When Sugokan enters the vehicle Alexa said: "Detection of the error the master of darkness and time were only one, I invite you to treat yourself before we get lost in a remote dimension" Klov drinks his saliva and tells Alexa with an annoyed tone: "It"s not your problem shows us our next destination! Alexa says, "Captain, I think Prof. Kim tries to hide something, and I inform you that without solving this problem the percentage of a dimensional loss is 100%" Hexous looked at Klov and said while continuing to look :" Thank you Alexa without you I don"t know what to do, we will continue with the option without portal until he heals himself" Alexa says: "As you wish captain" Hexous turned to them and said to them: "I"m will leave me and Klov alone to a place to seek for a doctor who is the best in his field, Goro you are the leader here don"t hold yourself if Sugokan turns into a wolf or the master of the time" *turns to Alexa* "Alexa uses the mode without portal to get out of the electromagnetic field then uses the portal mode we will go to Soulost in Lost Land without saying information" "We will arrive in an approximation of 1 h : 15 min please prepare yourselves"; "Thank you for your understanding Alexa you are really the best android I ever seen" all the screens turned red and she said : "Stop flattering me captain my microprocessor can handle this much of heat" Klov were elsewhere and chewed his cigarette , then spit it. Hexous smiled and said: I see that you are already preparing excuses for her blue beard Klov sighed slightly and said: "How can I be forgiven after taking her life, she was an unbearable girl and a true dogmatist, but her heart was like a milk honey, pure and sweet. Hexous tries to tease him: "While hearing you speaking about the milk and the heart don"t you want to speak about her chest?" Klov bring his chair near to Hexous and said: " I feel weird at point I cannot laugh or answer you, you kind of Hoohle translation" *breathe deeply and continues* "since we have time listen to my story, and do not try to sleep" then begins with : " I"m going to tell you the story of a ... " Hexous was already snoring, Klov smiles and says: " You"re really a professional when it comes to provoking others but even though i"m telling it to our dears readers, in the next chapter of course".

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