(_b_) Production of heat, and other specific effects upon matter, subliminally modified.

(_c_) Emission of light, and generation of electrical energy modified.

4. Action on the incarnation of life on the planet.

(_a_) Prenatal suggestion through intermediate organism of parent.

5. Mental nutrition (sensory and supersensory receptivity) subliminally controlled.

(_a_) Hyperaesthesia; anaesthesia; a.n.a.lgesia.

(_b_) Hypermnesia, manifested in dreams or automatisms.

(_c_) Telepathy; veridical hallucinations; sensory automatism.

(_d_) Telaesthesia or clairvoyance; perception of distant scenes; retrocognition; precognition.

6. Mental expenditure; response to stimuli modified by subliminal control.

(_a_) Subliminal ideation; the inspirations of genius.

(_b_) Motor automatism; concurrent consciousness; hyperboulia.

(_c_) Extradition of will-power beyond the organism; telergy; self-projection.

7. Modifications of subliminal personality.

(_a_) Birth; as spiritual individuation.

(_b_) Sleep and trance; self-suggested or telepathically suggested; with clairvoyant visions.

(_c_) Ecstasy.

(_d_) Death; as irrevocable self-projection of the spirit.



1. Subliminal consciousness, discerning and influenced by disembodied spirits in a spiritual world, who co-operate in producing objective phenomena.

2. Physical nutrition modified by spirit-control.

(_a_) Spirit-suggestion; psycho-therapeutics.

(_b_) Stigmatisation.

(_c_) Novel and purposive metastasis of secretion.

3. Physical expenditure modified by spirit-control.

(_a_) Mechanical efficiency increased and fulcrum displaced.

(_b_) Control over individual material molecules; resulting in abrogation of ordinary thermal laws, and in aggregation and disaggregation of matter.

(_c_) Control over etherial manifestations; with possible effects in the domains of light, electricity, gravitation, and cohesion.

4. Action on the incarnation of life on the planet.

(_a_) Pre-conceptual suggestion or self-suggestion.

(_b_) Ectoplasy or Materialisation; temporary extradition or concentration of vital energy.

5. Mental nutrition modified by spirit-control.

(_a_) Ordinary sensory perception spiritually controlled.

(_b_) Memory controlled; retrocognition spiritually given.

(_c_) Sensory automatism spiritually controlled; phantasms of the dead, etc.

(_d_) Telaesthesia developed into perception of spiritual environment; precognition.

6. Response to stimuli spiritually controlled.

(_a_) Ideation inspired by spirits.

(_b_) Motor automatism spiritually controlled; possession.

(_c_) Extension of will-power into the spiritual world; prayer.

7. Modifications of personality from spiritual standpoint.

(_a_) Birth; as descent into generation.

(_b_) Sleep and trance induced, and visions inspired, by spirits.

(_c_) Precursory emergence into completer personality; ecstasy with perception of spiritual world.

(_d_) Death; as birth into completer personality.

(_e_) Vital faculty fully exercised in spiritual world.

IX. B. (1) The following case is quoted from the _Journal_ S.P.R., vol.

v. p. 253. Professor Luther writes:--

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