~ Adventurer"s life Day 18 (Thur) Morning ~ Comnes Town – Adventurers Guild – Front

"Good morning"
"Good morning, you"re early huh?"

Today I join up with Benedetta for a large hunt on sh.e.l.led rabbits.
As usual, she wears her olive colored scarf and hood that almost completely covers her face.

The conditions are to first secure a spot for her to dismantle, along with a 30% split for every rabbit she dismantles.
If I were to make an estimation using what I remember from Bendetta"s skill, I"d say we can probably achieve about 20 rabbits in a day. If all goes well, the reward for 6 sh.e.l.led rabbits would be pa.s.sed on to Benedetta.

That said Benedetta can"t really hunt sh.e.l.led rabbits, and had been making a living off from collecting herbs, so her earnings here would be pretty small because of that.

(Though, these conditions should still be pretty good…)

But in any case, we headed over to the agreed area.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 18 (Thur) Morning ~ Comnes Town – South East – Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge

Arriving at the hunting spot, I summoned out the skeletons as usual. Looking behind me, I guess I should"ve expected Benedetta to be surprised by it.
I had the skeletons spread out and hunt a sh.e.l.led rabbit each.
Not long after, Skeleton A already came back with one.

“… Ah, that was quick.”
“Yeah. Well then, I leave this to you."

She made a little gesture to pump herself up, before taking out her (much better looking than mine) hunting knife, and started dismantling.

I can"t see Skeletons B and C, but they should be arriving back right about…

… c.r.a.p, it"s here… that pain… it"s another level up…

She"s been concentrating on the rabbit, but noticing my sudden silence she looked over this way.
… Not good. She"s definitely going to notice something off…
I try desperately to hold in the pain and make it seem like it"s nothing.
However, she pointed out something unexpected instead.

"… What is that light?"
" ! ! "

I wanted to speak right away but… somehow, I felt like this levelling process have been going on far longer than usual.
Once I was finally able to move properly again, I opened my mouth.

"You can see it? That light… "

She made a face like she has just screwed up.

During that awkward silence, skeletons B and C came back dragging a rabbit each.
At that, I went to start dismantling one right away. While working, I trued probing about what she meant by "that light". However…

"I"m sorry, but if possible I"d like not to talk about it…"

She made a serious face while saying so… Well, I don"t really want to pry about it if she"s unwilling.

"… Alright"

Skeleton A came back again for the second time.
I"ll just focus on my work for now.

That level up from earlier should be from Necromancer. I"ll try to summon a new one to see if it works.

… As I expected, a skeleton came out. Guess that confirms Necromancer reached level 3.
I didn"t want to make another scene in front of someone when summoning these guys again, so I was away from Benedetta when I summoned it.

Luckily enough, the rate at which the skeletons bring back the sh.e.l.led rabbits is much faster than the speed at which Benedetta dismantles them, so if were to adjust the speed I dismantle, there shouldn"t be a moment where Benedetta would have to stop working.
I"d feel bad if she were to just sit and do nothing after all.

However, it"s kinda dangerous to take a rest without work when using a knife, so I make sure to take one every now and then.
… Since there"s someone working with me, I"m kinda compelled to work hard here unfortunately.

That said, for this level I can summon 3 new skeletons for some reason.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 18 (Thur) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – South East – Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge

Once I noticed it was already afternoon, I checked over the number of rabbits hunted and told Benedetta this would probably be enough.

"… Let"s wrap it up for today and head back to the guild."
"… That"s right… "

I had the skeletons stop once they brought back the 25th rabbit.
Even with the additional skeletons, I don"t think we"ll be able to carry anymore.
As expected, after a lot of dismantling even Benedetta seemed to be tired.

(… With this, we should be done by evening once we"ve finished up in the guild.)

Right now, each skeleton can carry 3 each, with the 6 of them that makes 18. Meanwhile Benedetta can carry 1, while I can carry 3. In total, that"s 22.

Since I figured the situation might end up like this, I"ve already prepared a large sack beforehand. That"s how the three new skeletons are able to carry 3… However, since it requires both arms to use, the new three are unable to fight when the situation comes.

Though I"m a little more slow, I"m kinda happy I"m able to carry one more rabbit than before. It"s nice to notice my stats actually change when levelling up.
However, things are still awkward between me and Benedetta ever since this morning…

~ Adventurer"s life Day 18 (Thur) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – Adventurers Guild – Exchange Centre

We managed to reach to the guild safely. They got surprised seeing the skeletons increase again…

For me, I thought it was more surprising to be bringing 22 bodies of sh.e.l.led rabbits all at once. The other guild staff member took a while to take it all in.
The number Benedetta dismantled was 14, so that"s 4.2 sh.e.l.led rabbits worth of Goldos for her.
Hm, could"ve gotten a little more from this.
Since we didn"t have any way to carry more, we had to finish up early…

After having a look of contemplating on something for a while, Benedetta called out to me.

