Translator: Vemmy Editor: Dancing Dolphins Yo!

Xia Rong was forced to turn his head, protecting the plush costume tail while trying to lift his head, wanting to see clearly the face of the "real perpetrator"——Kang Yi Fan was flashing his teeth, smiling brightly.

It had to be said that Kang Yi Fan, this guy, really had brute strength;  Xia Rong originally wanted to struggle into the tunnel but he actually got forcefully pulled out.  Xia Rong furiously turned his head towards the director, "Director, someone"s cheating here!"

"The rules of this round state that the two teams will enter according to the order in which they arrived at the top level……" The director smilingly read the rules for him, before spreading her hands, expressing:  This wasn"t included in the rules!

Ruthless! Shameless! Unreasonable! Xia Rong was speechless towards this fraudulent program team.  He turned and looked again at Kang Yi Fan"s smug face, then at Ye Mang who, with deft movements, had already arrived at the tunnel with his little Pomeranian and was just about to overtake him!

Xia Rong went all out and stopped trying to struggle into the tunnel.  With an "Ao!", he threw himself onto Ye Mang and staunchedly grabbed Ye Mang"s "tail" from behind.

Kang Yi Fan was caught off guard, not expecting Xia Rong to suddenly steer the gun fire east and expand the battlefield to include Ye Mang.  For an instant, he relaxed his grip on the tail in his hands and Xia Rong immediately seized higher ground.

Ye Mang hadn"t been paying attention to the surroundings, focusing only on the tunnel, so when he ran over, he completely didn"t notice Xia Rong and Kang Yi Fan"s tussle.  And so, suddenly having his tail pulled, his face was also dumbfounded. Turning his head, he saw that it was Xia Rong, and even asked in astonishment, "Xia Rong?!"

Xia Rong hugged his(YM) big tail, his own tail was once again grabbed by Kang Yi Fan who rushed over, yelling, "This wasn"t my fault!  It was your Kang Yi Fan who grabbed my tail first and the director said it wasn"t a foul! Ruthless program team, I"m not going down without a fight, ah ah ah——"

On one side, Ye Mang tried to protect his tail; on the other side, Xia Rong gripped his(YM) tail while trying to guard his own tail. Kang Yi Fan desperately tried to impede him from behind, and out of the three that were engaged in a melee, he was the most relaxed and had the most leverage.  Seeing that Xia Rong was in a difficult predicament, almost unable to hold out, Gao Zun Ming also rushed over. Looking at Xia Rong"s plight, he immediately pounced. This time, it wasn"t just the tail, even Kang Yi Fan"s entire waist was grasped.

Of course, Kang Yi Fan"s small frame couldn"t hold up the tall and broad Gao Zun Ming, his entire body was thrown forward from the hold, before he was dragged backwards, instantly reducing a lot of the pressure on Xia Rong.

It was only in the moment of desperation that Gao Zun Ming pounced like a hungry tiger hunting its prey.  Once he discovered that Xia Rong"s situation was no longer as urgent, he glanced at the camera, released his grip, turned and reached for Kang Yi Fan"s tail.  Kang Yi Fan exclaimed loudly, shouting at Ye Mang, "Don"t worry about me! Ye Mang, hurry up and run!"

Ye Mang quickly recovered, crawling up as he tried to struggle free from Xia Rong in order to continue running.  Coincidentally, Zhang Xin arrived at this time. He had already felt sorry for dragging back the team, seeing Xia Rong and Gao Zun Ming being held up, it was even more impossible for him to sit by idly and he immediately rushed over.  He charged at Ye Mang from the side, and coordinated with Xia Rong and Gao Zun Ming to solidly press poor Ye Mang under him.

Like this, the five people entangled together, with each person in a heavy plush costume, they weren"t worried about being injured, so they directly piled into a ball, as fur flew everywhere during the chaotic brawl.

This exhilarated round of fighting ended with a resounding tearing sound.

Kang Yi Fan covered his b.u.t.t, jumping up with a blush up to his ears, "Props team!  I want to complain that there is a problem with the quality of the props!"

In his hands, Gao Zun Ming held a freshly torn off, large and fluffy tail, and was also a bit dazed.

The first one to react was Xia Rong, he sat on the ground and laughed until he pounded the ground, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The program team staff member expressed:  It was because Kang Yi Fan"s use of the props was too violent, according to standard use, it would be impossible for the costume"s tail to be pulled off.

"……" Kang Yi Fan was furious, "But when I pulled his tail, you guys didn"t say it was a foul!!!"

The so called "trying to screw others but ended up being screwed", Kang Yi Fan finally had a taste of this fraudulent program team"s methods.  At the side, Xia Rong recited a poem in schadenfreude, "This is called, good and evil will all receive retribution——"

Zhang Xin, "The heavenly law is fair."

Gao Zun Ming, "……If you don"t believe it then look up?"

Running past them with the little folded ear, as quickly as the wind and with the momentum of a sudden flash of lightning*, was Su Chi who flew through the tunnel, "Who have the heavens spared!"

* 迅雷不及掩耳盗铃 – A sudden peal of thunder that leaves no time to cover the ears, or as sudden as a flash of lightning.

Xia Rong: ……

Zhang Xin: ……

Gao Zun Ming: ……

Xia Rong: "f.u.c.k!!!"

