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Xiao Jiashu had just returned back to his home country, and was currently sitting in the living room of his home. Several servants hid themselves on the stairs, pointing at him. There was no need to guess to know what they were saying. What else could it be but, “Why has Second Young Master come back? Why couldn’t he have stayed overseas? He’s just back to fight with the First Young Master for the family a.s.sets, and cause a lot of mess and trouble again”, etc, etc.

Really? Why did I come back? Xiao Jiashu asked himself as well. His mouth then curved into a lonely smile. There will always come a time when a traveller will return home. This was his home, why couldn’t he come back?

Upstairs, his father and mother were still in the midst of arguing. It had been several years since Xia Jiashu had last seen his father, and his father had aged a lot since then. The hair at his temples had already greyed, and his voice had also become extremely hoa.r.s.e. His mother, on the other hand, looked exactly the same. Smooth skin, exquisite looks, gentle temperament; the pa.s.sing of time had never once left a mark on her. Now, she was currently angrily questioning his father. “Why can’t you arrange a position for Xiao Shu[1]? Your brothers" children[2] can a.s.sume key positions even though they never graduated, why on earth is it out of the question for Xiao Shu? He’s a master"s graduate of Wharton University"s Business School. Are you saying that even with that he still can’t compare with those cousins who graduated from a normal university or even dropped out midway?

Father Xiao returned grudgingly, “It’s not the matter of academic qualification. Without Father’s agreement, no one can just casually join the Xiao Group. Father has agreed to give Xiao Shu 5% stock share, don’t tell me that that still isn’t enough? With just those shares, he can live the rest of his life comfortably without doing anything.”

After hearing those words, Xiao Jiashu pursed lips trembled slightly. He couldn’t care less about those shares, and he didn’t want spend the rest of his life doing nothing. From the way he saw it, that wouldn’t be called comfortable but mediocre. He was the descendant of the Xiao Family, why couldn’t he put in work and effort for his family?

Mother Xiao was almost about to go insane. She felt like there was no way to communicate with her husband, and couldn’t stop herself from hissing out with all her breath, “Are you telling me that that 5% isn’t something Xiao Shu rightfully deserved? A few days ago, your father also gave 5% to each of your brothers" children. That 5% is the share every grandchild of the Xiao Family should receive. How is it that when it comes to Xiao Shu, he’s suddenly bestowing him a special favour? Isn’t he your son? Isn’t he your father’s grandson? Is he some b.a.s.t.a.r.d I had with someone else? Xiao Qijie, you can’t be this partial. In your eyes, Only Dingbang exists, Xiao Shu is nothing to you! The reason he studied so hard was so that he could help you and his big brother after he graduated. He’s such a good child, how can you treat him like this?!”

“Enough, what nonsense are you saying?! He is my child; of course I’ll look after him. Not letting him into the Xiao Group is being partial? He doesn’t have to do anything and already gets 5%, who wouldn’t be envious if they heard that? Don’t think I don’t know what you’re planning; you want to use him to fight over a share of the family a.s.sets. You’re doing it all for yourself! When we married, we signed a premarital a.s.set agreement. Have you forgotten that you said that you wouldn’t covet a cent of the Xiao Family fortune? If you’re not resigned, then go say it to father yourself. Stop endlessly pestering me here!”

Mother Xiao shrieked indignantly, “Xiao Qijie, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Back then, I most certainly did sign that prenuptial a.s.set agreement. I didn’t marry you for your money. That is true. However, I am me, Xiao Shu is Xiao Shu, I don’t need a strand of anything from your Xiao Family, but Xiao Shu is your son. He deserves to obtain what should belong to him! You people cannot just cast him aside overseas and leave him to fend for himself, he is a member of this family!” Whimpering sobs came down from above, filled with grief, indignation and helplessness.

All emotion had already disappeared from Xiao Jiashu’s face. He sat on the sofa like a statue. His father had married twice. His wife before Xiao Jiashu’s mother had died from stomach cancer. His parents had met half a year after the first wife pa.s.sed away. They didn’t have an extramarital affair while the first wife was alive and this wasn’t an example of a mistress becoming legal. But because of his mother’s particular occupation, no onlooker was willing to believe that his mother was innocent, always thinking that his mother had purposely seduced his father, and then used the Xiao Family’s influence to rise up. Hence, the suspicion and misunderstanding, the true power holder Old Master Xiao, had towards Xiao Jiashu’s mother was extremely deep. Old Master Xiao also deeply adored and pampered the eldest grandson who was the son of the first wife, and consequently did whatever he could to suppress the mother-child pair.

