=6.= What else did [)A]n-a-n[=i]"as do to S[a:]ul? =He taught him how to be saved.=
=7.= What did S[a:]ul do at once when he became a believer in Chr[=i]st?
=He began preaching Chr[=i]st.=
=8.= What did the Jew[s+] of D[+a]-m[)a]s"cus try to do when they found that S[a:]ul was preaching Chr[=i]st? =They tried to kill him.=
=9.= How did S[a:]ul get away from the city of D[+a]-m[)a]s"cus? =In a basket.=
=10.= Where did S[a:]ul go from D[+a]-m[)a]s"cus? =To J[+e]-r[u:]"s[+a]-l[)e]m.=
=11.= Where did he afterward go? =To his home in Tar"sus.=
Lesson x.x.xIX. About the Apostle Peter.
(Tell Story 7 in Part Seventh.)
=1.= To what place did the Apostle P[=e]"t[~e]r go? =To J[)o]p"p[.a], by the Great Sea.=
=2.= What did P[=e]"t[~e]r do by a prayer at J[)o]p"p[.a]? =He raised a woman to life.=
=3.= Who was this woman whom P[=e]"t[~e]r raised to life? =A good woman named Dor"cas.=
=4.= What did G.o.d teach P[=e]"t[~e]r in a dream at J[)o]p"p[.a]? =That people of every land and nation might be saved.=
=5.= What did the Jew[s+] call the people of every nation except themselves? =[.G][)e]n"t[=i]le[s+].=
=6.= To what [.G][)e]n"t[=i]le did G.o.d send P[=e]"t[~e]r to preach the gospel? =To Cor-n[=e]"-l[)i]-us a R[=o]"man officer.=
=7.= What did P[=e]"t[~e]r and the church at J[+e]-r[u:]"s[+a]-l[)e]m learn from this? =To preach Chr[=i]st to the [.G][)e]n"t[=i]le[s+].=
=8.= What was done to P[=e]"t[~e]r after this at J[+e]-r[u:]"s[+a]-l[)e]m? =He was put in prison.=
=9.= What did the king intend to do with P[=e]"t[~e]r on the next day?
=To put him to death.=
=10.= What happened to P[=e]"t[~e]r on that night? =He was set free by an angel.=
Lesson XL. The First Missionaries.
(Tell Story 8 in Part Seventh.)
=1.= Where did a great church of Chr[=i]st grow up? =At [)A]n"t[)i]-och in S[)y]r"[)i]-[.a].=
=2.= Who preached and taught in the church at [)A]n"t[)i]-och?
=Bar"na-b[)a]s and S[a:]ul.=
=3.= For what work were Bar"na-b[)a]s and S[a:]ul sent out from [)A]n"t[)i]-och? =To preach the gospel in other lands.=
=4.= What are those who go out to other lands to preach the gospel called? =Missionaries.=
=5.= To what island did the missionaries and Bar"na-b[)a]s first go preaching the gospel? =To the island of c[=y]"prus.=
=6.= By what name was Sa[u:]l called after this time? =P[a:]ul, the apostle.=
=7.= In what land did the missionaries, P[a:]ul and Bar"na-b[)a]s, preach after they left the island of cy"prus? =In [=A]"[s+]i[.a]
=8.= In what city of [=A]"[s+]i[.a] M[=i]"nor did they begin preaching the gospel? =In [)A]n"t[)i]-och of P[+i]-s[)i]d"[)i]-[.a].=
=9.= In what place were they first worshipped as G.o.ds and then stoned?
=At L[)y]s"tr[.a].=
=10.= What did P[a:]ul and Bar"na-b[)a]s do in all the places which they visited on this journey? =They planted churches of Chr[=i]st.=
=11.= To what place did they go again after their journey? =To [)A]n"t[)i]-och in S[)y]r"[)i]-[.a].=
Lesson XLI. Paul"s Second Journey.
(Tell Stories 10, 11 and 12 in Part Seventh.)
=1.= Who went with P[a:]ul on his second missionary journey? =S[=i]"las and T[)i]m"o-th[)y].=
=2.= What great land did they visit on this journey? =Europe.=
=3.= In what city of Europe did they begin preaching the gospel? =In Ph[)i]-l[)i]p"p[=i].=
=4.= What was done to P[a:]ul and S[=i]"las at Ph[)i]-l[)i]p"p[=i]?
=They were beaten and put in prison.=
=5.= How were they set free from the prison at Ph[)i]-l[)i]p"p[=i]? =By an earthquake.=
=6.= What did the jailor of the prison at Ph[)i]-l[)i]p"p[=i] ask P[a:]ul and S[=i]"las when the earthquake came? ="What must I do to be saved?"=
=7.= What did P[a:]ul and S[=i]"las say to the jailor? ="Believe on the Lord J[=e]"[s+]us Chr[=i]st."=
=8.= In what city after Ph[)i]-l[)i]p"p[=i] did they preach the gospel?
=In Th[)e]s-sa-l[+o]-n[=i]"c[.a].=
=9.= In what city did P[a:]ul preach a sermon on a hill? =In [)A]th"[)e]n[s+], on Mar[s+]" Hill.=
=10.= Where did P[a:]ul stay two years, preaching? =At C[)o]r"inth.=
Lesson XLII. Paul"s Third journey.