Hey everyone! Hope everything’s going well ~ 
Slight cliffhanger ! ε=ε=┏( >_

Chapter 26

There wasn’t a child in the world that didn’t love receiving presents. Hidden in their heart, every child secretly wished for a Santa Claus, and Cheng Cheng wasn’t an exception.

When he opened the gift box, his whole face became silly. Inside the box was a model helicopter. He was shocked, and opening his eyes and mouth wide, he excitedly shouted, “Mom! Mom! It’s a helicopter! Helicopter!”

Zhong Zhen Dong smiled as he took out the remote control and pressed the power switch. The model helicopter began to fly, which caused the little rascal to become crazy with excitement. The usual awkwardness between them was gone.

“It can fly! Fly!”

Looking at the small-scaled helicopter, it wasn’t just a model, it was also remote controlled. Tang Xin Lian also stared in awe. She and her son were both dazedly staring at the helicopter, but she wasn’t as excited at her son. Rather, she perplexingly watched it all.

After she discovered that big brother Zhong wasn’t gay, she was both shocked and angry. The thing she hated most was when men lied to her, especially when she considered big brother Zhong a good person. She also trusted him so much, yet she found out that he lied to her for so long, making her unable to accept it even more.

Recalling that she spent day and night with him in the same room, sometimes even hugging a big towel to run out of the room, or swaying in front of him, or the fact that he embraced her and kissed her so many times, it definitely wasn’t the intimacy between an older brother towards a younger sister, rather, a man taking advantage of a woman.

Even when he fell sick, she still treated him like a sister, selflessly helping him change clothes. Although she did it voluntarily, but if it wasn’t because he deliberately kept this type of false appearance, how could she foolishly take off his clothes until he was naked?

Once she thought about the fact that she was played by him, she was angry at her own stupidity.

She wanted him to leave, but after seeing her son so happy, she restrained herself.

Even though big brother Zhong deceived her, she didn’t want to have a fall out with him in front of her son. She didn’t want to make her son disappointed again, after all, she’d met many rotten men before. She didn’t want to continue burying more shadows within her son’s young heart. Moreover, watching her son play with the model airplane, his face held such an ecstatic and innocent look; she couldn’t bear to destroy his happiness.

Throughout her whole life, there’ve been countless rotten peach blossoms (bad relations.h.i.+ps). She was really scared, and hated the men that harbored ill intentions towards her. She was unamused and disgusted with the men that schemed while chasing after girls.

Zhong Zhen Dong lied to her, but he had also helped her, so let’s consider it even. Right now, she just wanted to courteously ask him to leave, but taking into consideration her son’s current mood, she had to temporarily endure first.

Zhong Zhen Dong knew how appealing model airplanes were in a young boy’s world. He generously taught Cheng Cheng how to control the helicopter, displaying the charisma of a mature uncle. Placing the little rascal within his arms and between his legs, he then placed his hand over Cheng Cheng’s to teach him.

For the first time, Cheng Cheng obediently sat in his embrace, his small eyes focused on the helicopter. He learned really quickly, and after he was familiar with it, Zhong Zhen Dong released him so he could play by himself. Having mediated the little rascal, his line of sight immediately changed to Tang Xin Lian, watching her standing to the side and only looking, but not saying anything.

He knew that the little white rabbit was angry, but women could be coaxed. He rarely coaxed women, since it was always the women who stuck to him and fawned over him. For him to take the initiative to coax a woman, he’d have to first see how much weight she had in his heart.

Undoubtedly, the little white rabbit was a woman he was willing to expend effort to coax.

Zhong Zhen Dong walked towards her, and before she could retreat, he quickly reached out to grab her wrist.

“Open your gift and see what’s inside.” He said as he tenderly smiled, his big palm firmly holding her small hand.

Tang Xin Lian wanted to break free from his hold, but due to the presence of her son, she could only cooperate for the time being, letting him sit her down on the living room sofa.

Unlike her son’s present, which was wrapped in a big box, her gift was in an elegant, little one. She opened the box, and inside was a necklace.

A silver chain matched with a diamond pendent. In the light, the diamond s.h.i.+ned beautifully.

Tang Xin Lian stared blankly, fixing her attention on the necklace. The diamond sparkled with radiance.

She wasn’t really knowledgeable about diamonds, but she knew that even the smallest one had to be worth millions.

“Do you like it?” He sat beside her, moving closer to her ear to softly, lovingly ask.

“This is a crystal necklace?”


She originally wanted to refuse it, but upon hearing that it was a crystal necklace, she didn’t make any more excuses.

(TN: ZZD POV, had me a little confused for a bit) Zhong Zhen Dong had lied to her again. This wasn’t a crystal necklace, but rather a genuine, two-carat diamond necklace with a silver chain.It was a pure white and transparent diamond. Whether it was color, clarity, or cut, it was all of the highest grade. It’s asking price was over 2 million.

“Here, let me help you put it on.”

She wanted to refuse, but the moment she opened her mouth, her son just so happened to excitedly run over.

“What is that? It’s so pretty!” Cheng Cheng stopped in front of her, his eyes sparklingly gazed at his mother’s present. His face was all smiles, showing that he was really happy today.

Zhong Zhen Dong smiled. “This is the necklace I bought for your mom, does it look good?”

“Yes!” Cheng Cheng energetically nodded.

“With your mom’s skin, it’s even more beautiful.”

Zhong Zhen Dong personally put the necklace on her, his gaze locking on to her neck. His eyes were deep and bottomless as he helped her move her long hair to the side, his hand very naturally and lightly touching her skin. It felt like he was putting the necklace on his beloved pet in order to show off his exclusive possession.

His movement wasn’t slow or fast, and after helping her wear the necklace, his voice was beside her ear as he carefully instructed her.

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