Zombie Town (1) Don"t turn the lights on!

When Xin Meng woke up, the sky was still not bright.

It was summer, but even if the temperature was very hot, he didn"t turn the air conditioner on. Half awakened, he got up from the bed and decided to go to the kitchen to pour a gla.s.s of water.

When he touched the floor with his feet and was unable to locate his slippers, he opened his eyes and looked down. It was a gray floor.

When did the floor get so dirty?

This weak thought soon disappeared without a tail, Xin Meng, a heavy sleeper, sat on the bed, yawned for a long time and smudged his eyes again. The house was dark and silent and he rubbed his head a little bit, almost falling asleep again, until he felt thirsty again. He shook his head and tried to make his brain clear.

When he finally opened his eyes and looked for his slippers, he inadvertently glanced at his surroundings and suddenly his eyes went wide.

A small room with dilapidated furniture, a dirty environment.

So strange.

What is this place?!

Xin Meng is 100% sure this is not his home, not his furniture, and the room size isn"t even the same! What is even more frightening is that he finally found out why the house is so dark. Is not just because the sky is dark outside, but also because…

Stiff, he turned his neck a little bit to the left.

The window is blocked by a board!

The wooden board is like a piece of furniture. It"s stuck across the window frame, leaving only a small gap, and the surface is exposed with many huge and rusted spikes.

The curtains were destroyed, and only a little bit of it remained, still swaying at the top. The rags scattered on the floor were covered with dark brown stains, and the desktop next to them was full of messy footprints.

This room is not only unfamiliar, but also filled with a b.l.o.o.d.y atmosphere. Dozens of bad thoughts rush into Xin Meng"s mind. One of the most likely gains the upper hand – was he kidnapped?

His heart jumped, he couldn"t take it anymore and went to the door with his feet bare. He walked through another strange living room and stopped at the front door, but he was surprised to find the mess there. The door is blocked by furniture!

What exactly is going on?

He hesitated for a moment before standing in front of the pile of furniture. He didn"t touch it, but sharply opened the doors of the other two bedrooms. However, not matter which one, he saw no living people. In the three bedroom apartment, he was alone and all the windows were blocked.

That"s weird.

There are no other people in this house, but everything is blocked from the inside, just like… as if he had done it himself.

Xin Meng"s forehead begins to produce cold sweat. He is alone, standing in a strange living room, a cold chill sliding down his back, and his hands can"t help but tighten.

He forced himself to calm down and looked around the living room in a frightened way, observing the chaos happening here: the wardrobe and TV cabinet were blocking the door, many things were scattered all around the place, sofas and chairs were turned down, the TV screen was broken, oil painting that originally hanged on the wall had fallen to the ground and stepped on it, fragments of vases all over the floor as well as a standing lamp brutally dismembered…

For now, the lights! How did he forget to turn on the lights!

Used to the darkness, his eyes were very comfortable with the environment, Xin Meng even forgot to turn on the lights for a while, but now he wants to see his surroundings clearly. Carefully bypa.s.sing a pile of debris on the ground, he pressed the switch on the wall, and the crystal chandelier flashed twice before lightening up.

Everything in the room was instantly exposed to the pale white light. Xin Meng was blinded by the strong light and waited for a while for eyes to get used to it. He put down the hands that blocked his eyes and the moment he looked around, he froze.

In the ruined living room, on the dirty ground, there are countless blood footprints!

More than that, the dilapidated and dirty furniture is full of blood marks and a viscous liquid. Xin Meng"s heart went cold for a while. Standing stiffly, he suddenly remembered something and quickly looked at his feet, finding out his feet were also covered in the blood-like liquid. When he didn"t know, he didn"t feel anything. Once he knew, the slippery feeling became obvious and the more he wanted to turn around and escape, disgust filling his stomach. He couldn"t help taking two steps back. He turned back and almost fell to the ground with fear!

In the snow white wall in front of him, wet words were written in bright red characters — 【Don"t! Turn! On! The! Lights!】

The huge b.l.o.o.d.y words were shocking. Every stroke had a long stretch of blood, like tears falling down, accompanied with b.l.o.o.d.y exclamation marks.

Xin Meng is not that young, even so, he can"t help but feel scared. He quickly retreats away from the wall, but what should he do next? He had no idea, and all he can do is pray. He hopes it"s all a prank from his friends, although the possibility is very small… Who would put on such an effort to pull a prank on him?

Standing in the living room for a while, the blood stings his eyes. He felt more and more uncomfortable with the blood on his feet. He wanted to wash it up immediately. So he decided to go to the bathroom and find a pair of shoes, whatever he can find is good, he is going mad with the sticky feeling on his soles.

As for the words in the wall, he has no idea about it and does not intent to do something about it now.

Who know who wrote that, what was their intention?

Moreover, light can bring a certain sense of security to human being, no exceptions.

