Menaeon Dec. 25.


When o"er the world Augustus reigned, The rule of kingships felt decay; And when our Lord appeared as Man, The idol shrines were swept away.


One earthly power the people knew, One world-embracing rule obeyed; Then Gentiles to the G.o.dhead knelt, And undivided homage paid.


And when the monarch"s will was known, A census of the tribes was told; Then, in the name of Christ their G.o.d, His faithful subjects were enrolled.


For great Thy mercy is to us, O G.o.d, our King, Whose rule we own, And we will render while we live, One glory to Thy name alone.

{nyn panta peplerotai photos.}


O Light, resplendent of the morn On golden pinions upwards borne, That usherest in the day; We rise responsive to the call, As night removes her dusky pall, And speeds her flight away.


O Light, that, from the Father"s face, Shone on our world with winning grace, When darker night prevailed; We rise to greet Thine Advent bright, All hail! majestic in Thy might, When darkness is a.s.sailed.


O let my soul Thy rising see; From every cloud my vision free, And on my pathway shine; Then shall my course, in safety trod, Lead ever nearer to my G.o.d, The source of light divine.


O Jesus, Morn of better day, Thou Light of lights, Whose gladsome ray Gives light, and life, and cheer; Light to my soul, and life impart, And fill with joy my inmost heart, And scatter night and fear.



O wounded hands and feet!

O heart, with spear thrust torn!

O brow, with blood drops falling down, Beneath the stinging thorn!

O Jesus, Lord divine, Why was such anguish Thine?


The angels were amazed, The sun refused his light, And they who knew that Christ was G.o.d, Turned from the woeful sight;-- O Jesus, Lord divine, Why was such anguish Thine?


My soul, can"st thou not tell?

Why such a sacrifice?

Hast thou no needs, for which alone The cross can find supplies?

O Jesus, Lord divine, Why was such anguish Thine?


For thee the cross was reared; For thee the Christ was slain; For thee He sojourned with the dead, And rose to life again;-- O Jesus, Lord divine, Thus was the anguish Thine.


When Jesus to the judgment hall By cruel men was led, He wore a purple robe of scorn, And thorns upon His head;-- They called Him King, and bowed the knee, And paid Him homage, mockingly.


"Away! let Him be crucified!"

The impious shouts proclaim; And forth they led the Son of G.o.d To die a death of shame; And pa.s.sing thence amid" the crowd, Beneath a ponderous cross He bowed.


Behold Him nailed upon the cross And left alone to die, While from the awful scene of death His timid followers fly;-- In agony He groaned and sighed, And faint, He bowed the head, and died.


Ah, cruel death for Him to die, Ah, vilest death of shame,-- Who, to redeem our guilty souls, From G.o.d, in pity came;-- The glory of the Father"s throne He left, to make our souls His own.


O Jesus, to Thy cross I cling, For Thou, my Lord, art there, Who, in Thy love, True Man became, My load of sin to bear; And lo, I lift my eyes to heaven, For G.o.d in mercy hath forgiven.


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