Chapter 13

The Beta Lieutenant Colonel who died for his country (13)

Translated by: Niladri

The two men returned to Starfleet, and got the news of Carlo’s recovery from the medical department. This time, without Lu Heng doing anything, Xiu Yi Te took the initiative to invite Carlo to his office to talk. Lu Hang had planned to stir up this long-stalled matter, he and Xiu Yi Te had already agreed upon Carlo’s discharge. Xiu Yi Te was a man who always stayed firm to his words, and Lu Heng believed he would handle it well.

It’s just that Xiu Yi Te said that he and Lu Heng would wait for Carlo to come together. When asked why, Xiu Yi Te uncomfortably touched his nose:.. “I always felt that my att.i.tude towards Carlo was strange. I originally thought his disposition was like this, and later discovered he was an Omega. I just feel a little uneasy and I mean, it’s a vague feeling. Anyways, I think it’s best not to be alone with him.”

Lu Heng was somewhat hesitant about the proposal to let Carlo cut the gland and continuing to follow the army. Previously, when he was young, Xiu Yi Te once said that in the future, he would want to find a companion with a common goal, it would not matter if it was an Omega. Carlo should stay in the army. After he leaves, the relationship between the sons of fate should be smoother, that’s what Lu Heng thought. Although there were repeated guarantees from the small a.s.sistant, the recent att.i.tude of Xiu Yi Te has always made Lu Heng somewhat worried.

Pondering over and over again, in order to prevent any accidents, Lu Heng still agreed to talk to Carlo with Xiu Yi Te.

Carlo just received a review from the medical department through the newsletter from the company. He had no memory of this injury. Carol only remembered that he had an impulse to go through the wormhole to find Xiu Yi Te. When he woke up, he was already back on the wind and thunder. Hearing the medical soldier who took care of him, it was the commander who brought him over.

Walking on the bridge leading to Xiu Yi Te’s office, Carlo was a little uneasy. When he learned that Xiu Yi Te had lost contact, he was in a hurry, and then used the No. 1 agent to find Xiu Te. At that time, Carlo thought that he had a very high degree of compatibility with Xiu Yi Te’s spiritual strength and would definitely help Xiu Yi Te. But the development of things later was beyond of Carlo’s imagination. The side effect of No. 1 agent was so great that he had barely pa.s.sed through the wormhole when he lost consciousness because of spiritual force disorder.

It doesn’t matter, my starting point is good, Xiu Yi Te would not be blaming me, Carlo cheered himself up. Somehow, he suddenly remembered the moment when he met Xiu Yi Te for the first time.

It was his most depressing day. He had put so much effort and even changed his physique with the banned drugs, but he was rejected by the wind and thunder. When he was prepared to leave the wind and thunder, the interviewing examiner informed him to go to the office of Xiu Yi Te.

Carlo at the time pushed the door open extremely uncomfortably, and it was the warmest view he had ever seen. Carlo still remembered the dazzling man bright as the sunshine, smiling at him with a hearty smile, then asking: “Are you a child of Sergeant Meg?”

He nodded dumbly, and then saw that Xiu Yi Te came over with some excitement and patted him on the shoulder and said, “I’ll protect you in the future.”

Xiu Yi Te was indeed a man who did what he had said. He disregarded the strong opposition of his adjutant, and let him enter the wind and thunder. Later, he personally taught him various fighting techniques such as wrestling moves and controlling mechs. He led him by his hands and quickly integrated him into the wind and thunder.

Thinking of this, Carlo’s mood calmed down.

“Xiu Yi Te is special to me. He has been taking care of me so well. I have nothing to fear.” Carlo consoled himself, then pushed the door open.

In the office, in addition to Xiu Yi Te, there was also a slender young man. The young man’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and the slightly sharp eyes were hidden behind the optical The look on his face still had the harshness that Carlo feared. Carlo had always been afraid of Lu Heng. He always felt that the adjutant liked to target him, perhaps because of Xiu Yi Te’s leniency.

“Sit.” Xiu Yi Te nodded to Carlo.

Carlo sat down on the sofa opposite to Xiu Yi Te and he showed a timid smiling face.

Xiu Yi Te was not as gentle as usual. The look on his face had a rare seriousness: “Carlo, do you want to stay in the wind and thunder?”

Carlo’s body subconsciously leaned forward, he grasped his knees tightly with his hands and said: “The wind and thunder has always been my ideal.”

Xiu Yi Te then nodded, somewhat satisfied, and said “An Omega is not allowed to join the army. But for Omega who has this ability and has a strong desire to join the army, an exception clause is…”

“As long as I can stay in the wind and thunder, I can achieve my ideals and fight the Zerg, I am willing to do anything!” Caro said with some excitement.

“Do you know General Dylan Shaw?”

The legendary General Dylan Shaw and his experiences were unknown in the entire league. Carlo was not stupid, he immediately understood the meaning of Xiu Yi Te: “You… you mean I need to cut off the gland?”