In the bathroom sink, he cleaned his feet and finally the refreshed Xin Meng walked back to the previous bedroom, carefully avoiding the blood on the floor, and found his shoes under the bed. As soon as he looked up, relieved, he found a white card on the table. He took it with curiousity and saw the beautiful calligraphy written with a black pen. The first sentence was —

【Dear Xin Meng.】

Xin Meng"s heart clenched, he thought it was a message from the kidnappers and hurried read it.

【Congratulations on being selected to become the number 9317623858 player of this game.】

【This game is called: Horror Game Escape Guide.】

【After entering the game, you will personally partic.i.p.ate in different horror games and you can enter the next game after reaching the clearance conditions. If you fail, you will be punished with death. After all the games, you will get back to the real world.】

【This game is played with six people, each person can get a task related information.】

【Your five teammates can be randomly found in the game, please find them. You can recognize them by the black armband.】

【The game gives a chance to resurrect, as long as one player remains alive, the other five can be resurrected in the next game.】

[Special Tips:]

[First, collecting all the information is crucial for game clearance.]

[Second, the number of resurrection has a limit. After three deaths, the player will be completely obliterated.]

[Third, this is not a joke.]

【I wish you a happy game.】

Xing Meng is holding the card, worried, what the h.e.l.l is this? Am I still dreaming?

He was about to raise his hand and knock on his head when he suddenly heard a little movement.

Thud… thud… thud…

Dull, slow, as if there"s something slamming the ground, not from inside the room, but outside… It seems to be coming from the corridor outside the apartment.

The sound was intermittent, with certain frequency, and Xin Meng couldn"t help but stop. Still holding the card, he listened carefully, only to find that the sound was getting closer, louder and louder.

What"s coming to him?!

A sense of crisis quickly hit his heard. He took a few steps back. When his calf had just touched the edge of the bed, he heard a loud bang. It hit the door!

He immediately ran out the bedroom, and the furniture that blocked the door was shaken by the hit. The broken handle on the cabinet fell to the ground and made a small noise, but whatever was outside kept hitting the door. It seems to be stimulated by the noise inside, hitting the door with even more strength!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The impact is getting stronger and stronger. The wall next to the door trembles and shakes and the dust flows around. It is close, Xin Meng can hear it, and he can hear it from the other side of the door. The sound is similar to a wild beast!

What is it?!

Xin Meng feels numb, his hears is almost jumping out of his chest, his mind is blank and he instinctively knows one thing – never let that thing come in!

His eyes swept quickly through the living room and he also moved things like chairs and tables to block the door, but the noise outside only got louder, it even seemed that something else joined. It had doubled! The door began to violently tremble. If this continues, the door will be knocked out!

The fears was like a giant wave drowning him. Xin Meng"s hands were shaking, his breath was short, and he was anxious like an ant in a hot pot. He knew that once that thing came in, he would die!

Desperate, he used his back to support the furniture, trying to add the weight of his body, but it didn"t help anything. Xin Meng bite his lower lip, refusing to give up that easily. He continued to look around the living room, but there"s no more furniture to be used.

Is he going to die here?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Xin Meng"s legs kept on trembling, the horrible premonition of death made him sweat cold, dripping from his forehead into his eyes, making him blink hard. Opening his eyes, he saw red.

He turned around and looked at it to find the five words on the wall – don"t turn on the lights!

Don"t turn on the lights?

He didn"t have time to think much. Moved by intuition, Xin Meng quickly rushed to press the light switch.

After the ‘pop" sound, the apartment fell into darkness.

Unlike when he woke up, he was now used to brightness and couldn"t see anything around.

The darkness was like a bottomless abyss, engulfing humanity.

However, it was immediate, the hits on the door became calmer. After two or three hits, it stopped. Although the beast was still there, Xin Meng was saved. The feeling of escaping from death swept through his whole body, his legs couldn"t stand and slid down the wall to the ground, not even daring to make a sound, hand covering his mouth, adjusting his breathing.

In the end, what was the use?

His heart went crazy in a very short time, almost coming out of his throat. Xin Meng did not calm down for a long time, the feeling of death was so strong, he was only one step from dying.

That"s so horrible, how did he got there?

What was that outside? It is still…

At the same time, he looked at the house and realized why he had to seal the door and windows in the apartment. It was to prevent whatever was outside from coming in.

He leaned against the wall weakly, and suddenly remembered the card he had read before. Inexplicably, he felt a strong urge to look again at it. The card had been thrown to the floor, but it was dark and he couldn"t see anything except for the faint outline of a rectangle.

The light switch could not be turned on, but he vaguely remembered there was a lamp in the bedroom. Xin Meng got up and tried to go through the living room without making a sound. He reached the other room. Sure enough, there it was on the floor. He wasn"t sure if the lamp could be used.

Although he had no hope, he was cautious as he plugged in the power and covered the desk lamp with a quilt.

The switch was turned on.

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