Cuz I swore to a sketchy person to not translate R-18 anymore, if I encounter it in this novel, I will irresponsibly censor it ? Editor (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ DancingdolphinsYo!  ҉٩(*´︶`*)۶҉ *throws flowers*

“Live measurement of the male G.o.d"s heights” was obviously one of the program team"s antics, so the guests all had faces full of smiles, calm and composed, fully displaying the confident air of “this brother is just like true gold and fears no fire*“.   After the heights had been publicised, the director announced that this segment had a purpose other than amus.e.m.e.nt——it would be used to group them.

*真金不怕火炼 – Idiom, "True gold fears no fire", means that a person of integrity can stand severe tests. Basically they have genuine ability (height) and aren"t afraid of proving it.

As the tallest and shortest, the 188 Gao Zun Ming and the 179 Zhang Xin were the first to be dragged out and partnered up.  The 185 Su Chi and the 183 Ye Mang were also grouped together, leaving Xia Rong and Kang Yi Fan, who were both 181, to freely choose their own group.

Xia Rong expressed that……he absolutely did not want to be given the right to choose due to his height, okay?

Although he didn"t  want to, but the two sides had already been divided, so he had to choose even if he felt otherwise.  Xia Rong and Kang Yi Fan stood in the centre; this was a difficult choice for Xia Rong and he quietly discussed it with Kang Yi Fan, “Which side do you want to choose?”

Who would have thought that Kang Yi Fan had already decided, “I feel that Su Chi"s side coincides with my temperament the most, I want to choose them.”

“Temperament?” Xia Rong raised his head to look.  Because this was the first day of recording, the guests were all wearing their personal clothing.  It was currently May, the weather was that of late spring and Kang Yi Fan wore a white baseball jersey, refreshing and dashing; Ye Man wore a grey suit-style jacket, reserved and scholarly; Su Chi wore a black shirt, handsome and elegant……

Pei! Su Chi had still been wearing his (XR) graffiti T-shirt this morning, alright?

Before the recording began, the program team gave them some time to tidy up and rest.  Su Chi used this time to retrieve his suitcase and returned the clothes that he had borrowed from Xia Rong this morning, after washing them.  Therefore, even if his outfit now had such an air about it, he had still hurriedly pulled on his (XR) clothing this morning! Moreover, he was even curled up into a fur ball and had shrunken into Xia Rong"s arms while meowing last night!

“I think you should go to Zhang Xin"s side,” Kang Yi Fan leaned on Xia Rong"s shoulder, grinning as he suggested, “it just so happens that you"ll form a traffic light team.”

Today, Xia Rong wore a bright yellow sports tee.  Looking over to the other side, Zhang Xin was wearing a light green sweater while Gao Zun Ming was also wearing a deep red sports hoodie.  If the three of them stood together, they would really become the program"s brilliant landscape……

“……Get lost!”

Xia Rong cursed him but was unable to withstand fellow student Kang Yi Fan"s pursuit* of “temperament”, wanting to seek asylum with Su Chi"s group without second thoughts**.  And so, for《Liang Shan Bo and Romeo》"s first season, the six guests actually relied on the two side"s “different styles” to successfully split into groups.

*一心向往 – Idiom, to give one"s heart completely; to wholeheartedly desire.

**义无反顾 – Idiom, honour does not allow one to glance back; to pursue with no second thoughts.

After splitting into groups, the director announced this season"s mission time.  With a loudspeaker in hand, the director made a show of explaining: "Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai, Romeo and Juliet, are well-known tragic love stories, both domestic and abroad.  In the hundreds and thousands of years since, countless people have empathised with their regret and shed silent tears! As our six male G.o.d guests, your mission is to break these two tragic love stories, and finally find the method to reach a perfect ending!"

The director spoke with an extreme pa.s.sion, and the celebrity guests on site……were very dumbfounded.

Xia Rong looked at the teammates by his side: Gao Zun Ming stood straight, smiling slightly; Zhang Xin"s hands were in his pocket, unperturbed.  However, even if they looked calm or leisurely, when their gazes met, it was possible to see the blankness in the other"s eyes.

What does this mean? What"s this about? What are we doing?*

*什么意思?咋回事儿啊?要干哈呀?- This just spoken in a very comedic tone

……Stupefied trio in a row.

