
How To Thank You For Saving Me 救命之恩无以为报








Chen Ai

Chapter 1

Warning:!!!This chapter contains adult & NSFW content. Please make sure you are above the age of 18 before proceeding!!!

Yan Zhuo was completely hammered.

When he woke up, he was laying on the couch of the club, pantsdangling on his knees, barely on. And some guy had been touching his privateparts over and over. The busy hand was quite thin and fair with some bulgingveins, might be because he’s been at it for a while.  

There was no response.

The guy was starting to think that Mr. Yan just can’t “do it”, buthe still didn’t give up. Carefully, he lowered his head and stuck his tongueout, anxiously wanting to lick the tip, he was pushed away.

He quickly glanced at Yan Zhuo, a bit taken aback by Yan’s vaguesmile, didn’t know what he was supposed to do next.

Zhuo licked his molars, trying to taste last night’s craziness, notat all in a hurray to pull his pants up. Then, he grabbed the guy’s collar andpulled him down, closer to him. As he was slightly tilting his head onto theleft hand, which was setting on the couch’s armrest, his right hand hookedbehind the guy’s chin, tilting the guy’s face to the left, then right, as ifexamining some goods.

Huh, looks like two or three years younger than him.

There was always rumours about his taste in younger people, that hedidn’t like older guys, so when people are trying to get into his pants, theytend to look younger. But they keep coming, after a while, it’s exhausting.

Just like this time.

He got back to the country only yesterday, and today, somebody’slicking his junk. Though he might want to praise this person’s social skill,what a speed in getting this info. Yan Zhuo chuckled a bit, then pressed ab.u.t.ton on the wall, pulled up his pants, made himself look decent.

Not long after, the waiter from this bar came up, dragged thesobbing guy away, as if he’d done this a million times.

Now that Yan Zhuo had got out of that mess,he still felt swimming. He picked up the coat and went upstairs only to findout, upon entering the room, that he had not even turned off the television. Heentangled his fingers into his hair, as if venting to his hair all theannoyance caused by that silly man. Ruffling it into a complete mess, Yan Zhuosneered in frustration. After going into the bathroom to get rid of thealcoholic stench, he stepped out barefoot, casually rubbing his hair with a drytowel, with occasional glances at the screen.

They were broadcasting an award’s night. YanZhuo suddenly spotted a familiar face as the camera turned. Shen Ji’s shirt wasproperly done up to the top b.u.t.ton, as tightly postured as his complexion, lipshard pressed into a thin line without the slightest hint of a smile. He lookedso sharp and smart, yet so thoroughly, enticingly stoic. Yan Zhuo’s glanceclosely followed Shen Ji, not daring to look away even for a blink, yet thecamera swept past him and settled on a celebrity who had recently been thepublic’s favourite.

Yan Zhuo waited for more than half an hour, but the camera didnot go back there until the end of the live. He stirred, realizing that allthis waiting was kind of pointless, yet just as he reached out to turn it off,the frame shifted. The host was on interview with a few invited guests, thefirst of them being Shen Ji, Chief Executive Officer of Zhao Xi EntertainmentLtd.

Yan Zhuo pressed his sapped lips. Shen Ji’svoice in there was neither hesitating nor rushed, but enticingly husky. Shen Jiwas scanty of words, but every sentence he directed at you was cold enough to makethe distance clear. Suddenly Yan Zhuo felt like all the sparks of that burningl.u.s.t he suppressed deep down was pouring out from all over his body, setting iton fire even though it had just emerged out of water.

He spreaded his legs apart, exposing fairthighs from under that dressing gown, which now only covered the parts belowthe belly. He couldn’t care less about his current posture, being under thecover of that white dressing gown; he only kept his eyes on Shen Ji on thatscreen, fully dressed in black tie. So d.a.m.n stern, yet so d.a.m.n seductive. YanZhuo put his right hand under the gown. Only the watery substance off hisfinger tips and interrupted sighs occasionally leak out a sound or two. YanZhuo had only one word in his mind, and it was Shen Ji.

As his motion intensified, the interview onscreen came to an end. Now on that screen was a complexion strange to Yan Zhuo.Delicate, fair, of the same gender, and younger, yet the blood boiled up byShen Ji now went straight down to the sole. He cursed under his breath, but hewas not feeling much down there.

So you are being picky. Mumbled Yan Zhuo. Yethe was already sweeping the lockscreen aside and dialed his emergency contact.After two buzzes followed ‘the user was busy, please dial later.’ Yan Zhuo bithis lip. He should have expected Shen Ji to hang up on him. He fished out avoice recording in his phone and started looping.

The deep and melodious voice belonging toShen Ji was within touch. He put his legs on the footstool, his bottom on theedge of the bed, completely exposing everything, and his underwear dropped tothe floor. Still fumbling, he reached for his phone and pressed Shen Ji’sWeChat. He hovered over the video call option as he mindlessly rubbed hisfinger on the sensitive skin. His breathes were disrupted, wondering if he wasbeing a bit too s.l.u.tty, so he resorted only to “press to speak”.

The WeChat icon of Shen Ji was a white blankpicture, but even from there Yan Zhuo could spy all that he fancies, and hisbreathes intensified just for that. Shen Ji would be able to hear him. The idearushed the blood in his brains all the way down to the bottom. He bit his lipsas sighs developed into continuous moaning under his breath.

‘Nnh…’ His toes curled up in satisfaction, asthe pleasure hovered for another fleeing moment. And then he spoke, voice stillhoa.r.s.e but smug, “Even if you hang up on me.”

Putting aside that boiling impulse, Yan Zhuoenjoyed an undisturbed sleep as he comfortably spread on the bed. After thebombardment of messages was completely ignored by Yan Zhuo, said person resortsto a bombardment of calls. Yan Zhuo did not even bother to stir his eyelids butpulled his phone under the blanket, presses listen, and spoke in a m.u.f.fledvoice, “Fxxk off if you’ve got nothing better to do this early in the morning.You’re driving me insane.”

Ning Yao smirked on the other side, “I amdoing exactly that. I have told you long ago, don’t mess with Shen Ji, or whoelse do you think will have to clean up your mess?”

Yan Zhuo still found it funny at first beforehis mind was set in motion and recollected everything left out earlier in thatsleep. Shen Ji?! He sit up in a snap. He sent him a voice message last night.

Ning Yao was still chattering non-stop. Yan Zhuo palmed hisforehead, hanged up, and opened the chat with Shen Ji. The 14-second voicemessage he sent last night at 11.34 was successfully sent. He swallowed,pressed that message in an attempt to recall it. After seeing the notification,he threw his phone onto the bedsheet and wrapped himself under it. He really didmess up this time.

A tiny line of notification written in grey wasright under that voice message.

‘Shen Ji’s account is private. You are nothis (her) friend yet. Please send a friend request. You can only startconversation after your request is accepted.

Translator’s Note Words:

All NSFW chapters are posted on Tumblr.

It’s my first attempt of translation, so there might still be a ma.s.sive amount of errors. I as translator will keep trying my best to work with editors (and the editor for this chapter is amazing), but if there’s any language problem about this translation that you absolutely cannot stand then please point it out in the comment.

Conventional surname-followed-by-first-name translation of names. Mostly transliteration based on PinYin.

Although the first chapter is NSFW, the novel as a whole (just about short of 30 chapters) may not be as s.m.u.tty as you’d thought (surprise!). There’s going to be more focus on character interactions and revealing of background stories in chapters to follow.

I hope you enjoy the read!

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