Brought to you by~ Your translator Vemmy, who has begun to doubt whether or not she can actually English.  Edits greatly welcome.  Someone pls save me.

Early morning"s light shone through the blinds, warmly landing on the hotel"s bed, gentle…tranquil.

Xia Rong slept extraordinarily well, no dreams until dawn, when he suddenly opened his eyes, he even had this illusion of having "slept until one"s bones went soft".

Actually, work was really intense recently, leaving his spirits strained, he had not slept this well in a long time. Having the rare chance to sleep until full, if it wasn"t for the continuous "du du" knocking sounds from the door, he wouldn"t even want to open his eyes.

However, knocking this earling in the morning, it was probably the production team.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling, Xia Rong still struggled awake with difficulty, yawning as he turned, wanting to pick up his cell phone to check the time——

Hand jerked, Xia Rong was caught off guard as his gaze met with that of a handsome face:

"——f.u.c.k! Su Su Su Su Chi!!!"

Obviously, Su Chi had also just woken up, pitch black eyes a little blank, staring at Xia Rong, a question mark sluggishly floating beside his head, "?" (T/n: this was too cute, oh my gosh, I want one!)

"Question mark my a.s.s ah!" Xia Rong wanted to go berserk, "Why did you change back again!"

It was now that Su Chi looked down at himself, seemed to remember something, and his expression immediately became awake.

Xia Rong had time (to recover), and also realized that Su Chi had not a sc.r.a.p of cloth on his body, and, at this moment, the two of them were less than a heads distance away from each other, flesh almost touching flesh, it could be considered intimately sleeping under the same blanket.

Once Xia Rong finally reacted, he immediately backed up at the speed of light. However, he had been sleeping by the edge of the bed, backing up so suddenly almost caused him to fall off the bed. The knocking sounds continued, Xia Rong"s sorry figure clung onto the comforter to stop himself from falling, anxiously asking Su Chi, "What do we do now ah!"

Perhaps due to seeing Xia Rong"s awkward state, Su Chi"s eyes contained some mirth, but he also knew that the situation was urgent and pursed his lips to press down his laughter, "Its okay, change your clothes and go open the door, they won"t immediately start recording."
Su Chi"s words, Xia Rong actually knew as well. He debuted from a talent compet.i.tion and couldn"t be more familiar with this kind of "Surprise Room Attack" variety program. Especially now, they could all be considered popular new idols, the program team"s "surprise attack" continues being a "surprise attack", but to avoid filming something that shouldn"t be filmed, the "rehearsal" before the "surprise attack" was indispensable.

Xia Rong felt that he had been shocked silly by Su Chi being cat one moment and human the next, furthermore, only his mentality was so strong; if it was someone else, who could accept that, the little kitty that was so adorable that it made their heart tremble the night before, in the blink of an eye, would become the sworn enemy they had been entangled with for many years!!!

Although this was a truth that they were all already aware of, it could still be considered a rea.s.surance pill (T/n: I couldn"t translated it without making the next part seem repet.i.tive so, voila.) , which allowed Xia Rong to be more at ease. He sat up and took a look at the time, the phone screen displayed that the current time was 5:30 Beijing time, he couldn"t help muttering, "So freaking early."

He didn"t have the habit of sleeping naked and was wearing T-shirt and shorts, although a bit casual, but it fit the program team"s desired "surprise attack" effect, adding on his absolute self confidence, he believed that even if he only wore T-shirt and shorts, he could still show off his figure, flaunt his muscles, handsomeness completely off the charts.

Just when he was about to get off the bed to open the door, Xia Rong suddenly remembered something and dug out a set of clothes from his suitcase, throwing it onto the bed, "There"s no way to find clothes for you right now, make due with mine first. You don"t need to be disgusted, these are all new."

Su Chi had just sat up, despite having clothes thrown at him by Xia Rong, he wasn"t angry, even smiling at him(XR) and responded with, "Thank you."

Perhaps because he had just woken up, Su Chi"s voice was a little hoa.r.s.e. When Xia Rong secretly watched the fans compare him and Su Chi in the past, when they spoke about voice, they describe his with a simple phrase, "Clear and strong", but when it came to Su Chi, there were huge lists of adjectives and metaphors, such as "s.e.xy but with a touch of innocence", "calm and exuding a commanding presence", and "narrative feel is super strong", there were some exaggerated ones, like "akin to the texture of high quality velvet", "human formed walking spring medicine", Xia Rong snorted disdainfully at the time, feeling that the filter little girls had for actors were too thick.

It was only now that Xia Rong had heard his(SC) voice up close. Contrary to expectations, it didn"t really cause people to feel it was numbing or addicting, unable to stop; if he had to say, it was like a feather: light and delicate, traceless, but slowly circled around the heart, not knowing when it would land.

The program team also knew that they needed to leave the artist with time to tidy up and patiently waited for a while before continuing to knock.

Xia Rong turned his head to look, after making sure that Su Chi was already dressed properly, he feigned eyes still heavy with sleep before opening the door, "… … Morning."

《Liang Shan Bo and Romeo》"s entire production team were relatively young, the director that came today was a little over 30, an older sister surnamed Xu, clothes and makeup were both very casual and so, at a glance, she appeared to be in her twenties. She and the cameraman stood outside the door, smile a bit embarra.s.sed, "Good morning, sorry to disrupt your rest."