"Sorry, but… there is something I would like to talk about. Do you mind for a bit?"
"Is it bad to say it here?"
"Saying it here is a little…"

She said so while warily looking around. Well, it"s turning evening so the guild is starting to get crowded.

"Alright. Give me a minute."

I asked Doris who was just pa.s.sing by and got us a small room to use.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 18 (Thur) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – Adventurers Guild – Small Room

After moving to a place where n.o.body would be able to listen to, Benedetta made a somewhat resolved look on her face before speaking.

"That reason why I was able to see your light around you… is because of this."

She pressed down onto her left eye and took something out. When she faced towards me, her eye changed color.

"… The left eye is red."
"Yes. This is a magic eye."

… Magic eye.
In the game, it"s just a simple special ability. But in this world, it"s said to be "the power of the devil". Certain people that have it were objected to persecution, mainly in the northern area where the influence of the Church is strong.
Due to it being full of merchants from different places, Comnes isn"t particularly affiliated with a specific religion, but influence from the Church still exists here so the possibility of being persecuted is still here. There"s also other different religions here to look out for as well.
… I can see being a.s.sociated with her would be pretty risky. But right now, I feel more pity for her instead…

“… So, what kind of magical eye is it?”
"Blessing of Prudia."
"… That"s, pretty serious huh."

Prudia, that is namely, the G.o.ddess of darkness and death. If I have to say, this one"s considered to be a heretical G.o.ddess.

From what I know in the game, there are the Seven Great G.o.ds that are revered in this world. That of which had a complicated history.
It is believed that Prudia, as one of the Seven G.o.ds from long ago, handed over her t.i.tle to her younger brother Dahka, and became the G.o.ddess of death.
When her brother was taken down from his t.i.tle later on, she forged weapons from a volcano and led an army of darkness to save her brother from his crisis. This is information I remembered from the game.

However, for some reason, the Church had made Dhaka the supreme G.o.d while worshipping Prudia is heresy. The matter had been brought up many times from ex-church members, but they have been considered as a nuisance.
Over time, the Church responded by completely killing them all and branding them as heretics, so it"s really no wonder why Benedetta is particularly more wary about her magic eye.

"… So, if you could please…"
"You can trust I have nothing to do with the Church. I swear to Kobok that I will not tell a soul about it."
"I"m sorry, but what is Kobok?"
"… Our village G.o.d…"

From the village from where Nemo left, Kobok was the G.o.d of land who spreads the ashes of the dead to fertilise the fields.
Certainly, it"s not as amazing as a world renown G.o.d like Prudia, but I still hold some respect for it!

Anyway, “Prudia"s Blessing” in the game was a special ability that can sense magic power and the skills of other people.
It"s not very expensive in terms of mana, but it"s also not a powerful ability either… wait.

"Hey. Did you see anything on me other than that light?"
"… Actually, the"re some letters and numbers that I can also see."

That"s it! Benedetta is actually able to see my levels and skills!
I"ve been constantly trying to find all the possible skills I had, but now I finally found something to accomplish this.
Without thought, I stood up and grabbed her hands.

"Benedetta! Please continue to party up with me! You"ll be a big help!"
"… Y – Yes…"

It was only after I was heading back to the inn did I realise what I did was embarra.s.sing.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 18 (Thur) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – Bulbuls Inn – Mess Hall

I"ve finished my talk at the guild and arrived back to the inn.

(… I didn"t think that Benedetta would have a difficult circ.u.mstance like that…)

While at the guild, Benedetta gave me information on my divine protections and their skills based on what she is able to see with her eye. I wrote it all down onto the wooden board that I always carry.
The information from her seems much more accurate than the guesses I"ve written down myself.

I looked through my information on the board once again and had a number of my questions that I have been asking myself, finally solved.

In particular, there is a dagger skill bonus for the Sculptor, which kinda makes sense now that I think about it.
So I guess using the bone dagger also contributed in levelling my Sculptor.

There were a couple of other interesting things as well, but what caught my eye was the two skills I learned reaching level 3.

Necromancer: Bone creation
Sculptor: Golem

—- Divine Protection and Skills —-
Necromancer level 3: Undead Servant 6 Summons; Bone creation; Bonuses < bone="" weapon;="" guard;="" gathering;="" night="" vision="">
Alchemist level 2: Health potion create; Extraction; Bonuses < throw;="" gathering="">
Sculptor level 3: Engrave; Golem; Bonuses < dagger;="" hammer;="" sculpting;="" gathering;="" mining="">

—- Summon Equipment —-
A: Hatchet + 3, Kite shield (metal), Blood stained leather armor.
B: Mace, Shabby round shield (wood) + 3
C: Mace, Shabby round shield (wood) + 3
D, E, F: Empty

※: + X Arbitrary level of engraving

—- Equipment —-
Pig femur Bone dagger – 2 sets
Iron coated round shield (metal/wood)
Barbarian robe

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