Xiao Jiashu had originally thought that if he managed to get into Wharton University and graduated with exceptional grades, his grandfather would revise his opinion of him. But from the looks of it, that was nothing more than his wishful thinking. Old Master Xiao had an utterly stubborn nature. If he liked someone, he would be totally devoted to them, if he hated someone, he would hate to even have to spare a glance. Xiao Jiashu older half-brother, Xiao Dingbang was the person Old Master Xiao was partial towards while he was the surplus, not worth a glance.

When the argument upstairs came to its end, there was only mother’s faint weeping and his father’s voice. His father’s anger also seemed to have vanished, his voice had become a lot gentler, and he seemed to be apologising. As the eldest son of the first legitimate wife, he should have been standing in front line in the family business, but alas, his abilities were limited, and he was indecisive and had no courage. His father skipped over him and selected the eldest grandson Xiao Dingbang to become the successor. Nowadays, only those two had the final say in the Xiao Family matters. No one else had the right to say anything. The reason his father wasn’t allowing Xiao Jiashu to enter the Xiao Group was first because he looked down on Xiao Jiashu’s mother and second because he was worried about internal strife.

Xiao Dingbang was not friendly towards the mother-child pair and would only ever nod whenever he saw them. He also definitely would not speak up for Xiao Jiashu. So, Xiao Jiashu was confronted with the question again, why did he decide to come back? Why did he give up studying the specialisation he liked and swap to business management? Was all the sweat and effort he had put in going to waste just like this? Xiao Jiashu slowly lowered his head down to rest on the backrest of the sofa, his expression at a loss.

At this precise moment, Xiao Dingbang walked in carrying a briefcase. The servants, who had been lukewarm towards the second young master, immediately leapt into action, one taking his briefcase, another helping him take off his cloak, and another one bringing out a pair of slippers from the shoe cupboard and respectfully placing it by his feet. No one understood more than they did who exactly was the true master of the Xiao Family.

“Big brother, I’m back.” Xiao Jiashu stood up, his lips curving up unconsciously. Despite everything, he really respected this brother of his. His brother was capable, was daring, and had managed to more than double the Xiao Family’s business in several years after he took up his post. There was no one else more fitting to steer the reins of the Xiao Group’s medicine manufacturing conglomerate. He was an innate leader. Xiao Jiashu had never once even thought of fighting with his older brother over things. He merely wanted his grandpa and father to be proud of him, and at the same time wanted to help his brother share some burden. He remembered that there was an old saying, oh, right, "If brothers are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal."

But Xiao Dingbang didn’t appear to feel the same way. He first stared blankly, and then coldly nodded. Hearing the weeping upstairs, he knitted his brows. Nevertheless, he didn’t say a word, and didn’t show express any intention of welcoming his younger brother back home, nor was he concerned with the strife between the parents, and turned to go upstairs.

Seeing that lofty, tall and straight back disappear at the corner of the stairs, Xiao Jiashu’s pupils, which had carried joy and excitement, dimmed. The servants standing at the corner all lowered heads in succession, but when their faces met with each other, they exchanged eyes of disdain. A mistress is a mistress. A b.a.s.t.a.r.d is a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Even if you manage to marry up a level, you still won’t get any better. The Xiao Family still have clear-headed people. As long as Old Master Xiao and the First Young Master don’t allow it, Second Young Master will never have any standing.

Feeling the choking oppressive atmosphere, Xiao Jiashu felt extremely sad. For an instant, he really wanted go buy a return airplane ticket to America right away and never come back ever again. But, he then thought about how his mother upstairs had difficultly patiently endured all this time. If he left, what would happen to his mother? His mother and father’s feelings for each other seemed to be getting worse and worse. His father’s baseless suspicions were like dagger, carving cuts all over his mother’s body; she originally could have led a much better life than this…..