This last round of games, it was probably a live version of the "Tortoise and Hare", or it could be said to be "sandpiper and clam fight and the fisherman catches both*"In short, in the situation where the first two positions were firmly occupied, the "Romeo team"s" final victory was completely a.s.sured.

*鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 – Idiom, "sandpiper and clam war together and the fisherman catches both", means that two parties fight while a third party benefits.

Xia Rong remembered the two requirements given to them by the director prior to filming: be motivational and joyous (Ch 4).  It was definitely motivational enough now, as for joyous……when the audience saw their miserable state, they would probably feel very joyous……

The program task could be considered to have been perfectly completed——pah, the teammates of "Liang Shan Bo team" all expressed:  Heart is so tired, I feel that I can"t love anymore!

After the "Romeo team" was declared victorious, the final reward, the "G.o.ddess", leisurely appeared.  Because the "Romeo team" won, the female guest was grandly dressed as she slowly appeared on the high stage as "Juliet".

The shining of lights were as if an illusion or a dream, "Juliet" was dressed in a long, European-style dress, brilliant, graceful and elegant, and the male guests all cooperatively gave awed cheers and clapped, while Xia Rong……Xia Rong wanted to protest, they"d already been running around for the entire day, he hadn"t even had a mouthful of warm food to eat.  Even the little Shiba and the folded ear had food brought to them by workers. Could he accuse the program team of abuse?!

The cameras were currently focused on the three winning guests, therefore, Xia Rong"s expression wasn"t noticed by many.  Furthermore, he actively adjusted his manner not long after, so the production team wouldn"t have a need to cut the source material.

The role of "Juliet" for this episode was played by the popular new actress, Tang Fei Fei.  After the program team spent a high price on inviting them, Xia Rong wasn"t very surprised that they could invite someone of Tang Fei Fei"s level.  The female guest only needed to make an appearance at the end, perform a short show, and receive the opportunity to share a stage with a number of "male G.o.ds" and "idols", and would also be included in hot topics, it was both simple and very worthwhile, many newly popular actresses would probably fight for the chance.

According to the rules, Tang Fei Fei must pick a member of the "Romeo team" and complete a fulfilled version of 《Romeo and Juliet》.  She smilingly looked around, and spoke the name of her chosen "partner", "Ye Mang."

Xia Rong thought that she would pick Su Chi, after all, in his opinion, Su Chi was the most handsome member of the "Romeo team"——the one who could compete with Xia Rong in every area, and become his rival, must be the most handsome, second to him!

However, Ye Mang was currently very popular and also had many topics of discussion, maybe Tang Fei Fei had her own considerations……Xia Rong comforted himself internally as he watched Ye Mang walk onto the high stage, and held Tang Fei Fei"s arm, the two exchanging "deeply affectionate" gazes as if a loving couple.

Amusingly, when Ye Mang walked up the stage, he didn"t forget about his little Pomeranian.  After the program team fed them again, the other "little a.s.sistants" also jumped onto the stage.

Under the dim evening light, surrounded by fluffy, lively pets, "Romeo and Juliet" had a unique kind of warmth.  Ye Mang also spoke to the camera, "Animals are mankind"s best friends, this isn"t just a slogan, really. Through the completion of all of today"s tasks, fighting side by side with them, I could really feel it.  They are cute, intelligent, and loyal towards humanity."

Gao Zun Ming also spoke, "Like my family"s Labrador.  It had been working as a guide dog for a long time, it acts as the eyes for many of the blind, bringing them light."

Ye Mang nodded, "That"s right, like my family"s Pomeranian and Xia Rong"s Shiba Inu, they bring joy to many people, helping humans drive away loneliness.  In the past, Shiba Inus were also hunting dogs and the help that they have provided to humans has been substantial."

"My family"s cat is a silver gradient British Shorthair with folded ears." Su Chi spoke, "Folded ears, as a breed, actually have natural deposition for a genetic defect.  If they aren"t bred according to certain regulations, the occurrences of hereditary diseases are greatly increased. To our friends in front of the TV, even if you like folded ear cats and feel that they are cute, please do not buy them.  If you are really determined to raise one, then please make sure to go to a reliable cat shelter. Folded ear cats are docile in temperament and will bring you both comfort and joy, but the instant you choose to raise it, you must be prepared to guard and protect it for its entire life."


In fact, this piece here was the only clear section in the entire script.  The roles and contributions of these animals, as well as important things to note were included on the script, the guests were required to express these in their own words, and reiterate the main theme of "Treasure your pets, treasure these friends of humanity" at the very end.

However, Xia Rong did not have any negative feelings toward this only segment of script, rather, he actively, willingly read them.  After an entire day of rushing about, he really felt that these little animals were little angels; the little Shiba was so intelligent, the little folded ear was so obedient, what was wrong with caring for them within one"s abilities!

Furthermore, the piece regarding the little folded ear that Su Chi spoke about, it really made him feel somewhat moved.  Although he wasn"t too sure why……Xia Rong couldn"t help turning his face, secretly studying Su Chi, who was standing not too far away.

Su Chi had his head lowered, gently squeezing the little folded ear"s paw pads, thin lips slightly curved, as if he was talking to it——

Alright, there was still a straight-eared British Shorthair hidden amongst the people that also needed to be nurtured, right!

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