Seeing Xiu Yi Te’s nod, Carlo suddenly felt as if he had sunk ​​10,000 meters beneath the sea, and his whole body had a feeling of suffocation. He didn’t know why he felt so sad, and reason told him that this was indeed the best way, but he was sentimentally unresigned, especially when the person who proposed that he cut off his gland was none other than Xiu Yi Te.

“No.” Carol blurted out, but felt that it was not quite appropriate. “For an Omega, how cruel is it to cut off the gland…”

“Cutting off the gland will only make your body stronger. Don’t worry, this operation is very safe.” Xiu Yi Te appeased. “According to official statistics, those Omegas that have undergone surgery for glandular cancer, after completion of surgery their physique has improved by at least one level.”

“No, you can’t be so cruel.” Carlo’s eyes began to turn red. He was fl.u.s.tered and said nothing: “Xiu Yi Te, you said that you will protect, you have always been so special towards me , so why?”

“Carlo, I remember I told you at the beginning, because Sergeant Meg was a senior whom I respected very much and who saved my life. So I was willing to subst.i.tute for him and take care of you…” Xiu Yi Te paused. “But this does not mean that for the sake of your own willfulness, I will put the entire wind and thunder in a precarious situation. Do you understand?”

Xiu Yi Te said a lot of words, but Carlo didn’t seem to listen to them, just shook his head and said, “Why? Why are you doing this to me?”

“If you don’t want to cut off the gland,” Lu Heng couldn’t bear this farce, “You can choose to retire.”

When he saw Lu Heng’s mouth opening, Carlo’s emotions suddenly became agitated: “I will not cut the gland, and I will not leave the wind and thunder. Why do you want to target me like this? Although I am an Omega, I also have the right to follow my ideal! You envy me, I know, you are jealous of Xiu Yi Te being good to me”

Lu Heng felt a faint pain in his temple, Carlo was truly a difficult adversary. Every time he encountered Carlo, his self-control would always fall apart. This kind of person who was always immersed in his own world and couldn’t understand other people’s words, wasn’t he in the wrong studio? Lu Heng really felt that Carlo was more suitable for appearing in the brainless, romantic idol dramas.

“Second cla.s.s private, Carlo Meg!” Xiu Yi Te suddenly burst into a loud voice. “Please pay attention to your wording. Now, apologize to your senior official.”

Carlo grievously bit his lip and was reluctant to speak.

Lu Heng took a deep breath and waved his hand: “We should talk proper business. Carlo, Omega is not allowed to partic.i.p.ate in the army, this is prescribed by law. Although you have changed your physique with pharmacy, this pharmacy is not 100% reliable; in the last mission your transformation in the middle has proved this…”

“We must be responsible for the entire team.” Xiu Yi Te followed Lu Heng’s words, “Your physical condition is a hidden danger, which may cause the wind and thunder meet a cruel death any time.”

Carlo thought of something, and calmed down: “Commander, adjutant, I am now a Beta, joining the army does not violate the law, you have no right to ask me to retire.”

The use of banned drugs to change the physical status of Carlo now made him a real Beta, there was no way to detect that he changed his physique. Xiu Yi Te and Lu Heng, who had seen him estrus, could not produce any real evidence. As long as Carlo was a Beta, he could stay without breaking the law or military regulations.

Both Xiu Yi Te and Lu Heng couldn’t allow such a big variable to stay in the wind and thunder, especially at this sensitive moment. For the first time, Xiu Yi Te regretted that he had hired Carlo initially, disregarding Lu Heng’s opposition.

“Second cla.s.s private, Carlo Meg. You have violated Article 72 of the Imperial Regulations. You may not use the No. 1 agent for personal reasons. You will be temporarily detained in the confinement room and will be dealt with after reporting to the law enforcement team.” Lu Heng was calm, and he had a second set of plans.

Later, Lu Heng called two guards to come in.

“I was worried about your safety, I took the No. 1 agent to find you!” Carlo paled and explained to Xiu Yi Te, “Xiu Yi Te, I, continuously for you…”

Carlo still wanted to say something, and Xiu Yi Te waved his hand and let the guards take him.

“Carlo was not willing to take the initiative to retire, this was the proper way.” Lu Heng looked at the ugly look of Xiu Yi Te, appease his shoulders.

“It’s better than him being found of Omega’s ident.i.ty.” Xiu Yi Te leaned against the sofa.

Indeed, the use of medicament only violated military laws. Omega’s concealment of ident.i.ty was the most serious offence and one might be sentenced to 50 years in prison.

Carlo’s problem was temporarily solved, and the Queen’s evolution had not yet entered the final stage. In order to let the wind and thunder prepare well, the military headquarters made their stance clear, and did not create any more confusion. This could be said to be the most leisurely period since the establishment of Wind and Thunder.

Lu Heng still lived a boring three-point life, from the cabin to the restaurant to the training room. Until one day, when he felt it was too peaceful, he found that Xiu Yi Te seemed to disappear again. However, before this disappeared, he remembered to send a message to Lu Heng. The content was very simple: Must handle personal matters, don’t worry.

[direct MTL] The author has something to say: Signing the card to National Day, destined to miss the list of people crying and crying for collection…[/direct MTL]

Chapter end

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