Publishedat 12th of August 2019 10:21:57 PMChapter 30

 Adventurer’s life Day 28 (Sun) Morning ~ Comnes Town – Inn – Nessos’ Temptation

I got out of bed in the usual double room… Today’s the rest day our party decided on.

Benedetta, also seemed to have just woken up, and told me about yesterday’s experiment.

It was one where we see the skeletons reaction while I sleep.

I would first call out a single skeleton and have it stand beside my bed.

Then, I gave it a command in my head, ‘If there were to be something approaching within this range, push it out of it’, before sleeping.

Once Benedetta notices I slept, she would walk towards towards within the range.

The skeleton pushes her out without doing anything particularly dangerous.

In addition, if the skeleton were to be harmed, it would make a loud cry enough to wake me and even the other members in the inn. She had a bit of trouble trying to calm the innkeeper down… that said, I was still asleep when that happened, I didn’t hear a thing.

For now, I at least know the skeletons still function while I sleep. Maybe next time, I’ll want to see if it’s also capable of fighting too.

After telling me the results, Benedetta was getting ready to meet up with her companions as novice adventurers, so she took her leave.

There’s also some things I want to do alone, and had some bones stockpiled under my bed from yesterday’s hunting.

Once ready, I summoned out skeleton C… this time I want to see what I can do to strengthen its defence, which was a concern for some time now.

I get that once their spine gets in anyway destroyed, they will stop moving.

For that, I’m going to see what I can do about it’s armor.

Removing all of its equipment and keeping the stockpile of bones ready, I put in thought about the sort of armor I’d like to create.

At first, I planned to make a normal breastplate for covering the torso, but I figured making one that would fixed onto their rib cage would make it much more effective, furthermore adding some sort of structure like some girders pa.s.sing through their body would probably increase its st.u.r.diness.

They’re different from humans, and have hollow bodies where things can easily pa.s.s through. There’s no need to keep things conventional…

When having the skeleton move about, it didn’t give off a feeling like it was heavy or something.

I was worried whether it would be a problem if the upper half of the body were to increase in weight.

I give the armor a few knocks. There doesn’t seem to be any problems with it from what I can notice.

There’s a bit of the neck showing, so I also applied some sort of a collar on the armor to protect that.

I can apply the engraving right away, so I stopped to think of what to do about the design for a moment.

At first, I was thinking of some fancy and elaborate pattern, but since I use a sort of special method of cleaning (Bone Manipulation), it’s gonna be a pain to do. So I just added some vertical lines over it along with some very simple changes to make it look more like an armor.

I can’t apply any ‘Plating’ to it now, since I don’t have any materials left… I’m gonna have to visit Adonnis again for this…

Staring hard at the skeleton’s new breastplate, it seemed like the head area feels a little empty, so I added in a Greek style with the little feather thing at the back, where the face was completely blank. I added some holes for the eyes, so now it looks something like a balaclava… I gave the helmet a little tap, and it doesn’t seem like it’s possible to even see inside the helmet.

Before I forget, I also added in the ‘engraving’ onto it… just some simple lines were carved.

However, the arms and lower body still have the bones exposed, unless they were to wear some sort of cloak, it’s going to be difficult to hide these… Though if I were to just ignore those parts, it’s actually quite normal looking. If we walk down the street, we could probably walk by peacefully… maybe.

Like that, I also called out skeletons D and E and had their equipment made the same way. Once I was able to make enough for 6 in total, I ran out of bones, so the work stops here for now.

Fan Art Alert

Yesterday, Mario stayed over with Adrianne in their workshop, so I’ll be heading over there to hear some details.

I’m still unclear about the skeleton’s remotal behavior, and whether if I would even be able to give commands to it, but at the very least it doesn’t seem to go rampant so there shouldn’t be any major problems, thank goodness.

I was thinking of heading over to Rostam as well for the potion throwing containers until…

“h.e.l.lo~. Can you hear me?”

“Uwah!? Is that Mario? What is this?”

I can hear Mario’s voice in my head all of a sudden!

“Even if we were to be separated, it’s possible to communicate with master like this. Are there any instructions you would like to ask of me?”

“Yeah… Well, it’s more of a request than an instruction really.

I told him about the special potion throwing container I’ve been thinking about.

“We’re taking a break right now, so I’ll put it on hold for the time being… Maybe once I manage to properly adjust the slime’s strength accordingly, I’ll try my hand on it.”

“Really? Thanks I really appreciate it.”

“Leave it to me.”

I thought this would’ve been a troublesome request, but he took it rather easily… This takes quite a bit of load off my mind.

After that, I headed over to Adonis’s store and for the time being bought about 10 new pieces of sc.r.a.p iron weapons that are unusable for the ‘Plating’ skill. I had 2 skeletons summoned to carry them along the way back.

The skeletons I took out had the new armor on. Adonis was surprised as expected, but seemed to have been greatly interested in that greek styled helmet of theirs… well I suppose it is pretty unique in this world.

Arriving back, Benedetta had already returned to the inn. Remembering from yesterday, I treated her to another bottle of mana potion as thanks for helping out, to which she cheerily accepted. After that, we had a meal and a drink outside before returning back to the inn again.

With the remaining time, I spent it on using up the materials from yesterday for some potions and continued on ‘Plating’ the rest of the skeletons equipment.

~ Adventurer’s life Day 29 (Mon) Midday ~ Comnes Town – West – Gravel Fields

“Looks like we won’t be hunting much today either…”

“Seems like it…”

This is probably the most crowded the Gravel Fields had been so far…

Thickets would rustle occasionally, but all that would come out of it would just be another party of adventurers… 

Oh there some behind -… Oh never mind, just another group.

