~ Adventurer"s life Day 19 (Fri) Morning ~ Comnes Town – Adventurers Guild – Front Building

"Good morning!"

Today again, we meet up in front of the guild.
Seems like Benedetta is much cheerful today.
She walks this way with energetic steps, shaking her blonde hair, but her calm expression gives an impression of a cool beauty.

By the way, because I"ve gotten tired of always speaking polite to her, I decided to drop the formalities and talk like I always did.
Though I feel kinda awkward being the only one speaking like this so I asked her to do the same, but she just keeps reverting back to speaking formally again so I gave up… what are you, a princess? With that kind of dismantling skills…

Before hunting, there"s some business I"ll need to take care of first.

“Sorry, but mind if I stop by the weapons shop for a bit?”
"I don"t mind."

By now, I don"t even know how many times I"ve been to that shop anymore.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 19 (Fri) Morning ~ Comnes Town – Weapons Workshop – Adonnis" Blade

"Good morning."
"O-u! You came again!"

Adonis, the owner of the Sharp Blade, gave his welcome as I entered.

"Oh! I see you"ve finally got someone the party, and a girl at that. Good for you!"
"Yeah, I know right. She"s Benedetta."
"Pleased to meet you."

Benedetta replied in her usual manner. Looking at her, Adonnis asks.

"Well, what equipment do you need it for today? A shield for this girl?"
“Nope, skeletons. They"ve increased again”

It"s our usual banter.
When me and Adonnis entered the back room, I called out the three new skeletons.

“Well, I"ll give those two clubs you gave back to me the other day. Apart from that, anything else you need?”
“One more club and wooden round shields for the three of them as well please.”

Even with all those sh.e.l.led rabbits we hunted from yesterday, I can"t really buy much with it.
The round shield here was the pretty shabby one with the handle attached to a round wooden board.
However, I think I can compensate that by "engraving" this.
I should probably also engrave the clubs too while I"m at it. I"d like to see how much it would affect it.

"Ah, that"s right. Is there a tool for chiselling wood around here that I can buy? I"m kinda interested…"
“There is, but it"s going to be fairly expensive.”

Oooh, so there is one!
It was an L-shaped chisel that I recognised.
However, the price is a little over my budget… Seems that the price will be high if it was a specialised tool. I didn"t think I would be able to buy it, however…

"It"s fine, you can just pay me back later. It should be possible at the pace you"re making now isn"t it?"
"Ah, thank you very much."

With no choice, I now owe him for this chisel the next time I come back. Even so, with this it should be more than possible.
Adonis felt a little curious of why I wanted a chisel, but as more customers began entering the shop, I left the store.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 19 (Fri) Morning ~ Comnes Town – South East- Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge

Well then, today skeleton C was the one who came back first with the rabbit.

“Alright, I"ll leave the dismantling to you."

With six skeletons, we began a large area sh.e.l.led rabbit hunt.

If my calculation is correct, we should be able to reach the maximum we can bring back before noon. After finishing it up in the guild, we"ll probably be able to head back and hunt again.
I didn"t have the time or budget to get the new skeletons a wooden rack, so the amount each of them can carry will be less than yesterday as they also have their weapons to hold.

In any case, right now I have five skeletons out hunting, while skeleton F is on standby.
I"m in the middle of engraving this guy"s weapon.
As expected, using a specialised tool makes the job much easier. It"s shaving off the wood like it"s soft sponge… Seems like the sculptor divine protection is properly working here, though it could also be from my increased dexterity too.

I don"t think it even took 30 minutes to engrave the club and shield.
The club had squares formed into a geometric pattern around the surface, while the round shield pretty much also had the same pattern… they became considerably more powerful from that.

Once I"ve finished engraving all of skeleton F"s equipment, skeleton B just came back, so I had them both switch places… The mace is metal this time so it was a tad more difficult to carve…
Though I say that, it took the same amount of time to complete it just as before.

"I"m sorry, but could I have some help dismantling! I don"t think I can keep up!"

I looked over to the increasing stack of sh.e.l.led rabbits as Benedetta called out to me.


… This is quite busy…

~ Adventurer"s life Day 19 (Fri) Before Noon ~ Comnes Town – South East- Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge

"… Erm, so, so you want to round things up here for a moment, is it?"
"Yes. I"m sorry, but I am a little tired."

We had 19 rabbits hunted in total. Since I"ve already finished "engraving" the skeletons equipment, we left the rock fields.
Because of the increase of skeletons, the pace of it all is going really quick.
However, as the skeletons needed to head out farther for each rabbit hunted, the pace slows down over time.

Heading back, each of us brought the amount we can carry back to the guild.
Seeing Benedetta getting tired there, I thought I had an idea of desummoning them while they still hold the items, but when I did that the sh.e.l.led rabbits they were carrying where left behind.
It"s a shame.
Seems like only their equipment remains with them when they"re desummoned.
Though the racks they had went along with them… I wonder what will happen if a person was inside there… ?
Well if I have time, I guess I can check on it later.
Though I don"t want to accidentally murder someone, so I"ll just use some meat instead.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 19 (Fri) Noon ~ Comnes Town – South East- Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge

(Phewー, we finally got back… )

After making the exchange from the guild, we arrive back at the rock field. Right now, I"m taking a break.

But even so, it was terrible when I came back to town.
It"s pretty bad walking through town while having a row of skeletons following behind you, but the guards by the southeastern gate all look at me with tense faces, and the kids from town would point and chase after them… of course some cried too.
Benedetta even told me she was going to stay away for a bit.

