thrown into the air, three skeletons appear running alongside me


(Skeleton A, attack the forest wolf grappling with the adventurer in front of you! Make sure not to injure him!).

(Skeletons B and C surround the other forest wolves!).


Since skeleton A had the better equipment, whether it’ll be able to win or not in the end, it should still be able to handle the forest wolf on its own

I doubt B and C would be able to do much themselves . Though together they should be able to keep the other wolves in check


“Uwa! What are the things!”.



I probably should’ve informed them of this from the beginning….


“Don’t attack them! They’re allies!”.


I took a stance to throw . I aimed onto a forest wolf fiercely attacking right on top of an adventurer


(If I were to grab it’s attention, then that adventurer there should be able to take a breather . ).


I took out a dimpled stone from my pocket

The size is slightly smaller than that of a tennis ball, but it is considerably heavier than a baseball . If it hits, it should be able to deal a considerable amount of damage . Since it’s not moving too much, I decided to aim right at its head!.

When making the throw, I felt a strange power from the stone I threw, and before I was able to wonder what it was, it sunk straight into the wolf’s head


(… … !!).


A small spray of blood came out

As the force was pretty strong, the neck seemed to have snapped and the wolf laid flat on the adventurer

That was completely unexpected and I stood still for a bit, but I immediately looked around to see the situation of others


The situation made a complete reversal . The adventurer who was under that forest wolf earlier, got up and immediately a.s.sisted another adventurer that was struggling

Since it’s also skeleton A’s target, it’s two against one there


The last forest wolf is surrounded by adventurers along with skeletons B and C

Seems like they got their morale back now

Taking a number of wounds itself, the forest wolf doesn’t seem to be moving as well as it was before


Once more I take out another dimpled stone from my pocket

Both wolves are surrounded and moving around a lot making it difficult to aim, but there’s not a lot surrounding where skeleton A….

Ah… Skeleton A just struck it’s head… is it dead?.


Because of its situation, being surrounded by skeletons B, C and adventurers, the wolf made a sudden escape!.


I guess this would happen, after all being surrounded by armed skeletons and adventurers, it obviously doesn’t have enough strength to fight against the rest itself….

Without hesitation, I threw the stone at the escaping forest wolf

I only planned to strike its body to slow it down, but as it looked back it made a direct hit to it’s head instead


… Before I could even rejoice, a light enveloped my body and then the usual pain came right after….

I really feel like I might die one day from this….


“Aha!… you really saved us there… “.


An adventurer with a stubble, who is about twice my age, gave me his thanks… Seems like people call him Mr . Wolf….


It’s the adventurer that was pinned under the wolf and he seemed to be the most experienced adventurer here

He doesn’t even seem to have any injuries even after all that… pretty impressive


Three more adventurers were on the ground

There were bite marks that reached to the bones from their arms and legs, while the remaining six adventurers were also slightly injured, but none of those had any major injuries


“By the way, you seemed to be in quite a bit of pain earlier . You alright now?”.

“… Yeah, my muscles just feel a little sore . ”.

“Aha, don’t push yourself!”.


I was seriously anxious about giving an explanation about that

Luckily, it seems that other people can’t see the aura when I level up

From Mr Wolf’s response, there doesn’t seem to be any for of levelling up in this world


“First of all, let’s wash the wounds of the people wounded . Sorry, but do you mind if we were to also borrow your water?”.

“Sure, I don’t mind . ”.


The group here seems to be acquainted with each other, and are also dismantling while the treatment is going on

I wanted to do it too but,.


“Nah it’s fine, instead can you keep an eye out for us? That’d really help us out here…”.


Well, I don’t mind….


(Ah… That’s right . ).


Looking around my surroundings, I head over to a large boulder about 50m away from here


“Hm? Where’s Nemo gone?”.

“Isn’t he right over there under the rock’s shadow? His skeletons are keeping an eye out over there . ”.


Oh shoot, the others are starting to find things suspicious here

I just have to pour the potion into the bamboo and… done!.


Behind the boulder, there were some materials for the potion there, so I tried to hide myself making sure they don’t catch me making one

I went back to them nonchalantly

It seems I got a considerable increase to my mana when levelling up . I can still feel it draining, but I still have quite a lot left compared to before


“Ah, you came back . ”.

“Yeah, sorry . I completely forgot I had a potion with me, so do you mind using on the injured people please . ”.


Like as if it was there from the beginning, I took out three health potions from my bag


” Eh… “.


Please don’t stare at me like that

After a short pause, Mr Wolf timidly asks me


“Is it really fine? Isn’t this expensive?”.

“It’s fine, it’s better to use it here now than to have it expire on me since I hardly get hurt anyways . ”.

“… This is the first time I’ve seen a potion with a color as good as this . ”.

“Just hurry up and treat it . ”.


He seems to be pouring them carefully making sure not to waste a single drop

Given how it was before, I doubt it’ll be enough to cure them all

I haven’t been badly injured as the ones here, and even then it hardly healed quickly


“Whoa, what is this!!!”.

“I can see the wound actually healing!”.


… Eh?.


Ah, that’s right . Seems like that level up from earlier was from the alchemist’s divine protection

The stone throwing skill that killed the forest wolves was an alchemist skill, and I suppose it would level up after killing two of those

I remember them being easy to level


Since I’ve levelled my alchemist, it would also mean it improves the quality of the potions I make now… Pretty neat


That said though, everyone around stared at me wondering how I even got this potion….





—- Nemo   Divine Protection and Skills —-.

Necromancer level 2: ロBone weapon bonus; ロUndead Servant; Dark magic and resistance.

Alchemist level 1: ロPotion making; ロExtraction; Metallurgy; ロThrow; ロGathering bonus.

Sculptor level 2?: ロGathering bonus; Create sculpture; Specialised weapon – unknown.


—- Summon Equipment —-.

A: Hatchet, Kite shield (metal), Blood stained leather armor

B: Club (Wood), Shabby round shield (wood)

C: Club (Wood), Shabby round shield (wood)


—- Equipment —-.

Pig femur Bone dagger.

Iron coated round shield (metal/wood).

Barbarian robe.

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