Looking at all the other adventurers, most seem to either be heading further west or hunting on the southern side. Either way, there’s just no end to this.

Just when we were moving slightly further to the north, I had a contact from Mario that’s still in the workshop!

“… Master… It doesn’t seem like I’m able to move properly… If it’s possible, can you please not move further away from town?”

“… Aah, so I guess this would be the limit for that huh… Alright, I understand.”

I wonder what state Mario’s body is in and I move further away… Seems like he heard that thought of mine as I can hear some complaints from the other side.

The voice is a little less clear than before, probably also affected by the distance from what Necromancer can reach.

This is another piece of information I wanted to know… not that I did this on purpose. Though then again, it’s not like I can tell the exact distance from where we are.

I find a somewhat conspicuous rock formation to take in mind as I may retrace my steps to see the distance between Rostam and here.

With Mario’s situation and the overcrowdedness of adventurers in the area, I had an agreement with Benedetta to return back to town, while collecting some bones and mana potion ingredients along the way.

With the number of bones I managed to bring back, it was enough for about 12 more sets of armor, while applying ‘Engraving’ and ‘Plating’ to those. I also made about 6 more mana potions and handed one over to Benedetta.

… A few days from then on, I spent my time collecting bones, strengthening skeletons and creating more health and mana potions.

In addition, I told the guild that I would be able to create more potions from now on so they gave me some extra materials for it. I was able to save up more time and money like that.

With ‘Alchemist’s’ level as high as it is now, the potions I’ve been making recently had a significantly high quality to it that even the guild immediately sent over some of the extra ingredients right away.

There’s been an increase in adventurers as of late, increasing the demand for more health potions to the point where they’ve been sold the moment they were put in stock.

I’ve given a portion of the sales to Benedetta… But as expected, she was quite stubborn in accepting it. She really hasn’t gotten much of an income recently so I had to force it her to her.

That said, during the times when we don’t have work, she’s been working hard in training her sword practice, to the point where she even seems to be quite competent at it now compared to before.

And so, the majority of our time was spent like this while the adventurers in Comnes were still busy.

~ Adventurer’s life Day 32 (Thu) Morning ~ Comnes Town – Workshop – Rostam

“You want to head to the village down south… ?”


While the adventurers outside were still scuttling around as usual, Mario interrupts me while I was having a feel of the new potion throwing container prototype.

The slime made bottle had been really well received from the public. There’s been a number of requests from different customers like wealthy tradesmans and even town guards. It doesn’t seem like it would keep up with the demand for long.

From the beginning, they were sold at the shop by cash, but then it just sort of expanded from then on.

“There’s a woodworker at that village that I used to work with before, and am thinking of hiring him to help us out.”


From what Mario said, he’ll be taking a caravan heading south from Comnes to reach there, however, he’ll also need us to go along with him because of the Necromancer range limit. So it’ll be like being hired to escort like what Gerin was doing.

“But, will the craftsman even talk to you properly with you in that form?”

“I might be mistaken, but I remember him being one not to care about another’s appearance… Though it is a little difficult to get him to listen to you.”

“I see.”

Well in any case, we’re getting pretty tired with all the commotion the guild has been going through, so we accepted it anyways.

~ Adventurer’s life Day 32 (Thu) Afternoon ~ Comnes Town – Farther South – Main Road

“This is the first time I’ve travelled down south.”

“I’ve been commuting here many times for business.”

Our party right now is walking along with two horses pulled covered wagons moving across the south main road.

Since commerce of this scale happens several times a day along this direction, it was extremely easy to find a group to travel along with.

Since there’s so many people pa.s.sing through here, there shouldn’t be any worry about a monster attack… Well, Comnes doesn’t really have many monsters from the south side to begin with, so everyone’s pretty relaxed here.

Because of that, I didn’t take out my unnecessarily conspicuous skeletons and golem out on this trip.

Our party consisted of Me, Benedetta and skeleton C, following along with Mario.

By the way, Mario came here prepared with a one handed battleaxe, one that he used back when he was still alive, also a mantle that reaches up to his ankles while the skeleton walking next to him was wearing the armor and helmet set I made. They simply look like fully equipped adventurers… however it attracts attention every now and then.

“Is there a need for a helmet? I doubt it’s really necessary for that even here. Aren’t you hot with that?”

They would get questioned by the surrounding curious and bored adventurers, but at least the disguise is working properly.

A little after a while however, an old nemesis of mine appeared right in front of us.

—- Divine Protection and Skills —-
Necromancer level 6: Undead Servant 21 Summons; Bone manipulation; Ghost Servant; Bonuses < bone="" weapon;="" bone="" armor;="" gathering;="" night="" vision="">
Alchemist level 6: (Health/Poison/Mana) potion create; Extraction; Plating; Bonuses < throw;="" gathering="">
Sculptor level 6: Engrave; Golem (Wood/Earth/Stone); Bonuses < dagger;="" hammer;="" sculpting;="" gathering;="" mining="">

—- Summon Equipment —-
A: Hatchet + 6/6, Kite shield (metal) + 6/6, Blood stained leather armor + 0/6.
B: Mace + 6/6, Round shield with iron frame (wood) + 6/6
C: Mace + 6/6, Heavy round shield (bone) + 6/6
D-O: Club + 6/6, Heavy round shield (bone) + 6/6

—- Equipment —-
Pig femur Bone dagger – 2 sets + 6/6
Barbarian robe + 0/3
Half-face guarded Viking helmet (bone) + 5/4
Heavy Round Shield (bone) + 5/4

※: + X/Y Arbitrary level of engraving and plating respectively.

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