Fortunately, the director didn"t leave them bewildered and finally began to properly explain the game rules: "To save Zhu Ying Tai and Juliet, to bring about a fulfilling romantic end, the six guests will be split into “Liang Shan Bo” and “Romeo” groups and will carry out the missions with the help of the program team a.s.sistants.  They are to compete all-out at each obstacle, and the group that wins in the end will successfully save their team"s “Zhu Ying Tai” or “Juliet”. The role of the final checkpoint"s ‘G.o.ddess" will be acted by a specially invited female guest, the ‘G.o.ddess" that is saved can then select one team member to collaborate with and re-enact the originally tragic love story, thus presenting to the audience a segment of a truly perfect ending.

Although they still didn"t really understand what kind of missions were needed to be completed and which obstacles to compete at, at least the main theme of the program was revealed.  The celebrity guests present now had their own objectives——work hard to save the G.o.ddess!

Speaking of G.o.ddess, Xia Rong couldn"t help but think about  Guan Ling Qing, who had just ruthlessly broken up with him. This thought only made him irritated, causing him to lose a bit of motivation towards the final goal that was set by the program team.  It was okay though, the G.o.ddess would only appear in the end. It was not like he would take the goal of the program seriously, just treat it as working for the appearance fee and strive for the influence after the variety show was aired.

After introducing the rules, the “program team"s a.s.sistants” that the director mentioned previously finally made their brilliant appearance——a beautiful, cute meng pets, led by a specialist to stand in front of all of the guests.

Having stared at the sky for quite a while, Xia Rong"s eyes finally lit up: out of consideration for the program"s effect, the cute animals brought by the program team were all of the obedient, friendly, medium-small sized type pets, and all of them were cats and dogs.  There were a total of 6 clean, beautiful cats and dogs, so cute that they made people want to go up to pet them all one by one.

What made Xia Rong want to laugh the most was that, amongst this group of cute animals, there was a silver British Shorthair kitty with a round face, big eyes and dense fur that looked almost identical to Su Chi after he ‘transformed"!

The only difference was that the cat provided by the program team had folded ears.  Its ears were droopy, adding a bit of foolish cuteness, in contrast to Su Chi"s “transformation”, which had erect ears that would sometimes twitch, making it seem very intelligent, and there were still some other visible differences as well.

At this time, the six people had all walked over, surrounding the group of cute pets.  Xia Rong raised his voice and laughingly spoke to Su Chi, “Su Chi, look! Is this your son?”

The one he pointed at was, of course, the silver hued, folded-ear cat, but only he and Su Chi understood these words.  Everyone else, including the director and the camera person all questioningly stared at Xia Rong.

Xia Rong rubbed his nose, silently criticising himself for not thinking before speaking——This was a show where they would be followed by the camera, every word could be repeatedly examined by the audience and endlessly magnified!  As he was searching his mind to offer words to remedy the situation, Su Chi raised an eyebrow and turned the head of the Shiba Inu that he had been patting towards him(XR), “Then this must be the biological brother you lost years ago ba*.”

*吧 – means okay; I presume, etc. It indicates suggestion.

Xia Rong solemnly stared at the Shiba with a “gaze of showing concern for an idiot”, before calmly looking towards Su Chi.  He really didn"t know if he should thank Su Chi for helping him resolve the awkwardness or be angry that the other actually openly mocked him!

The other four guests cooperatively helped out, laughing out loud.

Although the laughing was part real, part fake and not really genuine, but the period of awkwardness finally disappeared.

Because kitties were unpredictable outdoors, there was only this one intelligent, obedient silver shaded cat amongst the 6 cute animals and the rest were all canines.  When the director began to a.s.sign the corresponding pets, Xia Rong silently prayed, hoping that the silver cat would be a.s.signed to him.

He really did miss the feel of a certain silver shaded short hair cat after all ah……

However, the result always left much to be desired, as the silver shaded folded ear cat was a.s.signed to Su Chi in the end.  The pretty kitty was fastened to a leash and obediently nestled in Su Chi"s arms……As for Xia Rong——

He turned his head and shared a look of dismay with the Shiba that had just been a.s.signed to him, too speechless to even sob.

……What should he do if he seriously suspected that the program group did this on purpose!  He wanted to protest!

I FINALLY HAVE SOMEONE TO EDIT FOR ME~!!! Now I can loaf on the job hehehe………

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