We came back to the rock fields for a light meal because Benedetta couldn"t remove her scarf back at town.
I don"t really know that much, but apparently even when her hometown is quite far away from Comnes, she doesn"t want to take any risks showing her face out in public.

"By the way… what is your divine protection Benedetta?"

I only wondered this recently, but only now did I managed to find a good opportunity to ask.
It"ll be a problem for us in the future if we don"t have a strong grasp what the other is capable of.
It"s like how I can"t use a sword for example. I can"t really handle close quarter combat against opponents cause of that.

"… aiden…"
"… Sorry?"

… Was I lost in thought again and missed what she said… Huh? Somehow I can feel the tension rising here…

"It"s "shrine maiden". My divine protection that is."
"Ah! Isn"t that also a rare divine protection?"

Like a child caught by her mother, she gave a silent nod.

"Shrine maiden" huh… Like with minstrels, they utilise songs as their skills and give out buffs and curses to those hearing it. It"s a pretty famous female-only divine protection.
In the early stage, there isn"t really an effective means to attack so being in a party is essential, just like with many other rare divine protections.
However later on, shrine maiden gets to use some powerful hymns with really cool looking effects, making this divine protection widely popular in the community.
Even in the early stages, it"s pretty useful in parties as they give buffs to their allies and debuff enemies during battle.
… It"s a shame I really don"t know much about the skills in this cla.s.s.

( … This pretty much the same as me then huh… )

Even if you were originally trained as a warrior, once you receive a divine protection like a shrine maiden, pretty much all of the fighting strength you"ve built up is taken from you.
From what I know in the game, shrine maidens are quite helpless by themselves.
Not to mention, having to sing as the main way of using skills is understandably embarra.s.sing.

"Mhm. If that"s the case, then you could try to sing some hymns…"
"Eh? You know of my divine protection!?"
"… I guess…?"

… That"s a weird response. Looking around, I gave her a question with a slightly lowered voice.

"Can"t you just look at your own skills using that magic eye of yours?"
"I can"t use the magic eye on myself…"
"That"s… quite a shame…"

… Is that how it works huh.
In any case, I explained to her the basics on what I know about it… but somehow, her face is slowly growing darker… ?

"Erm, Benedetta. You seem quite gloomy there, you alright?"
"… There"s no problem."
"Then, mind testing out a song for me and the skeletons here?"
" … "

With a grim look on her face, she took a deep breath and started to sing.

"The divine works erected from the high seat"

… Aaah, so that"s why she got depressed…

The tone deaf Benedetta slowly turned this way.

"It"s there something you want to say?"
“Eh… no, no… nothing in particular…"
"If it is bad, then say it to me properly!!"

… Scary.

~ Adventurer"s life Day 19 (Fri) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – South East- Beginners Rock Field – Outer Edge

… In the end, we managed to finish hunting before evening. After each of us carried our sh.e.l.led rabbits, we begin to head back to town once more.

Seems like the effect of the hymn here was an increase in movement speed, as we all became noticeably faster walking.
It also seems to improve stamina too because even though me and Benedetta was quite tired from a moment ago, we continued on walking like nothings wrong… A little weird to get used to if I have to be honest.

It worked quite well in the game though.
In the game, faster walking speed is generally a simple low level status effect, but it"s the one that"s used the most often as it greatly decreases the travel time for anything so there would never be a moment where this would not be applied.

"Hm, I think the buff"s starting to wear off. Alright, can you try singing just one more time?"
"…. Yes."

Of course, this is for reaching back to town.

"This really is pretty convenient. I"ll be in your care from now on!"
"…. … yes…"

I"m just going to ignore that look of depression on her face. That skill is too useful after all Besides, I"m sure she"ll get over it… one day.
I feel like we got closer as a party now.

Dragging the dead eyed Benedetta along, we moved back to town.

—- Divine Protection and Skills —-
Necromancer level 3: Undead Servant 6 Summons; Bone creation; Bonuses < bone="" weapon;="" guard;="" gathering;="" night="" vision="">
Alchemist level 2: Health potion create; Extraction; Bonuses < throw;="" gathering="">
Sculptor level 3: Engrave; Golem; Bonuses < dagger;="" hammer;="" sculpting;="" gathering;="" mining="">

—- Summon Equipment —-
A: Hatchet + 3, Kite shield (metal), Blood stained leather armor.
B: Mace, Shabby round shield (wood) + 3
C: Mace, Shabby round shield (wood) + 3
D, E, F: Club + 3, Shabby round shield (wood) + 3

※: + X Arbitrary level of engraving

—- Equipment —-
Pig femur Bone dagger – 2 sets
Iron coated round shield (metal/wood)
Barbarian robe

TL note: I screwed up.

There was a gap in my downloaded chapters, and chapter 20 was one that didn"t download properly before.
I was hoping I could take the risk and re update it once I reach 19, but obviously that made it worse.

Now I lost all chapters for this novel T.T

It"s a shame really. Surprisingly enough, I was finally able to start enjoying reading this (especially since the excruciatingly slow pace from the beginning).

If anyone knows a way to get the chapters from this novel, I"d really appreciate it if you can tell me how you found it.
It seems like the author removed the novel from syosetu (along with their account), and it doesn"t seemed to be saved on the wayback machine either.
If anyone wants to know, the link is here:

That said, I don"t plan on translating the light novel.

Thank you all for reading this novel despite that it could"ve ended really suddenly.

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