{ode D"}

{epi tes theias phylakes}

{ho Heirmos}

[1]Prophet of the Lord, beside us, Now upon the watch-tower stand; Let us see the light-clad angel Earthward come at G.o.d"s command, Telling of His power to save, Who hath risen from the grave.


He was born of Virgin Mother, Lamb of G.o.d on whom we feed; Free from every spot, and blameless, Yea, a Pa.s.sover indeed: Very G.o.d His wondrous claim, And Perfection is His name.

As a yearling lamb He suffered, He, our Blessed, saving Crown; That He might from vileness cleanse us, Freely was His life laid down; Now, with beauty in our eyes, See the glorious Sun arise.

As the ark was borne in triumph, David leaped with gladness then; Now before the Type"s fulfilment We should joy as holier men; For, omnipotent to save, Christ hath left the dismal grave.

[1]Habakkuk ii. 1.

{ode E"}

{orthrisomen orthroi batheos}

{ho Heirmos}

Ere the morn in beauty wake, Let us seek the Saviour"s tomb,-- Not with ointment and perfume, But with songs the silence break; We shall see the Christ appear, Sun of Righteousness to cheer.


They who dwell in death"s abode, Bound with fetters dark and cold, Shall the Saviour"s love behold; They shall hail the light of day, And their gladsome foot employ In this festival of joy.

Go ye forth amid the gloom, And with torches burning bright Cheer the darkness of the night, Meet the Bridegroom at the tomb; Greet with songs of festal glee Him who sets His people free.

{ode ST"}

{katelthes en tois katotatois}

{ho Heirmos}

To depths of earth Thou didst descend, O Christ, to break the chain That held the sons of men enslaved, And lead them forth again; As Jonah left the living grave, So cam"st Thou forth, O Christ, to save.


Unbroken were the seals when Thou Didst leave the dismal tomb, Even as the virgin bars remained When Thou didst leave the womb; And Thou hast ope"d the gates of heaven, And entrance free to all is given.

O Thou, my Saviour and my G.o.d, Who camest from above, And gav"st Thyself for sinful men An offering of love!

Now, rising from the grave, we see Our human race arise with Thee.

{ode Z"}

{ho paidas ek kaminou rhysamenos}

{ho Heirmos}

He who in the fiery furnace Kept from harm the faithful three, Suffering in our mortal nature, Decks with life mortality,-- Him, our fathers" G.o.d, we praise, Blest and glorious always.


Holy women bearing ointments, Sought the mortal, bathed in tears; But their sorrow changed to gladness, For the Living G.o.d appears; And they tell the news abroad Of the risen Son of G.o.d.

Now we celebrate the triumph, Death and Hades overthrown, Earnest of a life unending; All the glory is Thine own; G.o.d, our fathers" G.o.d, we praise, Blest and glorious always.

Hallowed feast of holy gladness!

Night that waits salvation"s birth, Till the Resurrection morning Breaks with splendour on the earth, And eternal light is poured By the Christ from death restored.

{ode e"}

{haute he klete kai hagia hemera}

{ho Heirmos}

This is the chosen day of G.o.d, The brightest and the fairest, The Lady thou of all the feasts, The Queen of all, and rarest; Now let our songs of blessing soar To Thee, O Christ, for evermore.


O glorious Resurrection day!

With fruit of vine the newest; Come, let us taste the heavenly draught, And joy with joy the truest; To Thee, O Christ, our praises soar, Who art our G.o.d for evermore.

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