Xia Rong generously replied, "No problem, its for the program, we all understand. Do you want to come in right now?"

The director smiled, "Can we go in? It"s not too inconvenient right?"

She was just joking to brighten up the mood, who knew that Xia Rong would actually be caught off guard and respond with, "Uh … … Su Chi is inside, would there be a problem if its filmed? Should I tell him to return to his room first?" (T/n:XD I would be surprised if the director didn"t think they were gay)

After he spoke, the expressions of Director Xu and the cameraman beside her changed subtly——We"ll even let it go that the two of you got together (?) but inconspicuously asking us if there"s a problem with catching it on film? Whether or not there would be a problem, shouldn"t you f.u.c.king know?!

Xia Rong saw the familiar constipated expression on the two faces and finally realized that he said something ambiguous again, hurriedly explaining, "… … That"s not what I mean! He, um that, his room"s hot water heater broke and he came to my place to bathe! I was just asking, there aren"t any other meanings!"

Director Xu was skeptical but still chose to accept Xia Rong"s explanation——even if they don"t believe him, what could they do——and took a look into the room, saying, "You can ask Su Chi for his opinion, if he"s okay with it, then we will film it, it could be considered a highlight in the earlier period of the show, is that okay with you?"

Xia Rong responded, "I have no problem with that, let me go ask him then."

Su Chi heard Xia Rong"s question and was quite magnanimous, answering, "No problem, just film it like this then, I"m too lazy to go back to my room and act for them again. My room wasn"t even touched yesterday, the luggage wasn"t brought up either, I would need to arrange it myself for recording, too troublesome."

Xia Rong was also a lazy star and related to Su Chi"s thoughts, returning quickly to the doorway to report to Director Xu, "Su Chi says it"s okay, let"s close and open the door again and directly record."

The door was opened again, except this time it was the Director, with room card in hand, who directly pushed the door open and went in with a "squeak", walking quietly on tiptoe, as if they were afraid of waking someone up.

Xia Rong had a head of "although it looks a bit messy but was actually carefully styled to look handsome" hair that stuck up randomly as he stood by the bed, showing a surprised but polite smile towards the camera, "Ah… …starting to film this early?"

——Therefore Xia Rong has always felt that he had the talent to become a film emperor, even for a variety show, he could precisely bring out the perfect mood, profound and penetrating, except for him, who else could! Who else! It"s just that the well known directors with status have already formed a rigid image of him, when they start filming large works, none of them will think to find him, which has resulted in him having no outlet for his talent, it really wasn"t his fault ah!

In the lens of the camera, the room had the curtains closed, the lighting dim, the bedding on the bed messy, it did indeed fit the "Xia Rong just woke up and hadn"t had time to clean up" image. However, the camera had just turned half way when someone walked out from behind——

Su Chi was using the white towel provided by the hotel to wipe his hair, the blow dryer held in one hand, expression slightly stunned with a little awkward embarra.s.sment, smiling as he spoke, "Recording this early? … … The water heater in my room broke so I came to borrow Xia Rong"s." (T/n: Anyone else wonder what would happen when this broadcasts and the hotel staff see through this lie?)

His expression was natural, the prop in hand appeared at the right time, for a split second, even Xia Rong thought that he was speaking the truth, especially when Su Chi walked closer, Xia Rong noticed that he had actually wet his hair, black hair partially wet and partially dry, coordinating the clear water droplets sliding down along the ends of his hair, the convincingness was astonishing!

This made the Xia Rong who had just been silently flaunting his film emperor level acting immediately have a feeling of admitting his inferiority——

f.u.c.k, he actually started to flaunt his acting skills!

With the two popular celebrities" devoted acting, this "Surprise Room Attack" phase of the program was filmed relatively smoothly.

Xia Rong was still worried initially, his clothes may not fit Su Chi properly, but the truth proved that the two men had similar figures, both had the clothes hanger figure, the clothes he can wear, Su Chi will look just as good in. Even if Su Chi was 2 or 3 cm taller than him, it would only be to the degree of showing a bit of ankle beneath the long pants, rather than looking like he was wearing the wrong clothes, it looked deliberate and fashionable, a "refreshing path with wind at the ankles" (Tn:清凉露脚踝风 I tried).

The camera circled the bedroom once, and truly did not find any evidence of the two men "getting" together. In the end, it captured the suitcase that Xia Rong had left open on the ground, the director smiled, "Were you too tired? Too lazy to even lock the suitcase before going to bed."

Xia Rong affirmed with an “En" sound, smiling as he responded, "It makes it convenient for me to look for stuff."

"Let us take a look at what kind of things Xia Rong brought——" The director said, pausing for a moment, before continuing in surprise, "Aiya, you didn"t bring very much stuff ah."

Xia Rong rubbed his nose——because he constantly flies from place to place, he always brings only two or three changes of clothing along with some simple toiletries, other not so important things, he basically uses the hotel"s. Right now he was wearing a set of sleep wear, the other set of clothing was currently on Su Chi"s body, thus the suitcase seemed pretty much empty.

Xia Rong coughed, smiling as he said, "It"s lighter like this, I don"t like bringing too many things."

The director joked, "Now you seema bit "coa.r.s.e" ah."

… …I"ll let it pa.s.s when the director says it, the cat demon named Su Chi over there, why are you nodding in agreement ah!

It"s all because of you that I was described as such!

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