Chapter 38

With a new home, Tang Xin Lian and her son were happy.

This residential building was very well guarded, so they didn’t have to worry about someone breaking in. This 200-square meter mansion that had 4 rooms, had everything someone needed. The furniture was already placed, and the only thing necessary was to move in some clothes.

Zhong Zhen Dong suggested letting Cheng Cheng transfer to the school in this neighborhood because it was nearby. Tang Xin Lian already decided early on to let her son transfer schools, and after listening to his suggestion, she consented without the slightest hesitation.

In addition, Zhong Zhen Dong gave her a credit card for her use, and also arranged a personal chauffeur for her. With a chauffeur, she didn’t have to ride a bus or subway when she left the house.

The mother and son pair began their new life. This morning, she came back carrying a bag of fresh vegetables and meat, which she just purchased from the food market.

She placed the bag on the dining table and was just about to sort it out when a person approached from behind her and stuck to her body. Two familiar hands embraced her waist.

“Where’d you go?” Zhong Zhen Dong’s chin rested on her shoulder, his voice husky from having just woken up.

“To buy groceries.”

“Doesn’t this neighborhood have a supermarket? Why tire yourself out and go all the way to a conventional supermarket?”

“That supermarket is too expensive.”

“What are you afraid of? I’ll pay for it.”

“I know you’re magnanimous, but if we can save in some areas, then we should save a little. Moreover, conventional supermarkets have fresher groceries and a larger variety – -” She looked distracted for a moment, and then turned to ask him, “How did you know I went to a conventional marketplace?”

“Isn’t that easy? The groceries you bought aren’t packaged with the supermarket logo. Only conventional supermarkets use these kinds of plastic bags.”

So it was like that. She didn’t think he would pay attention to these small details.

“I got you a driver, why didn’t you take the car?”

“I’m not used to it. It’s just buying some groceries, having another person carry it is strange.” After all, she wasn’t an upper-cla.s.s woman. She was accustomed to a simple life, and wanted to keep her habit of walking to the supermarket alone.

“This won’t do, letting you leave the house alone. What if you ran into a pervert? Next time, take the car okay?” Although his tone was gentle, it contained a trace of aggressiveness.

Ever since she stayed at his house, she felt his desires for her had become stronger. Not only did he like to help her shower, he also cared about where she went and what she did.

“Do you have a tendency to be controlling?” She looked at him suspiciously. He immediately smiled to rea.s.sure her, and even acted a little coquettishly towards her.

“You’re thinking too much, I’m just worried about you, afraid you’ll get bullied by someone again.”

“We’ve already moved away from the old neighborhood, and I also don’t have a job to go to. Staying home everyday in this high-cla.s.s house, it’s very difficult to see neighbors. Who would bully me? It’s good enough if you don’t bully me.”

“If I don’t bully you, who would I bully?” He deviously said next to her ear, both hands misbehavedly fondling her body, even reaching underneath her clothes.

“Don’t be like this, I’m busy.” She softly reprimanded as she swatted his hand away and continued to tidy up the ingredients.

But someone was unwilling to give up, and used both his hands to climb up her body like a caterpillar. His mouth also moved closer to suck and nip her neck, forcing her to turn her body around so she could reach out to stop his lips. She snapped, “Don’t mess around, this is the kitchen.”

“You know, doing it in the kitchen also has a special kind of appeal.”

Alarm bells rang in her heart. It couldn’t be that he could also be in heat while in the kitchen?

“Are you okay? I didn’t expose my chest or my leg, just came back from buying groceries. I look as disheveled as a servant, and you can still eat? Let’s not talk about the bathroom!” She protested.

“Humph. I served you so well last time in the bathroom. You obviously reached your peak, but from then on, you bite the hand that fed and locked yourself in the bathroom while you take a shower, even using a cabinet to block the door.”

After he successfully tantalized her, he thought the little white rabbit would definitely like it. But her response was to never be in the bathroom alone with him.

“You know I block the door with the cabinet, so don’t use your devious mind to unlock it.” She panted with rage as she glared at him.

Zhong Zhen Dong’s expression quickly turned downcast, his eyes ladened with grief as he looked at her. He gently removed her hand that covered his mouth and dejectedly said, “Do you not like me touching you?”

“I… That’s not what I mean…”

“Then what do you mean?”

Looking at his wounded expression from having been rejected, it looked like his male pride had suffered a large blow, which caused her to become softhearted. The thing she couldn’t bear to see the most in the world was other people feeling hurt.

“I’m just… a little more conservative towards these things. If it must be done, then it has to be done at night with the lights closed, or else… I’ll feel embarra.s.sed.”

“So it’s like that. Silly, lovemaking is a kind of interest, you don’t need to feel embarra.s.sed. It’s like a spice in life. Just like eating, sometimes an intense, lavish meal is needed after getting accustomed to light, home cooked meals.”

“That’s too barbaric…” She said, as she nibbled her lip.

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