Chapter 32

“What’s wrong? Is he okay?” Seeing her son’s swollen face, Tang Xin Lian was already very worried. Hearing Zhong Zhen Dong’s words, she was even more scared, causing her heart to beat faster.

His expression was solemn. “I’m not sure if there’s a concussion or not, but it’d be best to send him to the hospital.”

“What? Real… Really?” Tang Xin Lian panicked again.

“Don’t worry, I have a friend who’s a doctor. I’ll immediately set it up.” After he finished speaking, he saw the little white rabbit look at him as if he was a savior.

Truthfully, the little rascal’s cheek was swollen and that’s it, but he deliberately said it was more serious so he could have the chance to show his kindness, and temporarily send her son away.

Her son was her treasure, and having saved them both, it would be strange if the little white rabbit wasn’t grateful. With her grat.i.tude, it’d be easier to get her heart.

He picked up his phone and went to the side to make a phone call. After he finished, he walked back to pick up the little rascal. The three of them headed downstairs, and called a cab to head to the city’s largest hospital.

To see a doctor from this hospital, people had to wait in line for half a month. Even if it was an emergency, they’d still have to wait in the long line. In order to be efficient and not delay genuinely sick or injured people, the emergency personnel will carefully filter out the people.

Only one of Cheng Cheng’s cheek was swollen, with no cuts or blood, so his priority wouldn’t have been high. But miraculously, right after they entered the big hospital, Zhong Zhen Dong was allowed to carry Cheng Cheng directly to the elevator to go upstairs.

“Don’t we have to register?” She asked in wonder.

“No need, my friend who’s a doctor will take care of it. He’s already prepared and can immediately help examine Cheng Cheng.”

The little white rabbit’s startled and happy expression caused him to smile. He saw the favorable impression of him in her eyes. This was exactly the result he wanted.

Before they arrived, this hospital’s doctors and nurses were already waiting for them.

They entered a special room normal people wouldn’t have been able to enter. Not only was it hidden, the facilities had every equipment needed. Simultaneously, the people Lin Yu Fan sent, was already there waiting to take care of them.

They took Cheng Cheng into the special room. The doctor said if they wanted a complete inspection, it’d be best for him to be hospitalized for a day.

Tang Xin Lian wanted to stay overnight in the hospital to accompany her son, but how could Zhong Zhen Dong let her stay? Bringing the little rascal to the hospital was so that he could be alone with her. He faced one of the personnel and hinted at them with his eyes.

After the person received his instructions, he stepped forward to explain to Tang Xin Lian that the hospital was strict about there being no visitors staying overnight. He also guaranteed that there’d be a person taking care of her son, telling her to relax. At the same time, he wrote down her number, and told her they’d call her immediately if there was something wrong.

How could Tang Xin Lian understand the hospital’s system? Even if the other party lied, she’d still believe it. Adding to the fact that Zhong Zhen Dong was at the side coaxing her, he also said his friend would take care of things and watch over the little rascal. He told her to go back and recuperate, and he’ll bring her back here tomorrow morning. She finally agreed.

When they left, they took a cab back. If Tang Xin Lian was attentive enough, she would’ve realized that the driver was the same person as before; because he was also one of Zhong Zhen Dong’s people.

However, Tang Xin Lian had been too scared tonight, so she wouldn’t have taken note of these details.

Returning to the apartment, Zhong Zhen Dong very naturally entered the living room and persuaded her to take a hot bath, saying it would relax her taut nerves.

His voice was very gentle, carrying a type of bewitching effect. Having been in an unsteady state of mind, Tang Xin Lian unconsciously followed along with his suggestion. She did whatever he said.

After soaking in the hot bath, Tang Xin Lian’s frame of mind was more stable. She left the bathroom, and discovered that only a yellow night-light was on in the living room. The yellow light had a warming effect, and the stereo was playing a light and soothing music. Sitting on the sofa in the living room while also pouring wine was Zhong Zhen Dong. Seeing her come out, he softly said, “Come sit.”

She complied and walked over. Zhong Zhen Dong handed a gla.s.s of wine to her.

“Soaking in a hot bath and drinking a little wine before going to bed will calm your mind and allow you to sleep more peacefully.”

His caring expression was the same as in the past, gentle and harmless. His magnetic voice, combined with the light music, cleansed her mind.

Tang Xin Lian took the gla.s.s and obediently took a sip. The wine went down her throat and into her belly, warming her stomach.

“What kind of wine is this?” She asked curiously.

“A fruity German brand, it’s very suitable for drinking before going to bed.”

Tang Xin Lian looked at him gratefully. “Big brother Zhong, thank you. Today, if it wasn’t for you…” Speaking up to here, she couldn’t help but choke with emotion.

Zhong Zhen Dong lightly patted her back and sighed. “Fortunately I came over today, otherwise, the consequences would’ve been too inconceivable.”

Speaking of which, it reminded her to suspiciously ask, “Why did big brother Zhong come over today?”

Zhong Zhen Dong saw her suspicious look and thought to himself, even though the little white rabbit drank wine, her brain was still functioning. Unexpectedly, she asked him this question.

“I’m here to give you back the necklace and the money. You’re really cruel, making the lines between us so clear. It really breaks my heart.”

Hearing this, she felt a little awkward. She lowered her head and softly said, “I don’t want to owe you.”

“Even though you didn’t want to owe me, fate wanted you to owe me.”

She looked up in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“That man wanted $5 million before he was willing to let you go.”

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