Chapter 8

“Tang, Jing, Cheng!”

The little boy’s whole body went rigid. c.r.a.p! It was a very bad sign when his mother said his full name, indicating that the s.h.i.+t was about to hit the fan.

He wanted to explain, but how could the 8-year old him manage to explain this complicated feeling of resentment and animosity clearly to his mother?

Zhong Zhen Dong softly whispered, “It’s okay, I don’t mind,” but his face turned gloomy, showing that he totally minded.


The little boy drew a breath of air. Regarding this fierce battle of wits, how could he be Zhong Zhen Dong’s opponent? The moment his mother saw that the bad uncle’s face held a somber expression, she grabbed him to spank his bottom!

“What’s difficult to learn!? Following bad examples from other people! Uncle is a guest, and you went as far as to give him the middle finger. I don’t have this kind of disrespectful son!”

The little boy struggled while protesting. “Don’t spank me!”

“Now you know to be afraid of pain?”

“I’m afraid of losing face, hitting my hands should be enough!”

It would have been better if he didn’t say anything. Once he commented, his mother hit even harder. Wu wu wu (sound of crying) – Actually spanking his b.u.t.t in front of a stranger, really hateful. He might be a child, but even a child needed their dignity okay.

Poor Cheng Cheng, the first time he attacked, the outcome was unfavorable. This was called impulsiveness. The other person was a schemer with deep foresight, how could he beat him? But he realized one thing from this event, and that was that this bad uncle was more two faced than he was!

The three of them began to adapt to their new life. Every morning, Tang Xin Lian sent her son, who was in 2nd grade, to school. Afterwards, she went to the company to work.

At night, when she got off work, she picked up her son. She would then buy groceries and make food upon her return home, and the 3 person family would then have dinner together.

After three days of living together, she curiously asked Zhong Zhen Dong, “You don’t need to go to work?”

“I work on the computer at home, as a liaison.”

“Oh? That’s right, you said before that you were an agent for international trade. As it turns out, it’s possible to not go to a company everyday. That’s very convenient.”

“Yeah, it’s fine as long as I can talk to customers over the Internet and the cell phone.” This was because all the customers were located in various countries around the world.

“That’s so nice, is the salary high?”

“I get paid commissions, it could be considered high.” A commission was a few $100 million; you could choose to not work for ten years, and upon working again, could eat for another 10 years.

“En, en, I understand.” She nodded her head.

He smiled: It’s great if she understood, but it wouldn’t have matter if she didn’t.

In order to move in on the rabbit, the first step was to first figure out her way of thinking.

“Have you ever thought that raising a child by yourself was hard? Why not find a rich husband to help you?”

“I don’t want to get married.”

So it turned out that she held an ideology of being celibate, abstaining from marriage and s.e.xual relations. That’s okay; he didn’t want her to marry him anyways.

“Then how about keeping a male?” (Similar to a mistress)

“Keep a male? You’re talking about having a paramour? No way!”

Not bad, the little white rabbit’s morals were n.o.ble, but that wasn’t the important part.

“What if the other person didn’t have a wife and wanted you to be his lover?”

“Also no.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not interested in men.”

Not interested?

“But you said before that you weren’t h.o.m.os.e.xual.”

“I did say that. Men are very troublesome, that’s why I’m not interested.”

So it was like that, no wonder the little white rabbit said she experienced injustices from many men. Encountering despicable people, it’s not surprising she felt conflicted towards men. This was very easy to fix, he’ll make her realize that he was different than those other men she met.

He had a lot of wolves to get rid of; the first was the guard. That man’s eyes always stared at the little white rabbit’s chest. At least he knew what’s what; aware that underneath the little white rabbit’s loose clothing, there was a pair of big b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

The little white rabbit said that every time she signed for a registered letter or package, the guard would always find an excuse to start a conversation with her. In order to speak to her, he would hand over the stuff very slowly. However, she didn’t want to be impolite and rush him. In addition, so long as there was an opportunity, he would seize the chance to touch her, making her feel very afraid.

There was also the male with a surname Zhang, living in the same building. He was 40-years old, unmarried, and addicted to computer games. At times, he would appear at a random place waiting for her, abruptly emerging before her and pretending it was a coincidence. These types of coincidental encounters also frightened her, to the point of fear and trepidation.

Subsequently, there were also her neighbors. Every time she pa.s.sed by, she felt unfriendly gazes from the married women. It turned out that the husband of one of those married women secretly took a picture of her on his cell phone. His wife discovered it one day, which led to a big argument between husband and wife.

From then on, that wife regarded Xin Lian as a thorn in her side, and roped other married women into it too. They spread bad rumors about her, hoping she would experience an unspeakable, bitter suffering. It was obviously not her fault, but she was subjected to these women’s idle gossip. They even involved Cheng Cheng, looking down on him as well.

Even if she didn’t wear makeup, dressed conservatively, and made herself as unremarkable as possible, she would still entice a few men to stick to her.

She didn’t understand, but Zhong Zhen Dong did. He was a man, so he knew what men were thinking. The little white rabbit had a really captivating quality, which attracted the gazes from the men. This was an innate type of charm.

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