Xiao Jiashu was immersed into sadness once again over his own weakness and frailty. He was incapable of doing anything, much less help his mother. While he was in the midst of his dejected thoughts, Mother Xiao came down with red eyes. However, her face carried a graceful and warm smile, as if nothing had happened. “Xiao Shu, hurry and take a shower, and change your clothes. Later, we’re going to eat dinner at your grandfather’s place.”

Even though not letting in enter the Xiao Group was his grandfather’s decision, Xiao Jiashu was unable to entertain any rebellious designs. If he revealed even a drop of discontent, his grandfather would fly into a terrible rage, and take it out on his mother - rampantly deriding his mother with harsh words in front of his uncles and aunties. He looked down on entertainers, believing them to be playthings of the lowest profession.

Xiao Jiashu was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with defiance inside, but still obediently stood up. “Okay, I’ll get ready right away.”

Xue Miao patted her son on the head; her smile was warm, but her eyes still glistered with wetness. Sending her son out of the country, encouraging him to change his major to commercial management and even marrying Xiao Qijie that year, had those choices been right or wrong? She didn’t know. But what she did know was that the best choice she had in her life made was bringing her son into this world. He was the best gift she had ever received, the warmest comfort.

The family of four got ready really quickly and arrived at the main family mansion. Old Master Xiao sat at the head seat[3] surrounded by his crowd of grandchildren. Originally he was laughing brightly and heartily, but when he saw Xiao Jiashu walk in, his face immediately turned cold. “What on earth are you wearing? Shabby and tattered, how disgraceful!” He lifted his walking stick and pointed at his grandson’s pants.

Xiao Jiashu ducked his head and looked at his holey jeans, question marks all across his face. This was a new design that ACNE Studio released this year. Wearing it was fashionable and cool, and made his legs look even longer and straight. Paired with a white Tshirt, he didn’t look overly handsome[4], how could this be considered shabby? He was about to explain this to his grandfather, when he heard his big brother’s calm voice from behind. “Grandfather, I have a few issues I want to discuss with you concerning the purchase of Sunshine Medicines.”

Old Master Xiao’s face immediately softened and he raised his hand and said, “Let’s go talk in the study. Hong Ying, tell the chef to start cooking.”

“Oh, I’ll tell them to start.” Hong Ying agreed with a smile. She was the wife of Old Master Xiao’s second son. She came from a rich and powerful family and was able and efficient, and was regarded highly by Old Master Xiao. She was responsible for almost all matters in the home. Unfortunately, her children were disappointing, and their abilities were no match for Xiao Dingbang. Otherwise, the successor of the Xiao Group would still be undetermined. She especially resented Xiao Dingbang, but she also couldn’t afford to offend him, and settled with the next best thing, taking it out on Xiao Jiashu and his mother. Her words always carried thorns, expertly stabbing a person where it would hurt the most.

Xiao Jiashu really didn’t like his two uncles and aunties, but if he didn’t come here, he would be scolded for having no manners, not understanding how to be filial, that he is a white eyed wolf that can’t be domesticated[5], etc etc, so he had no choice but to come. To him and to his mother, the Xiao Family, was gigantic prisoner cage……

[1] Jiashu is Xiao Jiashu"s first name - the 嘉 (jia) means ‘excellent; auspicious’, the 树 (shu) means "tree". Xiao Shu is his nickname meaning Little Shu or Little Tree.

[2] 二房和三房的小辈 – The descendants of the second concubine and third concubine (illegitimate wives) - changed it to "brothers" children" (which is pretty much the same thing) so it"ll flow better.

[3] Main/Master/Host"s seat, seat of the most important person/main character there. (Eg. If it was a birthday party, it would be the birthday person"s seat) I"m sure there"s a proper word for this but I can"t remember what it is.

[4] 再搭配白T不要太帅 - "Paired together with a white T-shirt, it didn"t make him look too handsome." - I"m not too sure if I"m supposed to interpret the sentence as it"s written or whether it implies something else. Does anyone know if there is any underlining meaning to this?

[5] A "white eyed wolf" describes someone who is heartless, cruel and pays back kindness with enmity.
"A white eyed wolf that can’t be domesticated" - Is someone who returns your sincerity and kindness with disdain, a deaf ear, or slander when you need help.

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